Are you an atheist? (2 Viewers)

Are you an atheist?

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To be fair, he did say something about how you might be unknowingly siding with Satan. It still makes no sense, but he definitely didn't say it was being done knowingly.

The example you gave about Xenu is every bit as logical-yet-full-of-bulls&*t, but I doubt he'll see it as such.

Hi Alc......a new person on this thread at least to me. I ma also sorry you feel that way but what else is new on this

Did you see what I had said about EVE and the apple. She was lusting for it before she eat it. Now, they had been in the Eden for some time, walking with God and all of a sudden she is lusting for this apple?????. Only a higher power could force someone to do this without knowing it. While she got the blame, I have a feeling it was not really her fault. Of, course once she ate the apple, well......... it was the tree of knowledge.

Satan takes advantage of us when are at our weakest.

Rem, Satan would almost have the power of God himself.

p.s. one other thing. The Bible tells us that his restraint of Satan and Man happened 2000 years ago at the cross because the death of Jesus washed of all our sins, it cheated eternal death. In Revelations, it tell us that at the start of Daniels 70th week, God releases that restraint...over Satan and Man. Can you imagine the crime and other evil about to hit this world if as you would not say I am right?

Have a good day

I get your passion, I'm suggesting a little less fire and brimstone and a little more "good news". If people are going to Hell, no need to give them a push.:)

Thanks AB..... I am trying but people keep bringing it up. We can look to something happier, like the 1000 years in an immortal body on this earth.

Have a great day.

Did you see what I had said about EVE and the apple. She was lusting for it before she eat it. Now, they had been in the Eden for some time, walking with God and all of a sudden she is lusting for this apple?????. Only a higher power could force someone to do this without knowing it.
It's been a while since Sunday school, but I thought it was suggested to her to eat it, as opposed to her suddenly "lusting for it"? Something about eat this and you'll have knowledge?
It's been a while since Sunday school, but I thought it was suggested to her to eat it, as opposed to her suddenly "lusting for it"? Something about eat this and you'll have knowledge?

Having her lust after it makes it easier to transfer full 'blame' for 'the Fall' onto her. That's quite important to those who buy into the most misogynistic parts of the Bible. I mean, she's already blamed for more evil than was Pandora, but for some, that's just not enough.
It's been a while since Sunday school, but I thought it was suggested to her to eat it, as opposed to her suddenly "lusting for it"? Something about eat this and you'll have knowledge?

Alc ...oh you are right but ---welll... best to do is for you to read Genesis 3 preferably KJV,,,,,paying a special attention to Chapter 6, first sentence or two.

Have a good Day and thanks for Asking

Having her lust after it makes it easier to transfer full 'blame' for 'the Fall' onto her. That's quite important to those who buy into the most misogynistic parts of the Bible. I mean, she's already blamed for more evil than was Pandora, but for some, that's just not enough.
So is that what it actually says, that she all-of-a-sudden lusted after it, as opposed to seeing it for a while and being curious, then being coaxed into it by a serpent?

For the sake of argument, let's say that actually happened. There have been times when I - out of the blue - suddenly really fancy a particular food or drink. Is that always the devil causing my cravings?
If it isn't on at least some occasions, then that disproves the idea that it can only happen if the devil makes it so.
If it IS him doing it, what does he gain from making me want the odd ice cream? And they say God works in mysterious ways.
Alc ...oh you are right but ---welll... best to do is for you to read Genesis 3 preferably KJV,,,,,paying a special attention to Chapter 6, first sentence or two.
In which case it goes from a sudden intense craving for fresh fruit - which, in and of itself isn't proof of the Devil's existence - to seeing a piece of fruit on a daily basis and fancying a bite.
No, what it says is that the serpent told her it would give her knowledge, so she ate it and took some to Adam. The 'lusted after it' is just another lie from Bladerunner.
No, what it says is that the serpent told her it would give her knowledge, so she ate it and took some to Adam.
Now THAT I can believe. Whenever my wife feels like a piece of cake, I usually get bought one, so she can feel less guilty. Yet to happen with an apple, though :confused:

The 'lusted after it' is just another lie from Bladerunner.
Let's be nice and say 'exaggeration'. After all, he did admit the error.
Let's be nice and say 'exaggeration'. After all, he did admit the error.

I calls 'em as I sees 'em. Especially in regards to a consistent and long-standing pattern of behavior.
I calls 'em as I sees 'em. Especially in regards to a consistent and long-standing pattern of behavior.
Well, I'm in a good mood, so I shall give the benefit of the doubt.
(Besides, being nice is the Christian thing to do ;))
Well, I'm in a good mood, so I shall give the benefit of the doubt.
(Besides, being nice is the Christian thing to do ;))


Honestly, my big problem today is probably that I'm just in a crappy mood. Sudden, unanticipated transmission failures can do that to a person.
Car. Mine suddenly developed a deep and abiding dislike for shifting out of first gear this morning.
Pain in the neck. I'm already dreading the Winter drive to work.
Evolution of the species is antithetical to the word of God. Rem, all the animals on land (ALL of them) was made on the sixth day with Man being last on that list. Yes, there are mutations, and changes in a species on a small scale, but nothing that would suggest that man came from a monkey or birds came from Dinosaurs. Except there were some birds that were dinosaurs .....several of them from what I rem.
Blade - you just laid out the whole basis for evolution
Small changes over time accumulate.
Generation after generation.
Some changes are adaptive under certain circumstances - and not others.
The adaptive changes persist and are passed on
The maladaptive changed die with their host individual.
That's evolution.
Oh, come on Libre,,,, you running around in left field here. you compare a war to a ball game. You know what is good and evil.!
I'm not comparing war to a baseball game.
I have seen athletes cross themselves before an at bat and praise Jesus when they do well. You said all struggles come down to good and evil. The ball players take it seriously enough. Of course it's ludicrous.

