Are you an atheist? (6 Viewers)

Are you an atheist?

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Actually, he has always been quite careful to state that he worked at a medical facility, not that he worked in the medical field. There is definitely a difference.

Froth, as I'm sure you're aware, a "blade runner" is a replicant hunter.
I wonder what type of medical facility would employ people who are skilled at weeding out and subsequently disabling replicants.

Blade - although you may consider me a Godless bleeding heart libbie, just don't come after me. I'm a full fledged human and I have my original, raised stamp birth certificate from 1951 to prove it!
Froth, as I'm sure you're aware, a "blade runner" is a replicant hunter.
I wonder what type of medical facility would employ people who are skilled at weeding out and subsequently disabling replicants.

Blade - although you may consider me a Godless bleeding heart libbie, just don't come after me. I'm a full fledged human and I have my original, raised stamp birth certificate from 1951 to prove it!


We actually discussed his name once. I thought for sure he took it from the movie (which is much, MUCH better than the book it's based on, btw), but it turned out it was a nickname given to him by co-workers back in his days driving a bulldozer.

Go figure.

Also, you should check out that link. Preferably not when you've just eaten. The guy espouses a LOT of the same extremist beliefs as Blade.
I wouldn't be so sure about the origin of Blade's handle.
A true blade runner takes great pains to conceal the true nature of their profession.
Bulldozer operator indeed.
I'm not fooled for one moment.
But it looks like it is working,,,,,Congratulations??????? I Think

Americans are becoming less religious, judging by such markers as church attendance, prayer and belief in God, and the trend is more pronounced among young adults, according to a poll released on Tuesday.
The share of U.S. adults who say they believe in God, while still high compared with other advanced industrial countries, slipped to 89 percent in 2014 from 92 percent in 2007, according to the Pew Research Center's Religious Landscape Study.
The proportion of Americans who say they are "absolutely certain" God exists fell even more, to 63 percent in 2014 from 71 percent in 2007.
The percentage of Americans who pray every day, attend religious services regularly and consider religion important in their lives are down by small, but statistically significant measures, the survey found.
The trend is most pronounced among young adults, with only half of those born from 1990 to 1996 absolutely certain of their belief in God, compared to 71 percent of the "silent generation," or those born from 1928 to 1945.
Younger people also are less likely to pray daily, at 39 percent, compared to "silent generation" adults at 67 percent. Young adults are also much less likely to attend religious services, the survey found.
On the other hand, 77 percent of Americans continue to identify with some religious faith, and those who do are just as committed now as they were in 2007, according to the survey. Two-thirds of religiously affiliated adults say they pray every day and that religion is very important to them, the survey found.
The survey also found religious divides among the political parties, with those who are not religiously affiliated more likely to be Democrats, at 28 percent, compared to 14 percent of Republicans.
About 38 percent of Republicans identify as evangelical Protestants - the largest religious group in the party, the survey found. Catholics make up 21 percent of each major political party.
Orianna O'Neill, 21, a student at Beloit College in Wisconsin who comes from a non-religious household but sometimes prays, said she thinks the anti-science, anti-gay rhetoric of some politicians may be turning some young people away from religion.
"The idea of Republicans not believing in global warming is contributing to the notion that religious people are not intelligent," O'Neill said.
Both the 2007 and 2014 studies surveyed more than 35,000 adults and had margins of error of less than 1 percentage point.
Want a little more.

The proportion of Americans who say they are "absolutely certain" God exists has dropped sharply from 71 percent to less than two thirds, the Pew Research Center said Tuesday.

The share of US adults who say they believe in God declined from 92 to 89 percent over the same period, from 2007 to 2014, but is still remarkably high compared to other developed countries.

The percentage of Americans who say they pray every day, attend regular services and consider religion very important have also clocked small, but significant declines, the research center said.

The vast majority of Americans, 77 percent of adults, continue to identify with some religious faith, but a growing number are unaffiliated to a particular group, the study found.

