Are you an atheist?

Are you an atheist?

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There is no need to "create" evolution. It is an inevitable consequence of imperfect copying of the genome and natural selection.
The religious need to become accustomed to being mocked for their ludicrous beliefs. The days where faith garnered automatic respect are over.

Faith is just another word for delusion.
Islam has been mocked even as far back at the time of the earliest including Nuh (peace be upon him). So we’re used to it. As far as beliefs being ‘ludicrous’ as you put it, you are entitled to your opinion. I just don’t happen to share as far as Islam is concerned.

I don’t want to be respected because I am religious. After all I don’t go about respecting people I see day to day just because they are not religious.

A lack of faith (I’m of course referring to Islam) is delusional.

People of non faith said the same things as you are saying. This clearly shows that non Muslims think in the same way and have done so for thousands of years.

And when the hypocrites, and those in whose hearts is a disease, were saying: Allaah and His messenger promised us naught but delusion. 33:12
A lack of faith (I’m of course referring to Islam) is delusional.

In what way?

By definition, the need for faith indicates that a concept cannot be supported by evidence. To persist with a claim that contradicts the evidence is a delusion.

Science is built on repeatable verifiable evidence and coherent theory.

Religion is nothing but the ravings of lunatics. There is little doubt, based on modern medical knowledge and contemporary reports of his behaviour, that Mohammed was experiencing epileptic seizures of the temporal lobes of the brain when he imagined his own bigoted, misogynist prejudices were a message from a supernatural entity.

Abraham was about to murder his son when God spoke to him. He was evidently quite mentally ill.

Yet the philosophy of these deranged people is supposed form the foundations of a superior theory of morality?

Take a step outside the box that defines your faith and you might just glimpse its reality as an anachronism in a world where intelligence has taken us to places where doctrine cannot imagine.
What puzzles me is that if Dawkins really believes what he writes, why he bothers in the first place! Perhaps his 'life is utterly meaningless' line is only intended for people like me who believe in God (jealousy perhaps?).

When promoting one of his books in New York, he was asked by a student why he had bothered to write it. At least he was honest enough not to have an answer! Presumably some inexplicable survival instinct (or sexual drive?) impels him, for what that might be worth in his meaningless world.

I suspect he is just keeping sane by whistling in the dark!
I have not read Dawkins work. However, most active atheists are making a stand because they are tired of the damage religion is doing in the world.

I would be very surprised if he did not have an answer about why he wrote the book. Do you have a verifiable reference to back your claim?

It is more likely to be a myth promoted through hearsay by the religious because it suits their prejudices. Not unusual since the religious have no concern for facts, preferring faith as the basis for their beliefs.
What never ceases to amaze me are the illogical and incessant attempts of believers to dress up faith as a discipline subject to rules of logic and science.

Faith is faith, science is science. The very reason why faith is called faith is because it is not science.
By definition, the need for faith indicates that a concept cannot be supported by evidence. To persist with a claim that contradicts the evidence is a delusion.

Plenty of evidence has been given in this thread.

Proofs have come unto you from your Lord, so whoso seeth, it is for his own good, and whoso is blind is blind to his own hurt. And I am not a keeper over you. 6.104

Those whom Allah sendeth astray, there is no guide for them. He leaveth them to wander blindly on in their contumacy. 7.186

010.042 And of them are some who listen unto thee. But canst thou make the deaf to hear even though they apprehend not?

010.043 And of them is he who looketh toward thee. But canst thou guide the blind even though they see not?

010.044 Lo! Allah wrongeth not mankind in aught; but mankind wrong themselves.

010.045 And on the day when He shall gather them together, (when it will seem) as though they had tarried but an hour of the day, recognising one another, those will verily have perished who denied the meeting with Allah and were not guided.

Religion is nothing but the ravings of lunatics. There is little doubt, based on modern medical knowledge and contemporary reports of his behaviour, that Mohammed was experiencing epileptic seizures of the temporal lobes of the brain when he imagined his own bigoted, misogynist prejudices were a message from a supernatural entity.

This is an example of what non religion does to a person.

