The crime rate in New York

Democrat mantra

Stop noticing the crime, bigot.
Stop noticing the border, bigot.
Stop noticing food prices, bigot.
Stop noticing gas prices, bigot.
Stop noticing Biden is frail, bigot.
Stop noticing public schools are failing, bigot.
Stop noticing Trump's gag order is still in effect for the upcoming debate, bigot.
Stop noticing it's the Democrat's fault, bigot.
Crime happens all over and the rates vary from place to place, but I choose to live in area's that don't require constant threats of pick pocketing, car jacking, or staring down the barrel of a 45. Times square is safe for the most part and picking out the area's that generally don't produce the greatest amount of crime doesn't mean there is little to no crime in the city. Jon is a comedian that chooses to divide our country further into the abyss simply because of his TDS and it is not funny anymore except for that bing, bing, bing, gun joke. When Mr. Stewart went on to blame republicans for the inflow of illegal guns into his city, I just had to feel sorry for all the viewers who really believe that nonsense. This is inciting future violence against republicans for things they did not do at all. Wars are started with lie's. Take some responsibility for your own democrat run blue city Jon. Just a statement pointing blame at trump and his supporters with not a shred of evidence to back it up except laughter from his audience. How pathetic.

Not all crimes are equal in magnitude of meaning and importance either. The gun used doesn't have to be illegal to kill someone either. You could just borrow a police officers gun to do the job. Does anyone remember the Trump assassination attempt at one of his rallies in Vegas by a 20 year old Michael Sanford. That one single crime could have altered the course of history dramatically had the kid been able to release the officers holstered gun and finish the job. At the time, I just thought he was a protester like most of the crowd and didn't realize he had tried to grab a police officers gun with the intention of assassinating the republican nominee to run for president in 2016. They tried to say he was in need of psychiatric help. Really? This kid was not even a citizen of our country and had that kind of power to almost pull it off and they want to call him mentally troubled and wasn't himself that day. Really? He only got five months in prison and then he was sent back to the UK. So if you attempt to kill a potential president, you can get off in five months if your unsuccessful, and go down in history with a blaze of bullets if you are. He was clearly willing to pay the price of death for that crime.

What the heck drives someone to kill others with such rage and hate and determined intention without any obvious connection? Could it all be due to lie's that he bought into by extremist groups? Could it be the media? I'll bet there was an awful lot of cumulative incitement of violence and propaganda that led up to this crime if you break it down. I still would never think someone who doesn't even live here would come here for pretty much the soul purpose of offing trump. It doesn't make sense. He was only running for president at the time and did nothing to deserve such hatred against him. Yet the hate continues to this day simply because Trump is politically active.
Don't forget the $200+ million he has raised in 3 days or so. That has got to help Mr D's chances at the ballot box.
Jon, your a Brit, how's Brexit working so far.
When Mr. Stewart went on to blame republicans for the inflow of illegal guns into his city, I just had to feel sorry for all the viewers who really believe that nonsense.
He blamed them for not doing anything to stop it. I can tell you firsthand that many, if not most, of the guns used in my corner of Ma. come from the southern states with weak gun control laws. Tenn. was the pipeline a few years ago.
He blamed them for not doing anything to stop it. I can tell you firsthand that many, if not most, of the guns used in my corner of Ma. come from the southern states with weak gun control laws. Tenn. was the pipeline a few years ago.
Guns are made by gun manufactures legally. That is not a crime. Suppliers buy the guns from the manufactures and make them available for purchase. Again not a crime. I have no idea what illegal guns Jon was talking about because that's a nice little adjective to just throw in there for color. When criminals want do obtain guns, they don't follow any rules. No matter how many rules you throw at them, they just ignore them. Why? Because they are criminals. This is obvious to all but the ostrich.

If we apply this same reasoning to the border, then Mexico is primarily at fault for letting illegal immigrants in to the country. The cartels are doing that job for big profit and they are essentially criminals, it's not the Mexican authorities allowing it all to happen. To do so would be a war against the cartels which they have not been too successful at. We have to protect our own borders and fight the illegal flow directly. The thing I don't understand is why in a country that its citizens has the right to bare arms is being thwarted to do so at every turn. Criminals don't follow the rules, normal citizens do. Jon made is seem like republicans are somehow criminals for allowing actual criminals to not follow the rules. That's absurd. No one can contain criminals in such a way as to disable them from breaking the rules otherwise you wouldn't have any crime in your state or in NY. Totally absurd.
As I've said before, you have to look past crime rates and to the where and how crimes happen - and how that makes people feel.

New York has dramatic crimes happen directly in the most public tourist spots in broad daylight. If that does not happen in other cities, those 'other cities' are going to feel safer than New York, no matter what the overall crime stats are

Cities where crime basically is confined to the known ghettos and mostly confined to in between dangerous people, those cities are going to feel much safer than cities where crime seems to have spread to unexpectedly "safe" places and occurs in the most dramatic and horrifying matter what the crime rates are.

So "crime is bad" is subjective, and cannot be either upheld nor debunked by some statistic.
Like in most cities, most crime in NYC occurs in poor neighborhoods and most murder victims have criminal records.

I am not sure how to address "subjective" or "emotional" truths. The statement that crime in NYC is at record high is not an "emotional truth" or valid feeling. It is a false statement. Crime was much higher three decades ago with a peak in 1990. This is not the distant past, but when the about half the people alive today were alive.

