Are you an atheist? (6 Viewers)

Are you an atheist?

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You might want to look into American politics a bit more before you make a statement like this. A common concept from the American Right is that those people deserve to starve because they made the choices that landed them in crushing poverty, and it's not their (conservatives') problem and helping them is instead a waste of their hard-earned money.
Sorry. This is the kind of ignorance you have to expect when you grow up in one "socialist" place (UK) and move to another (Canada). Never worked a day in my life and live in the lap of luxury, thanks to all those rich folks funding my welfare.
Sorry, but it appears that your written word 'poking fun' has innuendoes in them.
Blade - to be clear, I don't actually think you're going to come after me and hunt me down. That is poking fun (not my term) with no innuendo. It's a tease.
And when Have I disrespected you since I have returned?

You haven't, either before or since you returned, and I commented as much just a few posts ago, when I wrote:
Nor have you been less than polite and sincere with me, I might add
I realize you're "facing off" against a multitude - you're a religious man smack in the middle of in the atheism thread with a bunch of atheists, so what would you expect? But please keep us separate, I'm Libre, not Frothingslosh or Doc Man or anyone else. I do NOT trash people, nor have I stated that YOU trash people either - at least not individually.
You may trash liberals, I may trash right wingers. As far as individual people on the forum, I may "poke fun" but that's it, and if you can't tell the difference, then an internet forum is going to be a tough venue for you.

Libre (just to remove all doubt about who wrote this)
Blade - to be clear, I don't actually think you're going to come after me and hunt me down. That is poking fun (not my term) with no innuendo. It's a tease.

You haven't, either before or since you returned, and I commented as much just a few posts ago, when I wrote:
I realize you're "facing off" against a multitude - you're a religious man smack in the middle of in the atheism thread with a bunch of atheists, so what would you expect? But please keep us separate, I'm Libre, not Frothingslosh or Doc Man or anyone else. I do NOT trash people, nor have I stated that YOU trash people either - at least not individually.
You may trash liberals, I may trash right wingers. As far as individual people on the forum, I may "poke fun" but that's it, and if you can't tell the difference, then an internet forum is going to be a tough venue for you.
Libre (just to remove all doubt about who wrote this)

I don't doubt your word but your idea of poking fun is a little different from mine. Guess, I will have to learn to take everything said on this thread with a grain of salt.

To set the record straight, Bladerunner was picked by me because that is what I did besides other types of construction as push dirt with a blade. As far as the Medical field, sometimes though not always(military), is usually in a medical facility. During those days, before I retired, I was a licensed microbiologist believe it or not. So I know a little about what someone would call evolution, I would call mutation. Yes, and I did programming along the way mostly in conjunction with the medical field. You can imagine were a database would come in handy and in those first days of the computer, any help was welcomed.

As far as me 'facing off' against a multitude, I feel I have the upper hand, I have Jesus in my corner.

I have been and will always try to be truthful to each of you. As far as Jesus Christ is concerned, I have also been truthful. You need no church, you need no baptism, you need not the 1,000 rules 'local churches' put on you. It is as simple as sitting in your XXX-room. Talk to him like you was talking to a friend. I cannot tell you what to say, that would be up to you. If you and him come together, the holy spirit will fill your heart and all things will be different almost immediately.

Now for those that do not believe they could sincerely do the above; IF there is any doubt at all in your minds, then you could begin reading and learning about the only divinely designed book in the world. See how out of the 2000+ prophecies written over 2000 years ago ---have so far been 100% correct... I know it is easier said than it is done so here is a site that could help you. .It is also a good place to get the news of the middle east since all news sources only show a little of what is going on (including Fox as they are only worried about the elections right now). Those of you in EU should be more interested in this type of news that us here in the US.

There is one other thing I think you should know about the Bible. It has more to say about this time period we are in today than any other period of history, including when Jesus walked the earth. Discover the many prophecies still to come about both the near and far futures.

Either way, at least the way I see it, it is a win win situation for you. Of course, I am always here if you have any questions.

Have all have a great weekend
ALC and Frothy;

I will gladly debate you ONE SUBJECT at a time. You see, Liberals are good are cross talk and changing the subject in order to get what they want.

Lets take the 'fair wages' as our first subject unless you two have an objection,,, now lets narrow the wages down to where the big fuss is all about... Flipping Hamburgers or making pizzas?.

You two first and make it good now,,,give some examples and Frothy,,,lets stay within the guidelines. I know it will be hard for you but give it the old college try.

I'm not in eth US so all I pick up is via news outlets, but I thought - generally speaking - it was the Liberals who wanted healthcare for all and a higher minimum wage, while the Republicans weren't in favour of either. Or did I get it the wrong way round? If I had it right, how does wanting to help the least well-off members of society equate with "me, me me"?

