Having decided by thinking outside the box initially that the Qur'an was from God, then it'sonly natural to quote the Qur'an, what else would you expect?[/qiote]
Experience has shown what to expect from you. However quoting from the Quran is worthless in debate. If you understood debate you would also realise why it is so inane to attempt to support an argument that way.
Perhaps you could research "circular arguments".
That's just ranting and raving again. Any ideas that oppose your views tend to result in this.
This trite answer to all criticism is boring a repetitive. You attempt to dismiss all criticism of Islam as misguided "ranting". It is a convenient way to ignore the facts but it simply doesn't cut it.
The verses I quote answer you directly based on your behaviour.
Mohammed suggested that there would be people who would not accept the rubbish he dictated. Hardly surprising. Unfortunately in your advanced state of delusion you see this a confirmation of its TRUTH.
Muhammad (peace be upon you) married Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) when she was 16 and she entered her marital home when she was 19. The hadith that mentions she was 6 is an error. If you analyse the events that took place when Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) was born and when she was married, 16 is the age that it comes to.
Yawn. You have repeated an obscure interpretation invented in modern times to deny that Mohammed was a pedophile. Islam's appalling treatment of all females encourages pedophilia and your ridiculous reinterpretations do not gain traction.
As far as wome's rights are concerned, I suspect like the other points you have probably not researched it at all. The fact that you say shows this clearly.
Under Islam women are not afforded the same rights as men. Are you denying this fact like you deny the other inconvenient facts I have presented? This fact unquestionably indicates Islam is deeply sexist. As such the supposed wisdom Islam is obviously FALSE. End of story. There can be no other interpretation.
On the contrary, the future of the planet depends on Islam, hence the resurgence towards Islam in many countries.
Islam is doing well in countries beset with ignorance, especially those where educational opportunities are systematically repressed in favour of rote learning of the Quran.
However, worldwide the demise of the Abrahamic religions is steadily progressing. It will take several generations but it will happen. Religion is an anachronism persisted among the ignorant. Cure ignorance and religion runs out of what it lives on. Hence the strong commitment Islam make to persisting ignorance.