Attack on Israel (1 Viewer)

Obama is an anti-Israeli racist.
This latest, horrendous lie that Israel is occupying Gaza has even opened the eyes of loyal followers like Dershowitz.

When Trump over estimates crowd sizes or someone doesn't agree on his evaluation of a property value, the left runs in the streets with bricks breaking windows and screaming liar, liar, pants on fire. Trump lies!!!!! Trump lies ALL THE TIME!!!! Because they can't tell an opinion from fact but when Obama actually lies because he does know the truth - he gets actually briefings on "facts" so we know that he knows the actual truth - and those lies hurt the American public like "if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor" and "Israel is occupying Gaza" and "Whites hate blacks", mums the word.
Oh the irony!!! At the Museum of Tolerance a pro-Palestinian crowd attacks Jews. So much for Palestinians having tolerance. As Dershowitz observed, these are the new Nazis.
A brawl broke out Wednesday evening outside the Museum of Tolerance where anti-Israel demonstrators gathered to oppose Gal Gadot’s screening of a film of atrocities committed by the Palestinian terror group Hamas in its October attack.

This also leads into a second topic. There has been an increasing cacophony for a cease fire and that Israel follow the rules of war.
Israel should not agree to any cease fire or to be constrained by any so-called rules of war.
It was Hamas that initiated the barbaric sneak attack that killed over 1,400 people. Hamas was not following any rules of war. Not only that, but the Palestinians are not condemning Hamas, but are condemning Israel instead. The pro-Palestinian riot at the Museum of Tolerance is an example of continued pressure to make Israel the "bad-guy", went it is Hamas.

Israel, if any cease fire were to occur, would get nothing out of it. The Palestinians are not offering to make peace, they view a cease fire as only a temporary pause in their war against Israel. Consequently there is no reason for Israel to agree to any cease fire. Israel needs to win, to survive.
I was wondering today if the Russian/ Ukraine set to is still going. Its dropped out of the news on TV and in the papers. Its been eclipsed by this Israeli fracas.
I was wondering today if the Russian/ Ukraine set to is still going. Its dropped out of the news on TV and in the papers. Its been eclipsed by this Israeli fracas.