And no I do NOT know what's good and evil. Everything depends on circumstances and perspective. Nothing is absolute in my world.
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So is that what it actually says, that she all-of-a-sudden lusted after it, as opposed to seeing it for a while and being curious, then being coaxed into it by a serpent?

For the sake of argument, let's say that actually happened. There have been times when I - out of the blue - suddenly really fancy a particular food or drink. Is that always the devil causing my cravings?
If it isn't on at least some occasions, then that disproves the idea that it can only happen if the devil makes it so.
If it IS him doing it, what does he gain from making me want the odd ice cream? And they say God works in mysterious ways.
Alc,,,like some people would say that is the Devil coming out in you.....LOL....Oh,me...enough of that.......Just pull up Genesis 3 KJV and read about the first 6 or 7verses..I guarantee it will not hurt you or anything.

I am a little leery of placing a large amount of scripture on line. I already have everybody mad at me don't want them to ban me from the site.

Pay special attention to the 'it was pleasant to the eyes'...... There is a passage in Rev. that says that same thing in it. . When these phrases are in here two or more times, usually it means the phrase actually has a different meaning than what it appears to in the original verse. It is the way this book was designed. It is not just a book full of just stories.

Does that make sense to you??

have a good day.


In which case it goes from a sudden intense craving for fresh fruit - which, in and of itself isn't proof of the Devil's existence - to seeing a piece of fruit on a daily basis and fancying a bite.

Alc, they were in paradise, wanting for nothing and God told them not to eat from it. along came the snake and tempted her and.......? you decide??

I understand,,,just joking with you,,,,it is an old good natured saying around here. Almost 'Like the devil is in the details' sort of thing.

The devil is real, The snake had been taken over by this fallen angel (Lucifer) and God condemned it for the rest of eternity. Having said that, he did have two of each animal including the snakes on the ark, I guess to torment us until the end.

Have a good day.

Now THAT I can believe. Whenever my wife feels like a piece of cake, I usually get bought one, so she can feel less guilty. Yet to happen with an apple, though :confused:

Let's be nice and say 'exaggeration'. After all, he did admit the error.

Alc, I think I said, it was my opinion and it is. OK,,,,,,Hope you don't throw me out... here it is.....
3 Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?
2 And the woman said unto the serpent, We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden:
3 But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die.
4 And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die:
5 For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.
6 And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat.

My focus is on the 6 verse where she saw the tree was good for food and it was pleasant to her eyes.

She had seen this very tree how many times before, and never did consider it was good for food...what change here, He did not tell her it was good for food. But what is more disturbing is the next part of the sentence 'and she saw it was pleasant to the eyes' What did this have to do with eating the apple...She had seen it many times before,,,what her eyes in order to make her stomach crave the apple.?????? She ate the apple because she craved it,,,WHY? what changed.

OH, well, I am still researching the other verse in Rev.

More to the point, what do you all think.

have a great day......

Evolution of the species is antithetical to the word of God. Rem, all the animals on land (ALL of them) was made on the sixth day with Man being last on that list. Yes, there are mutations, and changes in a species on a small scale, but nothing that would suggest that man came from a monkey or birds came from Dinosaurs. Except there were some birds that were dinosaurs .....several of them from what I rem.

Blade - you just laid out the whole basis for evolution
Small changes over time accumulate.
Generation after generation.
Some changes are adaptive under certain circumstances - and not others.
The adaptive changes persist and are passed on
The maladaptive changed die with their host individual.
That's evolution.
Oh, come on Libre,,,, you running around in left field here. you compare a war to a ball game. You know what is good and evil.!

I'm not comparing war to a baseball game.
I have seen athletes cross themselves before an at bat and praise Jesus when they do well. You said all struggles come down to good and evil. The ball players take it seriously enough. Of course it's ludicrous.

And no I do NOT know what's good and evil. Everything depends on circumstances and perspective. Nothing is absolute in my world.

Hey Libre....

Ah but that was not the original use of evolution when Darwin started it off in the 1950(s)?????sorry from memory.

His theory was an animal come out of the ocean and over time this would split into other animals and maybe finally us. That has been debunked big-time.

There are mutation (if you want to call them evolution ok), lets take Staphylococcus Aureus. A bad organism. Now over time, this bacteria has mutated to be resistance to certain antibiotics. The ones that mutate to the Methycillin variety.are very dangerous and kill many people. Yes, they have changed but they have not changed to another species and never will.

second, there was not enough time for them to evolve.. Any land animals have only been around about 6-7,000 years depending on when God made them on the last day.

I think the ballplayers are pointing to God and thanking him for giving them the strength for getting the job done. I also pray each day thanking him for giving me the strength and wisdom to get through my day. Yes, I believe I do gain strength from him, Now the wisdom, I am not so sure of,,,you see I am here talking to you'll out there. LOL

Have a great day


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