Are you an atheist? (1 Viewer)

Are you an atheist?

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Just to focus on one thing from the lengthy, rambling post: this is scary. for a few reasons

Firstly, people really need to give up on claiming Obama is Sunni (or similar bullsh*t). Problems with his policies? Fine. Every politician has his supporters and detractors. I don't like him myself, but I agree with some of what he's said and I'm able to restrict any criticisms to the policies. Unable to make a coherent argument, so many Republicans resort to "He wasn't born here", "He's a Sunni", "He's a Muslim", "I don't like him because he's black" (not stated as openly but still a view you can hear from a loud minority). Avoid the personal crap and people will probably listen to your opinions a bit more.

Secondly, claiming that capitalism and god are inextricably linked is nonsense. Yes, throughout history, many people have cashed in on the gullible and easily led and made money via religion, but those days are gone. It's now very possible to become rich without professing to believe in an all-powerful being. You may have heard of a Mr William Gates? He's done pretty well for himself in spite of not believing in god.

you missed the whole point ALC.... and check out Obama wedding ring... Better look at several articles cause if you really want to know, the liberals are bashing all articles for a reason.

Seems to me that Jesus wasn't a capitalist, he was a socialist always telling folks to share their wealth with the poor. Like when he confronted the money-lenders at the temple and in some the Beatitudes. Or did I miss something here? I don't recall any time that the messages of Jesus and of Gordon Gecko ("greed is GOOD") overlapped.

To therefore say that a socialist-leaning president is somehow destroying God seems a bit extreme. Just one man's observation, you understand.
you too missed the point of socialism I was trying to make as well.

Do you think it fair that the private sector covers the cost of the principle "nobody is turned away"? What if that principle makes those institutions run at a loss and they go out of business?

You got it exactly what they are doing and doing it on purpose.

Let's be brutally honest here. The private sector doesn't cover shit - those costs are passed on to the rest of the people using those services. That's one of the reason health care is so expensive in the US, probably second only to greed.

I agree and now with Obama care,,, it is only it is only going to get worse. 35% increase this year alone. that does not count the huge increases in subsidies to those who cannot afford it.

You are living in a pipe dream.

I think I'm with Nietzsche on this one.

you missed it as well,, although I did expect you to miss it.

Have you heard of Moral Relativism... Yes, liberalism is godless. Well I should not say that. There are any number of Gods out there that are being glorified and worshiped. Very few of them if any believe or worship the God of all creation. YWHW./

Yes, we are becoming a godless country. The atheist on this thread and around the world should applaud that more than anyone. You are bringing a once great nation to its knees.

And let's not forget "Obama's a secret Muslim traitor working for ISIS even though he has attended Christian churches his entire life, eats pig, drinks beer, and has stated repeatedly that he's Christian."

Yeah, definite pattern.

Also, before ISIS, he was apparently a secret Muslim traitor working for the Muslim Brotherhood, according to those folks.

Hell, I've seen people blame 9/11 on him.

do you write these things down so you can re-post them? really. Have you read the KORAN----it is ok to lie or whatever as long as it is in the name of ALLAH.

I did not call him a traitor,,,get it right for once. Please. I said he was a devote Islamist. Whave you ever wonder why we pulled out of IraQ...(SHIiTES),,,, or maybe helping the Syrian rebels (SUNNI),,Syrian Assad (Shiites, Iran (SHIITES),

ISIS (SUNNI),, UNited Arab Nations, (SUNNI),,
alQuida--(SUNNI) and so- on and so forth.

Do you think that the Rev. Jeramiah Wright is a real Christian, His exact words.. "GD America", etc...sounds like it don't it. Him and his church are Black activists.

Don't forget one thing, A Muslim Cleric stated in the early 2,000(s) that it would take 100 years for American to become a Muslim country. They are now saying it will only take 30 years. I would say that is in part thanks to a liberal president that would like nothing better to see American transformed into a socialist republic. Much like most of you out there.

Thank You

Well you let the cat out of the bag. I was going to push him on how the private sector absorbed the costs of such a highly esteemed principle. Never mind. :p

NOt so fast..In my county, we are all taxed. that tax burden includes money spent for the indigent people.

In my state, the state sales tax covers the cost for Medicaid and Indigent care.

Now the last time I counted, I personally pay those taxes then my business pays those taxes also. Yes, in the business, I have to raise rates to cover cost of those taxes. So you use my services, the price you pay pays for some of those taxes. Some of the things I personally purchase and purchase through the business also are paying for some of those taxes,because their rates went up/

Now we are paying for Obama our healthcare premiums. A $2,000 premium that was once $500 to $1000/

Sorry boys you got it all wrong....... When you get everybody taxed to the hilt, and there is not more money out there to give away, what does socialism do then\
\ASK GREECE They have already done it.