Pat Hartmann was likely engaged in hyperbole by stating "Crime in NY is at record high". Pat's desired narrative was that Manhattan elected a "woke" D.A. who has neglected street crime with exploding crime rates, while engaging political persecution of Trump.

As I am not a "woke" person I am going to attack that narrative even if means rejecting other people's emotional truths.

1. Crime in NYC went up during COVID and has been decreasing since then, just as in most places.
2. Bragg has not been particularly different then his predecessors in prosecution. 84% of arrests in Manhattan resulted in prosecutions in 2023.
3. There are troubling aspects to the case against Trump. But Bragg, had dropped his predecessor's case against Trump (involving bank fraud), resulting prosecutors resigning in protest. This case was much stronger and NY AG James won a civil case based upon the same facts. If Bragg was simply out to get Trump, he would kept that case going.

You can see what can happen with a prosecutor that doesn't prosecute by looking at DC. In 2023 only 44% of arrests were prosecuted, which significantly reduced deterrence. The prosecutor in DC is a Federal appointee, so it is AG Garland's responsibility (and indirectly President Biden). For a good discussion of this see What Caused the DC Crime Wave (Reason Magazine).
Jon, your a Brit, how's Brexit working so far.
We have 2% inflation, lower than most European countries. What is the US inflation rate?
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We have 2% inflation, lower than most European countries. What is the US inflation rate?

Higher than that. But to be fair, it HAS diminished from a couple of years ago. Now about 3.27%, down from 4%+ last year.
A large number of British people will never forgive the Americans for shooting and killing our John Lennon. All he wanted to do was give peace a chance. He brought us fantastic songs and you killed him.
New York is safe? Ask John Lennon. Oh you can't. You killed him.
Higher than that. But to be fair, it HAS diminished from a couple of years ago. Now about 3.27%, down from 4%+ last year.
Great but the damage is done. My groceries still cost 20% more than they did a year ago. And the 3.27% increase is on top of last year's 20%. I feel like I have to dress up to eat at McDonalds or Burger King the prices are so high. Good thing they were never my goto places anyway. But every once in a while french fries are good for the soul. The local diners offer more wholesome food for less than the fast food places.
A note to all concerned (and all who SHOULD be concerned): We get to use the forum because Jon gets revenue from the ads. This revenue funds the forum's costs. The ads are monitored by a Google service that sometimes detects "bad-language" issues. If Jon allows too many of Google's proscribed words to remain on the forum, he loses that income and shortly after that, we lose the forum.

Jon was forced to update the banned-words list because of something in this forum that triggered the ad-monitoring service. Please watch your language in the future.
Please watch your language in the future.
Just make sure that your warning is directed to certain members who send filthy foul mouthed abusive PM's to other members. I can post her tirade to remind you what was said.
Just make sure that your warning is directed to certain members who send filthy foul mouthed abusive PM's to other members. I can post her tirade to remind you what was said.

It was an open, not directed, warning because ALL of us are human and sometimes react stronger than necessary if we feel we have a point to make.
Col, please DO NOT bring material into the forum that would trigger the AdSense algorithm. I have apologized to you before for being heavy-handed, but in this case - if you or anyone else posts vulgarities - a heavy hand would be justified. Avoidance of public vulgarity is why our persistent Hare K. friend from a few years ago got banned within 4 hours after each rather explicit post.

Col, dwelling on unpleasant events in the past isn't always productive. That isn't a slap on the wrist, though. Please take it as advice, not an admonition.
PM's shouldn't qualify as referenced in post #132 they are private, advertisers can't see them. Unless the offended posts them.
It was an open, not directed, warning because ALL of us are human and sometimes react stronger than necessary if we feel we have a point to make.
Col, please DO NOT bring material into the forum that would trigger the AdSense algorithm. I have apologized to you before for being heavy-handed, but in this case - if you or anyone else posts vulgarities - a heavy hand would be justified. Avoidance of public vulgarity is why our persistent Hare K. friend from a few years ago got banned within 4 hours after each rather explicit post.

Col, dwelling on unpleasant events in the past isn't always productive. That isn't a slap on the wrist, though. Please take it as advice, not an admonition.
You may be aware, but I'll remind you anyway. I have never in over 20 years here used any foul language, obscenity, vulgarity, or any language that would be deemed foul mouthed. I don't know what triggers an algorithm.
If certain Americans here prefer to use such language and deem it normal, that's not my problem, but it doesn't surprise me.
Under our current system of laws, people have a right to ask for asylum on the border and most do.

You do agree it is obvious that people have now figured out to just say "asylum", even though a very tiny percentage, maybe 1 %, of people fleeing their countries actually come anywhere near qualifying for asylum, right??

Or, in your own words, "Most Do".

This is like providing a database with a checkbox for "Urgent-Escalate". Everyone will check that box, obviously.

Fix the system and stop taking unvetted asylum claims into the country and releasing them with a date years in the future to appear and work authorization after some time - this is an obvious manipulation of the system where everyone simply claims asylum
You do agree it is obvious that people have now figured out to just say "asylum", even though a very tiny percentage, maybe 1 %, of people fleeing their countries actually come anywhere near qualifying for asylum, right??

Or, in your own words, "Most Do".

This is like providing a database with a checkbox for "Urgent-Escalate". Everyone will check that box, obviously.

Fix the system and stop taking unvetted asylum claims into the country and releasing them with a date years in the future to appear and work authorization after some time - this is an obvious manipulation of the system where everyone simply claims asylum
The asylum granted rate is higher than 1%. For example, for Venezuelans, the rate is at least 28%
In most dictatorships, it is easy to run afoul the law.

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