The Babylon Bee is on a roll.:)
As chants of "Death To Jews" and "Final Solution" rang through the London air, longtime Nazi leader Josef Schmidt was overwhelmed with joy. "After so many decades of being an outcast here in Britain, to now watch Nazis march through the heart of London yelling 'Gas the Jews' - well, it brings a tear to your eye," said Mr. Schmidt. "I've had to hide my swastika flag for years, but no more! We're going out for a triumphant walk right by Buckingham Palace."
"It's time to put a stop to the senseless violence," said Cain as he checked Abel's pulse to make sure he was dead. "Everyone can lay down their weapons now!"
City officials in the birthplace of Jesus Christ are tearing down Christmas decorations in solidarity with Palestinians amid Israel's continued invasion of Gaza.
In 1950, Christians made up over 80% of the local population, but now hover around 10% in a Muslim-dominated region.
The article above is an outfall from the Hamas attack on Israel. It is also of particular concern to what is happening in the middle east. Periodically, especially around this time of year you see an occasional article lamenting that the birthplace of Christianity, Bethlehem, has gone Muslim. The article unfortunately has no historical perspective. Consequently, the average reader is unaware that the West, over a period of 100 years, has essentially ceded the Middle East to the Muslim community. The attack by Hamas on Israel is one outfall of the West's continued appeasement.
I noticed on a news report from Gaza that there are huge piles of bin bags full of rubbish and rotting food (I'm guessing), it seems that the routine bin collections have ceased. This means, that the areas of rubbish build up will be open day for vermin and disease like cholera etc.
Col, that is probably not a bad guess. Disease (Pestilence) IS, after all, one of the Four Horsemen. We have War, Death, Famine, and Pestilence in that area. Not that I'm in favor of that kind of conflict, but it is what it is and was triggered by hate directed at the Jewish people. I wish there were a long-term peaceful solution, but I haven't been getting my wishes fulfilled lately.
Is trash pickup a normal thing in war zones? Maybe they stop the killing every other Thursday for collection.
In New Orleans, trash pickup day is a bit delicate because of people with attitude asking "Who you callin' trash, fool?"
Is trash pickup a normal thing in war zones? Maybe they stop the killing every other Thursday for collection.
We hear of 10's of thousands of people have been displaced from the North Gaza to the south, they are crammed in so called 'safe' buildings like schools or hospitals.
I'm guessing that the water is scarce, so, the big question never mentioned is - where do tens of thousand people go to the toilet? Also, I'm guessing there are no shops so how do women and girls cope when it is 'time of the month'? Sanitary towels must be in short supply.
Valid questions, Col, and the only folks with real answers are the folks living there. I wonder about water scarcity in another direction. The water purification systems and well pumps have no power, so potable water will be scarce. But then... how much of the plumbing is still intact anyway? You can have all the fresh water you want but with no plumbing, how will it get anywhere that it is needed?
This is a classic example of FAFO "eff around and find out." And now there are consequences like hygiene.
Valid questions Col. Too bad the evil terrorists who attacked innocent, unarmed, civilians in Israel didn't consider some of them. Oh right, the girly boys only use women to hide behind or ra** so they just don't care if women and children suffer. They get their shot at the 72 virgins. The youngest terrorists probably don't even know what a virgin is but they are taught that Jews and homosexuals must be murdered and women don't matter except to produce sons for the cause.
Today there has been a flurry of news concerning the implementation of a "pause" and/or "cease fire" (depending on the word play) to allow humanitarian aid into Gaza and the potential release of hostages. Seems that this narrative is actually misplaced. The narrative should revolve around Hamas unconditionally surrendering. After Hamas surrender the aid can flow to alleviate the humanitarian crises. The world's political leaders need to get behind the narrative that once Hamas surrenders, humanitarian aid can be provided.
Here's a summary of the first war which started as soon as the UN approved the partitioning of the Palestine mandate into separate Jewish and Arab states. So the original TWO STATE SOLUTION was IMMEDIATELY cancelled by the surrounding Arab nations. Palestine NEVER got to form its own government. It was immediately occupied by Egypt and Jordan.


The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem hated the Jews:
The Mufti’s call for murder and ethnic cleansing would not fall on deaf ears. After 1948, 850,000 Jews were violently driven from Arab lands, stripped of their property and passports. 89 By one estimate, the Jews forced out of just three countries—Iraq, Egypt, and Morocco—were dispossessed of land that was more than five times the size of modern Israel.90 (Hajj Amin al-Husseini complained that the Arabs were allowing the Jews to escape alive and again called for “liquidation not emigration.”)91
WHERE is the justice for these Jews who were driven from their homes? The Arabs were not driven out of Israel as a result of the partitioning, the majority left at the behest of the grand Mufti because he convinced them that if they stayed, they would be persecuted by the Jews. That didn't happen of course and the Arabs who stayed are now a fully integrated part of Israeli society. They serve in the military, the civil service and the Knesset. Yes, after the 1948 war, the Arabs who fought against Israel were driven out. How could Israel allow them to stay? And NO, Israel will not allow them to return. They committed treason. Unlike the US, Israel doesn't have a death wish so they do not invite the devil who hates them into their home.

Gaza and the West Bank remained in the hands of Egypt and Jordan respectively until 1967.
I came across this speech by Bari Weiss (former Editorial Writer for the NYT) There's about 10 minutes of introductions before her speech starts. Her speech ends with suggestions on how to combat the current lies by the left.
Bari Weiss' Tour de Force Is a Battle Cry to Save the West (
Here's the story about her resignation three years ago.
New York Times Editor Quits Over Newspaper’s Internal ‘Orthodoxy’ (

And an editorial by one of my favorites - Victor Davis Hanson
No Moral Equivalence or Proportionality Between Hamas and Israel (

To quote Bari -
"There is no place like this country, and there is no second America to run to if this one fails"
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