All good fun?

dan-cat said:
If I'm reading that right - that is just so funny :D :D

Yes, I was quiet in shock that coming from FoFa....he's usually such a gentleman!! :rolleyes:
Those savages! I hope they clubbed that orange humanely. ;)
dan-cat said:
Time for a break - this English candy looks good...


Looks like something a sissy tea drinker would eat...:rolleyes:
Matty said:
Those savages! I hope they clubbed that orange humanely. ;)

Maybe thats the average size of one's 'club' in the UK :confused:
dan-cat said:
My point seems to usually be to try and stop Col from calling people 'paranoid'.
sounds to me like you're rather paranoid over this ?:confused: :rolleyes:
Rich said:
a shoot to kill policy to start with :cool: :eek:

Actually most hunters I know are Democrats, not Republican. So that theory doesn't fly. Got another one?
jsanders said:
And Richard,

After nearly two months of absence, I find it refreshing that your lack of knowledge is still only exceeded by your inability to comprehend.

Jesus Christ, you've been resurrected, I see your knowledge hasn't improved an awful lot since you went walk about.
Rich said:
Rumpty Dumpty and Chenny etc are Democrats, are you sure? :eek:

She said most, not all. You've named two. That hardly qualifies for the majority. :cool:
Rich said:
Rumpty Dumpty and Chenny etc are Democrats, are you sure? :eek:

Ok, Richy boy you got me....Republicans love to shoot poor animals. As well as put criminals to death. However the Democrats love to kill poor unborn fetus and let criminals live. Which is worse?

Yup, I opened a can of worms, but Rich made me do it. :eek: :D
Matty said:
Darn it! Oh well, we just made a double-strong point.

Hey that is my line seal boy!! :D :D :cool: That will be $.25 please. I have a paten pending. :p
MrsGorilla said:
She said most, not all. You've named two. That hardly qualifies for the majority. :cool:
You don't really think I'm gonna go through the US phone book, do you ?:cool:
John Wayne was a Republican,

Interestingly, Downhill Skiers label themselves as 47% Republican vs. 20% Democrats. Hunters label themselves as 38% Republican vs. 19% Democrat. Snowmobilers label themselves as 35% Republican vs. 23% Democrat.

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