Are you an atheist? (2 Viewers)

Are you an atheist?

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so much for that BIG LIE!!!!!!!

Hate to say I told you so!

There is no lie.
There are observations and measurements.
Theories are formed to try to explain what is happening - always with the proviso that there are still unknowns, and no one theory will explain everything.

In Science, there are observations and measurements sometimes, that appear inconsistent with what is expected, based on previous observations. That new data is added to the mix to try to get an understanding of the bigger picture. In a truly open and honest system, such data would not be suppressed, even though it might cause some embarrassment or even a loss of credibility of some who didn't foresee this apparently inconsistent data.

I could not read the article here at work because it is blocked as a "religious advocacy" site - but from what I gather, the Christian Science Monitor (an bastion of free thought, with no agenda of its own, of course) reports that an increase of ice in Antarctica has been measured.

So where is the BIG LIE you are referring to?
Maybe you're talking about the crackpots out there, who willfully or ignorantly extrapolate from the actual data in order to misrepresent what the majority of climate scientists seem to believe today - that the Earth is warming. So some data in one area does not support this, it is reported in the media (and probably in a sensationalist, unscholarly way), and the crackpots (yes, the crackpots) all jump in the air gleefully, saying, SEE? The scientists are all LIARS!!!!

Or maybe the BIG LIE is how the Catholic Church and other organized religious groups have, throughout history, suppressed, repressed, and otherwise obfuscated knowledge and thought that was inconsistent with their little scheme of how the universe works.

Just one example: Galileo lived in the 1600's, and was prosecuted for believing the Copernican model of the solar system. The Vatican waited until the 1990's before they would even discuss the heliocentric model of the solar system, when the more enlightened of them finally agreed that yes, the Earth is NOT the center of the universe. I'm sure there are still some holdouts though - would you put yourself in that category Mr. Blade?
I have always agreed that we are going through climate change, but have not always agreed as to why. The Earth goes through many natural cycles with years, centuries, or millennia frequencies. Do you know why that Dark Ages eventually ended? Because the mini-Ice Age of that era ended. Did you know that we had a mini-Ice Age in the 1800s? It ended and we went into an accelerated Industrial Revolution.

I think we are seeing the high-temperature side of a natural cycle. I don't deny that it would be to our HEALTH advantage to reduce pollution, so don't shoot me for being a litterbug. Pollution is a known source of many ills of the body. I just focus on a different reason to be more careful about how and where the throw out the garbage. Cutting back or otherwise neutralizing industrial pollution is ALWAYS a good idea, Global Warming or not.

The CSM article isn't news to me. We've known for some time that the original description of Global Warming was a really (terribly) bad case of some environmental scientists doing their damnedest to find a hot-button topic to get more grant money and they didn't care who they scared in order to get it. The published Global Warming numbers have so frequently been suspect that the few really good bits of work get lost in the clutter. I wish I could say that scientists are above that sort of thing, but we are not. Heck, I left the field of chemistry for computer sciences years ago for money. Now I'm just a typical computer prostitute - I get intimate with your computer projects for money.

Back to the topic... Yes, our global climate IS changing. We can talk about whether it is good or bad, but in the final analysis, all we can REALLY say is "changing." But I have to also question whether climate change statistics are like ra** statistics - in that both are reported and recorded more often than used to be the case, and THAT is why both seem to be on the rise.

I don't see our climate as static, but rather as ALWAYS in a dynamic equilibrium. (Nature doesn't do "static" very well but THRIVES on dynamic equilibriums.) Therefore, I can't get worked up to learn that country X is warmer and country Y is colder than they have been in their recent histories.
Doc, the overwhelming majority of climate scientists - specifically, the much-trumpeted 97% figure - agree that not only is Earth warming, but that this warming is human-caused. The supporting data is absolutely overwhelming, between the massive increase of greenhouse gases and the atmospheric data available through the geological record. Hell, I recall about six or seven years back, one of the most strident climate-change deniers out there (I'd have to spend more time than I have this morning finding his name) finished a review of a MASSIVE amount of raw data and studies, and pulled a complete 180, declaring that he had been wrong, that not only is Climate Change real, but the current round is definitely, OBVIOUSLY human-caused.