Younger Americans are also less religious than their elders. For example, four in 10 of the youngest Millennials say they pray every day, compared to six in 10 Baby Boomers.

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The survey also showed that nearly all major religious groups have become significantly more accepting of homosexuality in recent years -- even evangelicals and Mormons who traditionally have expressed strong opposition to same-sex relationships.

Changing attitudes about homosexuality are linked to wider acceptance among the younger generation than older adults.

The study also showed that the religiously unaffiliated -- the majority of whom still believe in God -- are now more numerous among Democrats and Democratic-leaning adults than Catholics, evangelicals and Protestants.

The religiously unaffiliated are growing less quickly within the Republican party, where they are outnumbered by evangelicals, Catholics and mainstream Protestants, Pew said.

The poll was carried out among a representative group of 35,071 adults interviewed by telephone from June to September 2014 and has a margin of error of 0.6 percentage points, Pew said.

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Frothy - If we were to clean up pollution (so that the health-related issues that concern me were completely negated) and it had the effect of reversing Global Warming, I would not cry a single tear at being shown to be wrong on that point. It is just that my focus is more on disease effects and less on climate effects that I think cannot be entirely laid at the feet of industrial pollution. I guess we each have our hot button items.

I would have thought in New Orleans climate change was a big thing? In terms of extraordinary weather events and sea levels?
Froth, as I'm sure you're aware, a "blade runner" is a replicant hunter.
I wonder what type of medical facility would employ people who are skilled at weeding out and subsequently disabling replicants.

Blade - although you may consider me a Godless bleeding heart libbie, just don't come after me. I'm a full fledged human and I have my original, raised stamp birth certificate from 1951 to prove it!

Libre: Why would I come after you. I would be more than likely to come to you if you needed help. You, Frothy and Doc can trash me all you all you want, but it will not change the truth.

Hope you have a great day.

Blade, just to clarify:

I'm the only one here who actively 'trashes' you.

ALC has mocked you a couple times, sure, and Libre was certainly poking fun at you.

The Doc Man, however, while obviously frustrated, has never treated you with less than respect. He thinks your religion is so much unfounded superstition, but he still has always treated your beliefs with more respect than you've shown his.
Blade, just to clarify:

I'm the only one here who actively 'trashes' you.

ALC has mocked you a couple times, sure, and Libre was certainly poking fun at you.

The Doc Man, however, while obviously frustrated, has never treated you with less than respect. He thinks your religion is so much unfounded superstition, but he still has always treated your beliefs with more respect than you've shown his.

Was that a question?
I am so Damn tired of the Freckin Liberal Feel GOOOOOOOOOOOOD agenda.
This loses me? What is the "feel good agenda"? The only time I hear it referred to is on this site, by republicans. Obviously, it's an insult of some kind, but I don't get it. Is it an attempt to label everyone who votes liberal as being a hippie?
As Froth just asserted - poking fun is what it was - I have not "trashed" you or even been disrespectful. It's not my way. Nor have you been less than polite and sincere with me, I might add.
This in NO WAY suggests I think your beliefs are anything other than superstitious nonsense. But that is the heart of this discussion. Personal insults have no place for me in discussions about ideas and beliefs.
This loses me? What is the "feel good agenda"? The only time I hear it referred to is on this site, by republicans. Obviously, it's an insult of some kind, but I don't get it. Is it an attempt to label everyone who votes liberal as being a hippie?

I get carried away from time to time,,,frustrated with the Apathy that is going on in America today. The feel-good phrases is a reference to the Me,me,me,me attitude of the Liberals. I have come to find out, most of them (younger generation do not know what is going on in the world, at home and really don;t care unless directly affects them. Same thing happened in 1930's.

Oh, did you see the statement of Bill Gates that only Socialism would cure the worlds problems, yet he made and still makes his money the ol' fashion way, Capitalism. George Sorros ( another Billionaire) is working on the EU.

My guess is that they would be in the ruling class of the 'Socialism' world government. UHmmmmmmmmmmmmmm?