I didn't see it, but can't argue with either point. Even the most right-wing person has to acknowledge that society would be better if no one was starving and everyone was well-fed. The problem comes when this nice idea has to compete against human nature of always wanting more than your neighbor and, in a lot of cases, hating the idea that somebody else might be happy in spite of not having worked as hard as you do.

ALC are you happy with your healthcare up there. I know of many who are not. In fact, they came to the US and elsewhere for treatment because of the long waiting periods. Well, the USA, use to have the best healthcare in the world. People from all over came here for healthcare. NOW,,,, it is on the down hill slide for many reasons. A good subject to get into because we now have 3 years of data... OH,,,OH,,,I hear the Democarts (all voted for Obama Care) are now just saying "we need to just get on to something else now,,,that is over". My , my,,,,how the mice will run.

The argument was that 30 million people did not have healthcare. Yet this projected figure included the ILLEGAL ALIENS in this country. I can assure you that no person in a hospital is turned away from getting the care they need.

Well now since OBAMA care went in, about 15 million people who could afford healthcare do not have healthcare. OH, Yeah,,,, it covered those 35 million that did not have healthcare insurance but at what cost. Now it has gone up 35% in some areas this year alone and it is only beginning.

Socialism has never worked in the history of the earth yet it has been tried many times and still is tried today...GREECE,,,FRANCE,etc.... It all comes back to a hippie commune in the 1960-70s. All was ok as long as everyone worked. but when you got some jerk(s) who did not want to work, then someone had to pick up their duties. Do you still give them food for doing nothing?.. Do you still give them shelter for doing nothing?. Do you still let them be part of the system including part of making the rules?

Of course you do if you are a good liberal...... What do we have in the US.... an increase in food stamps, welfare and a bunch of other subsidies. An increase in the people not working because they get something for nothing. Yes, we do allow them to vote, therefore they get to vote down those rules that would put them back to work.

Do you have that in Canada,,,, I think so.... you just don't want to see it.

I say this because the only way a new world order could come about was if Capitalism (America), was brought to its knees by destroying the only thing that got it where it was in the past. In the way of destroying capitalism is destroying GOD and they have done that well also to the point that America is run by a devout sunni Islamist, we are killing 1 million or so babies every year, have taken God out of our schools and replaced them with the teaching of Islam (the peaceful religion) and replaced the traditional marriage that was defined by God himself.

the UN already put through the plans for a one world government in Sept. of this year and Our great POPE is recommending the one world government....To have a one world government there has to be a one world religion. Wonder if the POPe would want that job?????

Regardless of what some say, the US armed forces at one time kept more peace in the world that there is now. We were king of the seas and still are,,,,maybe...Does Canada rem a time when England was the king of the seas.
Watch the horizon to the west (China). Years ago we signed a treaty with Formosa to help them if attacked. Now, I know the liberals have already stated that Formosa should go back to china...It will give us peace in the world. You see Liberal and Capitulation go hand in hand.

It happened although not to this extend in 1930s and what happened,,,,,,WWII killed 250,000 Americans thanks to the Liberals. When is our Next World War. I got Bets on the number of dead will rise drastically from that of WWII.

Well have said enough about the some,,,SOME of the Liberal agenda world wide.

Hey ALC,,, I know of one place where there will be not hunger, not pain, etc. and you appear turning it down for a pipe dream today. The one Thousand years of peace is coming and it is near.

As Wimpy once said, "I will glady pay you on Wednesday for a hamburger on Tuesday."

I can assure you that no person in a hospital is turned away from getting the care they need.

Quite a socialist concept unfortunately without a contingency plan this leaves the private sector picking up the tab.
In the way of destroying capitalism is destroying GOD and they have done that well also to the point that America is run by a devout sunni Islamist, we are killing 1 million or so babies every year, have taken God out of our schools and replaced them with the teaching of Islam (the peaceful religion) and replaced the traditional marriage that was defined by God himself.
Just to focus on one thing from the lengthy, rambling post: this is scary. for a few reasons

Firstly, people really need to give up on claiming Obama is Sunni (or similar bullsh*t). Problems with his policies? Fine. Every politician has his supporters and detractors. I don't like him myself, but I agree with some of what he's said and I'm able to restrict any criticisms to the policies. Unable to make a coherent argument, so many Republicans resort to "He wasn't born here", "He's a Sunni", "He's a Muslim", "I don't like him because he's black" (not stated as openly but still a view you can hear from a loud minority). Avoid the personal crap and people will probably listen to your opinions a bit more.