Yes, the Earth has gone through heating and cooling cycles before, but NEVER at a speed matching modern day. We're seeing yearly changes that should be taking centuries (or longer). The problem isn't so much that it's happening, but rather, where it's going to stop and what it'll do to the biosphere. It's certainly not helping moderate the Holocene extinction, that's for sure.

As to the end of the Dark Ages (and sociologists DESPISE that term - I'm assuming you mean it in the oldest sense, the period between the fall of Rome and the Colonial era) had far more to do with the Black Plague (which led to a rise in the importance of laborers and the eventual end of the whole institution of serfdom), the rise of trade (and thus the advent of a prosperous middle class) in importance, and the Renaissance and the changes in outlook it brought about. Those had a far, far more drastic effect on European society than the planet getting a degree or two warmer over the course of a thousand years.
There is no lie.
There are observations and measurements.
Theories are formed to try to explain what is happening - always with the proviso that there are still unknowns, and no one theory will explain everything.

In Science, there are observations and measurements sometimes, that appear inconsistent with what is expected, based on previous observations. That new data is added to the mix to try to get an understanding of the bigger picture. In a truly open and honest system, such data would not be suppressed, even though it might cause some embarrassment or even a loss of credibility of some who didn't foresee this apparently inconsistent data.

I could not read the article here at work because it is blocked as a "religious advocacy" site - but from what I gather, the Christian Science Monitor (an bastion of free thought, with no agenda of its own, of course) reports that an increase of ice in Antarctica has been measured.
Hey Libre:
The problem here, unless it is a blog or letter to the editor type article and if it is scientific fact, then it does not matter where it is published. I dare say, that I could start looking the facts concerning this one article and find them readily. Most likely on another site that you have not banned based on your own personal bias.

So where is the BIG LIE you are referring to?
Maybe you're talking about the crackpots out there, who willfully or ignorantly extrapolate from the actual data in order to misrepresent what the majority of climate scientists seem to believe today - that the Earth is warming. So some data in one area does not support this, it is reported in the media (and probably in a sensationalist, unscholarly way), and the crackpots (yes, the crackpots) all jump in the air gleefully, saying, SEE? The scientists are all LIARS!!!!
It is a fact that the temperatures that were measured by NASA were falsified. Yes, the facts they published were debunked. Also the satalite data shows that since 1970(s), the temperature around the world has been about the same...( you can pul them up,,,,,,go ahead._) If you want the article, I would look it up for you but I think you don't really want to know the truth. Your Lose? in my opinion of course.

Not all scientist are liars, but some do have an Agenda and Global warming is simply away to spread the wealth around. Kinda of like what we are doing here in the US with all the subsidies.. I found a site where one mother was getting close to $80,000 collective from a number of subsidies available to her. Guess what, she does not work!@!!!!!Duh? There are many more out there like that all being paid for by my, yours (if you work)and every other US citizen (who works for a living) Taxes. Oh, by the way, the debt ceiling puts about $50,000 extra debt on each person here in the US.

Don't ya just love those LIBERALS............Oh my

Or maybe the BIG LIE is how the Catholic Church and other organized religious groups have, throughout history, suppressed, repressed, and otherwise obfuscated knowledge and thought that was inconsistent with their little scheme of how the universe works.
Just one example: Galileo lived in the 1600's, and was prosecuted for believing the Copernican model of the solar system. The Vatican waited until the 1990's before they would even discuss the heliocentric model of the solar system, when the more enlightened of them finally agreed that yes, the Earth is NOT the center of the universe. I'm sure there are still some holdouts though - would you put yourself in that category Mr. Blade]?
I have never advocated for the Catholic Church. To me it is as close to the Antichrist as one can get.....Why? The Catholic Church today advocates a one world government but to realistically have a peaceful one world government, you would also have to have a one world religion in order to get rid of all the religious wars going on. I'll give you three guesses, on which church is betting they get to be that world religion.
People have died, are dying and will die for their beliefs. Take you and I. About as far apart as you can get. Me being (not religious) but for Jesus Christ and atheist (for yourself). Which one of us (sitting side by side) would die first if ISIS had a sword to our necks. Which one of us would convert to Islam or would you die for believing in yourself. You do know they hate Atheist, LGBTs, Christians and other non-believers all the same.
You do know that they are not going away? I ask this because, In the coming days, years or decades if we are still alive, you will have to choose, one last time on whether you live or die. You will have to take the mark of the beast to stay alive or DIe Which will you take. Life or Death. Of, Course, in my case at that point, death from this mortal body would be welcomed.