As Froth just asserted - poking fun is what it was - I have not "trashed" you or even been disrespectful. It's not my way. Nor have you been less than polite and sincere with me, I might add.
This in NO WAY suggests I think your beliefs are anything other than superstitious nonsense. But that is the heart of this discussion. Personal insults have no place for me in discussions about ideas and beliefs.

Sorry, but it appears that your written word 'poking fun' has innuendoes in them.

And when Have I disrespected you since I have returned?

Have a good day?
I get carried away from time to time,,,frustrated with the Apathy that is going on in America today. The feel-good phrases is a reference to the Me,me,me,me attitude of the Liberals.
I'm not in eth US so all I pick up is via news outlets, but I thought - generally speaking - it was the Liberals who wanted healthcare for all and a higher minimum wage, while the Republicans weren't in favour of either. Or did I get it the wrong way round? If I had it right, how does wanting to help the least well-off members of society equate with "me, me me"?
Oh, did you see the statement of Bill Gates that only Socialism would cure the worlds problems, yet he made and still makes his money the ol' fashion way, Capitalism.
I didn't see it, but can't argue with either point. Even the most right-wing person has to acknowledge that society would be better if no one was starving and everyone was well-fed. The problem comes when this nice idea has to compete against human nature of always wanting more than your neighbor and, in a lot of cases, hating the idea that somebody else might be happy in spite of not having worked as hard as you do.
the Me,me,me,me attitude of the Liberals.

You don't know the first thing about liberal and conservative politics, do you?

Liberals are for programs to help others - Social Security, Tuition Assistance, national health care, Medicare (for people like YOU), Medicaid, humanitarian assistance, environmental conservation, balanced budgets, equal rights, not randomly invading other nations for giggles, the ability to pay your bills if you work 40 hours per week, and other silly little things like that.

Conservatives, on the other hand, oppose every single thing above, instead demanding that that their tax dollars be spent to help no one but themselves, that tax breaks go to the richest percent of the world only, that no one deserves any help because 'they brought it on themselves'. They only want their taxes spent on things that help them directly, and oppose ANYTHING that may be different or new.

Which of those two sounds like the people who are always going "me, me, me"?

We already know you don't have the first CLUE of what you're talking about when it comes to capitalism vs socialism - your constant posts on that topic make that utterly obvious - but now you're showing you don't even know what liberals and conservatives are.

Perhaps you should try something completely new for you and actually LEARN about a topic before trying to discuss it?
I'm not in eth US so all I pick up is via news outlets, but I thought - generally speaking - it was the Liberals who wanted healthcare for all and a higher minimum wage, while the Republicans weren't in favour of either. Or did I get it the wrong way round? If I had it right, how does wanting to help the least well-off members of society equate with "me, me me"?

He probably believes that they are designed to allow liberals to avoid work and focus on their world-destroying agenda for their master Satan. Because we liberals are somehow utterly lazy wastrels who do nothing but lay about and sponge off the upstanding, righteous, industrious conservatives while simultaneously working ceaselessly to destroy the world in the name of our Lord and Master Satan and His Disciple ISIS.

I didn't see it, but can't argue with either point. Even the most right-wing person has to acknowledge that society would be better if no one was starving and everyone was well-fed.
You might want to look into American politics a bit more before you make a statement like this. A common concept from the American Right is that those people deserve to starve because they made the choices that landed them in crushing poverty, and it's not their (conservatives') problem and helping them is instead a waste of their hard-earned money.

The problem comes when this nice idea has to compete against human nature of always wanting more than your neighbor and, in a lot of cases, hating the idea that somebody else might be happy in spite of not having worked as hard as you do.

Story of humanity right there.
Sorry, but it appears that your written word 'poking fun' has innuendoes in them.

And when Have I disrespected you since I have returned?

Have a good day?

Oh for the love of God try READING his posts before you reply, you nitwit. He said you have NOT disrespected him.

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