Seems to me that Jesus wasn't a capitalist, he was a socialist always telling folks to share their wealth with the poor. Like when he confronted the money-lenders at the temple and in some the Beatitudes.

Hi Doc...First of all the Be-Atitudes were for only the disciples. The sermon on the Mount was not to the Multitudes but to the Believers. They actually are the Kingdom laws and take the Ten Commandments and expand them. it is also a condemnation of the non-believers.

Do you care to discuss them? Of course one at a time.

Socialism is man's rules only, we are charged with helping others. We do that all the time, The socialism ideology pulls at the coat tails of the mind and makes everyone think that all will be fed and taken care of. When in reality, it cannot be done because of the Hierarchy. There is a ruling class and a working class. Which one are you going to be in. The ruling class, billionaires, millionaires and thousandaires,,,,,,, working class, the poor, disadvantaged, the sick, the hungry and the downtrodden. So-what if some poor soul dies,,,leaves more for the next person..........Right----Yeah,,,I got it.
As far as the money-lenders in the temple, Matthew 21; 13 And He said to them, "It is written, 'MY HOUSE SHALL BE CALLED A HOUSE OF PRAYER'; but you are making it a ROBBERS' DEN."

Have a nice day.
Pedants corner: Blade, if you actually knew your bible the way you say you do you would know that Jesus was referring to money changers and not money lenders. You really need to check your facts before spouting your nonsense.
Pedants corner: Blade, if you actually knew your bible the way you say you do you would know that Jesus was referring to money changers and not money lenders. You really need to check your facts before spouting your nonsense.

That would be a first.
NOt so fast..In my county, we are all taxed. that tax burden includes money spent for the indigent people.

In my state, the state sales tax covers the cost for Medicaid and Indigent care.

Now the last time I counted, I personally pay those taxes then my business pays those taxes also. Yes, in the business, I have to raise rates to cover cost of those taxes. So you use my services, the price you pay pays for some of those taxes. Some of the things I personally purchase and purchase through the business also are paying for some of those taxes,because their rates went up/

Now we are paying for Obama our healthcare premiums. A $2,000 premium that was once $500 to $1000/

Sorry boys you got it all wrong....... When you get everybody taxed to the hilt, and there is not more money out there to give away, what does socialism do then\
\ASK GREECE They have already done it.


Medicaid and taxing to care for the needy are socialist principles.

However not the point I was making. I'm talking about the uninsured individuals who "are never turned away". An individual like me who before Obamacare was quoted $8,000.00+ per annum for a policy with a $6,500 deductible. (I'm not sure how you were quoted $500, they must have thought you were superman or you were enjoying a government subsidy) I now can afford the $2,500 per annum for the same policy through the ACA.

Here's the point. If I had a major medical event before Obamacare who would have picked up the tab? How do you think all this expense was being accounted for? Through your taxes? ... wrong.

When I can afford health insurance I no longer become a burden to the system. The private sector no longer has to drive premiums up to cover the cost of the Hippocratic oath that you admire.

It would be nice if you would clarify your $2000.00 quote with Obamacare. If that's per annum then welcome, you've joined the club of exorbitant healthcare costs, if per month then that is, as with most of your posts, quite fantastical.
=It would be nice if you would clarify your $2000.00 quote with Obamacare. If that's per annum then welcome, you've joined the club of exorbitant healthcare costs, if per month then that is, as with most of your posts, quite fantastical.

There are some absolute, top-of-the-line ACA gold plans that are basically full coverage for your entire family of 6 that would run in that range per month if you choose them rather than your employer's plan (meaning you not only get no subsidies but, in fact, get penalties since you turned down your employer's plan).

People like Blade who are determined to return us to the "Just DIE already" method of health insurance love to use those plans for their 'quotes' rather than any of the multitude of far more affordable ones.
Pedants corner: Blade, if you actually knew your bible the way you say you do you would know that Jesus was referring to money changers and not money lenders. You really need to check your facts before spouting your nonsense.

Hi Rabbie:;;;guess that was a trick (gotcha) questions. There are all kinds of verses in the Bible that refer to 'Money Lenders' but none of them refer to them being in the temple.

He (Doc) refer to them as money lenders in the Temple. He either meant 'money changers in the temple', or Gotcha...........................

Whether you know the Bible better than I do is not really the question. The question is 'what you do with that info once you get it and I believe I have already won on that point.