Have a nice day!

Also the satalite data shows that since 1970(s), the temperature around the world has been about the same..
A mere 20 years after Darwin proposed his own theory?
Not all scientist are liars, but some do have an Agenda and Global warming is simply away to spread the wealth around. Kinda of like what we are doing here in the US with all the subsidies.. I found a site where one mother was getting close to $80,000 collective from a number of subsidies available to her. Guess what, she does not work!@!!!!!Duh? There are many more out there like that all being paid for by my, yours (if you work)and every other US citizen (who works for a living) Taxes. Oh, by the way, the debt ceiling puts about $50,000 extra debt on each person here in the US.
What has this little rant got to do with anything?
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ALC, he's been going on long conspiracy theory rants here since I joined the thread. In fact, he's gotten quite a bit worse over the last year. Maybe a year and a half ago, he said he had no issue with the Catholic Church and considered them as Christian as any Protestant denomination, and now they're the Antichrist.

He'd rather go on a rant about how all Liberals (defined as anyone who disagrees with him) are part of some grand conspiracy headed by George Soros to throw the US down in ruin, hand the flaming wreckage over to ISIS, and slaughter all Christians, and that we have all knowingly and willingly sold our souls to Satan for the evulz. That's honestly one of the reasons I'm so down on him - I long ago grew sick and tired of being called a monster and a traitor because I don't slavishly follow his pronouncements.

Not to mention, he lies. Take, for example, his satellite claim. The actual evidence shows that out of the last 20 years, something like 17 have set new records for overall global temperature, but he'll never tell you that. Instead, he'll desperately provide link after link that don't say what he says they do in the vain hope that you'll just take his word for it.
ALC, he's been going on long conspiracy theory rants here since I joined the thread. In fact, he's gotten quite a bit worse over the last year. Maybe a year and a half ago, he said he had no issue with the Catholic Church and considered them as Christian as any Protestant denomination, and now they're the Antichrist.

He'd rather go on a rant about how all Liberals (defined as anyone who disagrees with him) are part of some grand conspiracy headed by George Soros to throw the US down in ruin, hand the flaming wreckage over to ISIS, and slaughter all Christians, and that we have all knowingly and willingly sold our souls to Satan for the evulz. That's honestly one of the reasons I'm so down on him - I long ago grew sick and tired of being called a monster and a traitor because I don't slavishly follow his pronouncements.

Not to mention, he lies. Take, for example, his satellite claim. The actual evidence shows that out of the last 20 years, something like 17 have set new records for overall global temperature, but he'll never tell you that. Instead, he'll desperately provide link after link that don't say what he says they do in the vain hope that you'll just take his word for it.

The internet is full of such tripe unfortunately.
Frothy - If we were to clean up pollution (so that the health-related issues that concern me were completely negated) and it had the effect of reversing Global Warming, I would not cry a single tear at being shown to be wrong on that point. It is just that my focus is more on disease effects and less on climate effects that I think cannot be entirely laid at the feet of industrial pollution. I guess we each have our hot button items.
Frothy - If we were to clean up pollution (so that the health-related issues that concern me were completely negated) and it had the effect of reversing Global Warming, I would not cry a single tear at being shown to be wrong on that point. It is just that my focus is more on disease effects and less on climate effects that I think cannot be entirely laid at the feet of industrial pollution. I guess we each have our hot button items.

Fair enough, and I would be ecstatic just to see pollution ended, whether it slowed down the overall global warming or not. If nothing else, it would certainly improve folks' health world-wide, not to mention slowing if not outright stopping the current mass extinction.
So, you worked in the medical field, I gather.
Where did you find the leeches and elephant bile?
Just wondering.
So, you worked in the medical field, I gather.
Where did you find the leeches and elephant bile?
Just wondering.

Actually, he has always been quite careful to state that he worked at a medical facility, not that he worked in the medical field. There is definitely a difference.

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