The likeness of those who disbelieve (in relation to the messenger) is as the likeness of one who calleth unto that which heareth naught except a shout and cry. Deaf, dumb, blind, therefore they have no sense. 2.171

Take a step outside the box that defines your faith and you might just glimpse its reality as an anachronism in a world where intelligence has taken us to places where doctrine cannot imagine.

What makes you think that religious people do no think outside the box. I could make the same argument for those who are not religious.
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What makes you think that religious people do no think outside the box. I could make the same argument for those who are not religious.

Look at your posts. The vast majority of them are using other people's words to explain for you.

You have to accept the fact that with the internet and its vast amount of freely available information, increasing amounts of equality for women, and less and less gaps for gods to hide in, that religion is going to continue to decrease. I know that can be scary to someone who has based their whole life around religion, but the world of the future will not be friendly to you.
Those whom Allah sendeth astray, there is no guide for them. He leaveth them to wander blindly on in their contumacy. 7.186

So Allah causes people to go astray and then leaves them, presumably to perish, evil kinda being isn't he.

Plenty of evidence has been given in this thread.

All you have provided are quotes from a Quran. Everything you have claimed has been systematically dismantled by rational analysis.
Galaxiom said:
Religion is nothing but the ravings of lunatics. There is little doubt, based on modern medical knowledge and contemporary reports of his behaviour, that Mohammed was experiencing epileptic seizures of the temporal lobes of the brain when he imagined his own bigoted, misogynist prejudices were a message from a supernatural entity.
This is an example of what non religion does to a person.

No. It is an example of looking at the available information in a rational way without the clouded view of religious dogma.

Mohammed's reported behaviour of hyperreligosity closely matches that of a person suffering from Temporal Epilepsy. Even his own wife though he had gone mad when he spent all that time in a cave.

Throughout history people have attributed many events to gods and other supernatural beings. The behaviours of people with mental illnesses and other physical malfunctions are still frequently attributed by some to "possession by evil spirits".

Over time science has shown the real causes of these phenomena. Those who continue to insist on supernatural interpretations look increasingly ridiculous.

What makes you think that religious people do no think outside the box. I could make the same argument for those who are not religious.

By definition the religious confine their thoughts to a box called doctrine. They steadfastly interpret everything in terms of the tenets of their faith. There is no room for critical analysis which would provide a balanced perspective because that would contradict the dogma. You have demonstrated this in your posts by persisting claims that have been clearly demostrated to be false.
But I had to think outside the box before accepting Islam. Having done that of course I use the Qur’an to base my arguments around as I accepted them consciously in the first place. There are still many Qur’anic verses I study that I have little or no knowledge about. Life is all about trying to learn stuff. There have been some Qur’anic verses that I didn’t understand in the past for which I had to study and look into the hadith and tafsirs to establish what they meant. Hence I don’t just blindly accept stuff just for the sake of doing so.

Just because I have a different view from you doesn't mean I don't equally put some thought in my points of view.
Brian, God leaves people to stray after they have turned their backs on him. Hence being led astray is initiated by the individual in the first place. Similarly if the same individual turns back to God, he benefits. After all if a person chooses to turn his back to God is unlikely to accept anything that God says in the first place.
All you have provided are quotes from a Quran. Everything you have claimed has been systematically dismantled by rational analysis.

Quotes from God's book is a good place to start and end. What rational analysis? You have haven't convinced me then and neither am I going to be convinced as I know the TRUTH. There is nothing you have said that has meant anything to me as a believer in God. In fact you have behaved in exactly the way that the Qur'an predicts you will behave as a non believer.

You may think in your constumacy that I don't think rationally. You are of course entitled to your view as I think the same of you.

By definition the religious confine their thoughts to a box called doctrine.

Just because you call it a doctrine doesn't mean its incorrect. The doctrine comes from God not man. Who's stopping you from critical analysis. I haven't. I have generally tackled your comments head on. At least on the Day of Judgement you can't cry out you didn't know or weren't told.

You have demonstrated this in your posts by persisting claims that have been clearly demostrated to be false.

In your opinion. I don't happen to share that opinion.
Brian, My blinkers were off. Look at the second part of the verse. Perhaps you need to take your blinkers off.
What can be so difficult to understand from

Those whom Allah sendeth astray

He sends them astray, simple


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