Have a great weekend

Medicaid and taxing to care for the needy are socialist principles.

However not the point I was making. I'm talking about the uninsured individuals who "are never turned away". An individual like me who before Obamacare was quoted $8,000.00+ per annum for a policy with a $6,500 deductible. (I'm not sure how you were quoted $500, they must have thought you were superman or you were enjoying a government subsidy) I now can afford the $2,500 per annum for the same policy through the ACA.

Here's the point. If I had a major medical event before Obamacare who would have picked up the tab? How do you think all this expense was being accounted for? Through your taxes? ... wrong.

When I can afford health insurance I no longer become a burden to the system. The private sector no longer has to drive premiums up to cover the cost of the Hippocratic oath that you admire.

It would be nice if you would clarify your $2000.00 quote with Obamacare. If that's per annum then welcome, you've joined the club of exorbitant healthcare costs, if per month then that is, as with most of your posts, quite fantastical.

Hey Dan cat we are still not on the same or even similar channels here. That $500 is a month or around $6,000 per year. to have the same type of policy I had, It would cost $10,000 plus. Of, course, that was comparing a policy several years in the past, I am on Medicare these days. That $6,000 just went up.

How much subsidy do you get in the Obama Care. You have to have something at that price. Those subsidies are paid for by the tax payers....ME and WHoever.

There are some absolute, top-of-the-line ACA gold plans that are basically full coverage for your entire family of 6 that would run in that range per month if you choose them rather than your employer's plan (meaning you not only get no subsidies but, in fact, get penalties since you turned down your employer's plan).

People like Blade who are determined to return us to the "Just DIE already" method of health insurance love to use those plans for their 'quotes' rather than any of the multitude of far more affordable ones.

And you know about the 'Just Die Already' method of Health insurance....Just How...........You must be as old as Methuselah to have all this knowledge??????/


Hey Dan cat we are still not on the same or even similar channels here. That $500 is a month or around $6,000 per year. to have the same type of policy I had, It would cost $10,000 plus. Of, course, that was comparing a policy several years in the past, I am on Medicare these days. That $6,000 just went up.

How much subsidy do you get in the Obama Care. You have to have something at that price. Those subsidies are paid for by the tax payers....ME and WHoever.

Blade, there are times when you confuse me. You profess to be a Christian yet you seem to ignore some of Jesus's most important teaching. He urged his followers to love their neighbour and made it clear in the parable of the Good Samaritan that everyone is your neighbour yet you seem to be opposed to helping them with their healt care. Not very loving in my opinion.

Also in the parable of the Sheep and the goats he made it clear that people will be judged as much on their actions as anything else so I hope you don't get a nasty shock at the day of judgement.

In my life long search for the truth I came across some writings by a Christian that said in his opinion the worst sin around today was Hypocracy. Be careful not to fall into that trap, my friend
Blade, there are times when you confuse me. You profess to be a Christian yet you seem to ignore some of Jesus's most important teaching. He urged his followers to love their neighbour and made it clear in the parable of the Good Samaritan that everyone is your neighbour yet you seem to be opposed to helping them with their healt care. Not very loving in my opinion.
Hi Rabbie: I am sorry you feel I am confusing you. Let see if I can enlighten you!
Oops!,, I sat down and wrote a whole page on why I was against everybody having the healthcare insurance as put forth in the Liberal Agenda of Obama CARE.
Decided against it because it would not do anything to end your confusion nor would it change your mind about me. Whatever that is?
Blade, Also in the parable of the Sheep and the goats he made it clear that people will be judged as much on their actions as anything else so I hope you don't get a nasty shock at the day of judgement..
(see John 1:12; Acts 15:11; Romans 3:22-24; Romans 4:4-8; Romans 7:24-25; Romans 8:12; Galatians 3:6-9; and Ephesians 2:8-10)......the Bible is clear and teaches that salvation is only available by faith through the grace of God and not by our good works. Check out the passages above for further clarification. In fact, the good works mentioned in the parable is the result of salvation not the cause of salvation.
Blade, In my life long search for the truth I came across some writings by a Christian that said in his opinion the worst sin around today was hypocracy. Be careful not to fall into that trap, my friend
Rabbie, the Bible speaks a lot about Hypocrisy, mostly about teachers of the word... Do you believe I have steered you wrong when telling you about the Bible anywhere? Do you have reason to believe I am telling you how to get to the eternal life but follow another path myself?

Rabbie, Hope this help and Hope you have a Blessed week ahead.

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And you know about the 'Just Die Already' method of Health insurance....Just How...........You must be as old as Methuselah to have all this knowledge??????/


I read.

You should try it sometime.

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