Yet Jesus was born poor, had no stature, wealth, etc and yet he is the most well known person in the world then and today. Why is that
In fact there is no evidence to suggest that Jesus Christ was any more a real person than Harry Potter. Despite the remarkable claims made about Christ's ability not one contemporary comment about his existence survives to this day. The entire story is limited to a single book written in Greek decades after his supposed lifetime.
Like Harry Potter, Jesus was capable of super human feats. This further suggests that the story is complete fiction.
The story of Jesus is well known because it was retold by many. It became even more widespread when the storytellers advised they would kill anyone who failed to accept the story and follow their rules.
Religion is resorted to by those too intellectually pathetic to back their philosophical viewpoints with intelligent discussion. Instead they simply claim a special relationship with "ultimate truth" that is beyond question.
One other item, Darwinism is failing. There are a group of several hundred or thousand scientist that states that Darwinism could not happen.
So you don't even know how many "scientists" are saying so? Not much credibility to your claim there. However many they number they are still far less than the scientists who state that Darwin's Theory of Evolution is the most well established of all scientific theories.
Moreover, simply "stating" something carries no weight in science. Settling the "facts" on the basis of supposed "authority" is the premise of religion not science. The Church insisted that the Sun went around the Earth but it didn't make them right.
Science is based on evidence and the evidence to support Evolution leaves no room for doubt in any intelligent analysis not polluted by the bias of religious doctrine.
I find it remarkable that some of the faithful still cling to their silly creation myths when science has repeatedly shown that the Bible is wrong. Even the Church accepts evolution is real.