Secondly, claiming that capitalism and god are inextricably linked is nonsense. Yes, throughout history, many people have cashed in on the gullible and easily led and made money via religion, but those days are gone. It's now very possible to become rich without professing to believe in an all-powerful being. You may have heard of a Mr William Gates? He's done pretty well for himself in spite of not believing in god.
Quite a socialist concept unfortunately without a contingency plan this leaves the private sector picking up the tab.
Yes, Dan Cat to a point. It was all local and state. Now under Obama Care I am paying for some ** out in California.

Obama used Saul Alinsky's rules for "How to Create a Social State. and is following it to the letter. Of course when the government control about 1/3 of the economy it is going to be better right???????????

Now you say well we have always had Medicare for the Old. OH, well let me tell you, you are paying through payroll taxes for medicare and you are paying every month out of that Social Security Check a premium (insurance charge) for Medicare. In addition, since Medicare pays only 80% (this is getting lower all the time) you also have to buy a supplemental insurance.. Don't tell me we old people are getting it good. We are having to pay for it when the jobs for us pay very little....OH,,,maybe we should get $15-20 dollars per hour as well..maybe 'walmart greeters'. I'd like that. Instead, I am still out there getting it, Farming and running a construction company at the same time just to try to stay ahead. At some point, my body will give out and the government will make sure I die real quick. You see, Sol will tell you the old people will have to go. Oh, those on subsidies will also have to go....Guess that is about 75 million people....EVERYBODY HAS TO WORK AT SOMETHING. Kind of like the Hippi Commune I describe

If I were young, I would quite work, get on food stamps, welfare, housing subsidies, etc. make about $80,000 a year and not do least until they threatened to throw me out and cut my subsidies off. Then I move to another country......OOPS it is now a one world government and everybody has socialism /communism. The only difference in socialism and communism (one step away)is the ownership of the companies, land, everything.

Have a good life Dan-cat, it is going to get better according to the Liberals

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Seems to me that Jesus wasn't a capitalist, he was a socialist always telling folks to share their wealth with the poor. Like when he confronted the money-lenders at the temple and in some the Beatitudes. Or did I miss something here? I don't recall any time that the messages of Jesus and of Gordon Gecko ("greed is GOOD") overlapped.

To therefore say that a socialist-leaning president is somehow destroying God seems a bit extreme. Just one man's observation, you understand.
Yes, Dan Cat to a point. It was all local and state. Now under Obama Care I am paying for some ** out in California.

Do you think it fair that the private sector covers the cost of the principle "nobody is turned away"? What if that principle makes those institutions run at a loss and they go out of business?
Do you think it fair that the private sector covers the cost of the principle "nobody is turned away"? What if that principle makes those institutions run at a loss and they go out of business?

Let's be brutally honest here. The private sector doesn't cover shit - those costs are passed on to the rest of the people using those services. That's one of the reason health care is so expensive in the US, probably second only to greed.
And even less accurate. The 'getting $80k per year on Welfare' schtick has been debunked repeatedly, but it JUST. WON'T. DIE.
Along with the 'He's not really an American' thing. I'm spotting a pattern here.
Along with the 'He's not really an American' thing. I'm spotting a pattern here.

And let's not forget "Obama's a secret Muslim traitor working for ISIS even though he has attended Christian churches his entire life, eats pig, drinks beer, and has stated repeatedly that he's Christian."

Yeah, definite pattern.

Also, before ISIS, he was apparently a secret Muslim traitor working for the Muslim Brotherhood, according to those folks.

Hell, I've seen people blame 9/11 on him.
Hell, I've seen people blame 9/11 on him.
Now THAT would have been quite an accomplishment for someone who wasn't yet in any position of real power. Mad enough to blame Bush for it, but at least he was president so the conspiracy nuts could play the 'POTUS is all-powerful' card.
Now THAT would have been quite an accomplishment for someone who wasn't yet in any position of real power. Mad enough to blame Bush for it, but at least he was president so the conspiracy nuts could play the 'POTUS is all-powerful' card.

Oh, they blame everything on him. Needless to say, there are people who were adults in the 2000's who blame the 2008 recession on him, too, despite him not taking office until 2009.

I mean, seriously, I'm an Obama supporter, and even I will admit there are plenty of things he has done or condoned to be unhappy about. There's no real need to invent more of them, but then, that's how politics are played.
Let's be brutally honest here. The private sector doesn't cover shit - those costs are passed on to the rest of the people using those services. That's one of the reason health care is so expensive in the US, probably second only to greed.

Well you let the cat out of the bag. I was going to push him on how the private sector absorbed the costs of such a highly esteemed principle. Never mind. :p
Well you let the cat out of the bag. I was going to push him on how the private sector absorbed the costs of such a highly esteemed principle. Never mind. :p


You probably still can. We all know he doesn't really read my posts. :p

Sorry to spoil your fun, though. :o

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