Debatus interruptus

Biden is finished.
I know little about American politics, but looking at the BBC news regarding the debate, it seems to me that surely the American people can't let Biden be the most powerful man in the free world. He even made Trump look good and we all know he's a total loony.

Biden must be a huge embarrassment to the American people making the USA a laughing stock of the world yet they continue to do nothing about him. Its weird that two more stately Presidential candidates can't be found out of 300 million people. Why is that?
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Biden must be a huge embarrassment to the American people making the USA a laughing stock of the world yet they continue to do nothing about him. Its weird that two more stately Presidential candidates can't be found out of 300 million people. Why is that?
Because the democrats are desperate to hold on to power. It's really that simple.

Trump is the only one currently that has already been put under a microscope and taken on flaming arrows of political prosecution for eight years, so he is battle tested. We all know what we are getting with trump. There are more and more people waking up to the fact that he cares about the people of this country. His campaign is going into area's no republicans typically go while campaigning to show his support for all people, not just his supporters. While he may rub some the wrong way, it's usually due to crazed hatred based on what some reporter said about what he said (hear say). No one bashed him on his idea's before he became politically active and he has made his views known way back in 1987 when he wasn't quite so orange. It's was only when he became serious about running and finally winning those 2016 primaries that they started to attack him relentlessly. You would have a better view of him if you met him personally and didn't judge him based on all the bashing propaganda your getting over there.
Man the knives were out last night, anyone know where Newsom is today? My guess is Gavin is packing his bags and heading for Washington.:D
He even made Trump look good and we all know he's a total loony.
Biden is the loony. Biden is evil, he is a racist, he is pro-Iranian (Hezbollah, Hamas), he supports human trafficking and child abuse, he is a lair, he is a plagiarist, lawless, and he is bankrupting the US.
Man the knives were out last night, anyone know where Newsom is today? My guess is Gavin is packing his bags and heading for Washington.:D
I think that would be a mistake on their part, but we'll see who they conjure up. Maybe the governor of Pennsylvania Josh Shapiro.
You would have a better view of him if you met him personally and didn't judge him based on all the bashing propaganda your getting over there.
The moderators were biased as was expected and they saved Joe's bacon more than once when he started to circle the drain. But at least they didn't argue and try to debate Trump themselves. Trump missed a lot of opportunities to be specific but I was pleasantly surprised that he made no attempt to attack Joe. Even Trump didn't want the most important man in the free world to dissolve on stage and it was clear to Trump that Biden was very frail. Joe was more frail than we usually see him and I saw a kinder, gentler Trump than I expected. He was more like the Trump that people I know who've met him describe him.

Trump got what he wanted out of this debate. He didn't need to destroy Biden publicly. His objective was to get Biden to destroy himself. All he wanted was to get Biden on stage for 1.5 hours trying to answer questions. I'd bet the ranch that the Biden team knew what questions Joe would be asked so he could prepare his answers. Unfortunately, Joe's puppeteers didn't clear his mind of the debunked drivil like "Charllottesville". That is as stupid as the left gets. The entire paragraph is out there for the world to see. All you have to do is "read it for yourself". Trump was NOT praising the White Supremacists and saying so is an outright lie.
I like how NBC News summed it all up in one headline: "BABBLING AND HOARSE"
Whilst I’ve no intention of watching any of it, because it is basically irrelevant to us in England.
On the news there was an opinion that Biden scored points by attacking Trump for being a felon.

It does appear that Trump missed a trick there.
He should have gone straight back and said “Hey Joe remind me. Did your son go to jail on the drug and gun charges, or is he still waiting to hear about his sentence?”
He effectively did do something about that, as well as mentioning some of Joe's crimes.

Biden came across like a mumbling, bumbling incoherent dementia patient (as he is). nbc news jsut summed it up with a headline "babbling and hoarse"
Trying to establish the over and under on the number of times Trump will be yelling at Biden when its Biden's turn to speak, and Trump's mike is off. The second over and number is the number times Trump will wander away from his podium so he is in camera range while Biden speaks.
Turned out to be zero, hope you didn't bet!
Trump missed a lot of opportunities to be specific but I was pleasantly surprised that he made no attempt to attack Joe.
Trump did miss a lot of opportunities. I did think that Trump was very close to having Biden meltdown in a couple of instances. Biden became quite animated, disturbed, and perturbed attempting to falsely assert that he (Biden) unconditionally supported the military. Trump should have brought up Biden's Stalinist purging of the military of those not supporting the woke agenda. I would have like Trump to have pressed Biden more on that, but you have a point: "Even Trump didn't want the most important man in the free world to dissolve on stage ..."
Seems that Obama's App to animate Biden failed to function.
K.T. McFarland was on Morning's With Maria (Fox Business). Based on Biden's abysmal performance last night, McFarland believes that the next six months will be very alarming. Biden's chance of winning is now down to 0% and Biden has shown himself to be weak. McFarland concludes that this will embolden countries like Iran, Russia, and China to act now knowing that their "window" of opportunity is closing with Trump winning the presidential election.
It is hard to believe how many things he blamed on Trump. I'm surprised he didn't blame Trump for taking down the bridge in Baltimore.
They only asked Trump if he would accept the results of the election, while many dems have questioned it.

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