Biden Ends Presidential Bid. (1 Viewer)

So you think Trump will win too. And you're much more on the pulse than me. I'm a foreigner.
What positive stories are there about an assassination attempt other than he missed?
Do you think that an assassination attempt on a former president and who at the time was the front runner in the polls is a newsworthy event? Ask yourself WHY Google decided to suppress it? They took a lot of bad press for that one so it now shows up.
When liberals get mad they get dangerous.
Do you think that an assassination attempt on a former president and who at the time was the front runner in the polls is a newsworthy event? Ask yourself WHY Google decided to suppress it? They took a lot of bad press for that one so it now shows up.
Time to introduce the speculative concept of a conspiracy theory?
  • The lawfare against Trump and fellow Republicans has been failing.
  • The Democrats performed a "coup" to oust Biden from the presidential race. Democrats are trying to "fix" the election.
  • Top Democrats have been advocating that Trump can't be allowed to win the presidential election. This implies a Machiavellian strategy of: "by any means necessary, the ends justify the means." Democrats have already deployed extensive illegitimate actions to cripple the opposition.
  • Did the Democrats find a useful idiot in Matthew Crooks?
Did the Democrats find a useful idiot in Matthew Crooks?
Absolutely!! and there are more like him out there.

Biden was back repeating the "Charlottesville" lie again today. Do you think the interviewer would challenge the lie? Not a chance. Fact checking is only for use against Trump. That's the conspiracy. The lame stream media gets their talking points every day. Somehow, there is always a "word of the day". It always sounds to me as though there is a contest to see who can say it the most times in a single minute. Wonder what the prize is?
Charlottesville was a "false flag" operation by Democrats that unfortunately worked.
I really don't understand why the Democrats are OK with the lie though. It's not like the video isn't there to set the record straight. Of course the perpetual lies told by Biden are also ignored so it is OK with them if their guys lie. Biden is your classic politician. How do you know when a politician is lying to you? His lips are moving.

Kamala has taken a different path. Instead of lying about her own accomplishments, of which there are none, she Kackles whenever she is asked a question for which she has no answer. The interviewers don't seem to notice this. They just laugh along with the hyena and say that she is just joyful all the time and play it as a positive trait. It is hard for the talking heads to get any dumber than that.
What positive stories are there about an assassination attempt other than he missed?
The positive is that he was not shot dead, like JFK or Bobby or Martin. Anyone who wishes him (or anyone) dead has to have a screw loose.
The positive is that he was not shot dead, like JFK or Bobby or Martin.
And Google actually found it necessary to suppress the stories because they were essentially positive and ALL positive stories regarding Trump MUST BE SQUASHED. Otherwise, they could never keep up the impression that Trump is the evil orange man. But the Democrats don't seem to even realize how they are being lied to. That is what I don't get. There is no Trump hater here who would ever say that Google should stop suppressing "positive" stories about Trump because they have absolutely no clue that that is even happening.
Google attributed the situation to existing protections against autocomplete predictions associated with political violence, noting that “no manual action was taken” to suppress information about Trump.

Bull you know what. Did you think they'd fess up? They actively suppress every positive article about Trump.
And yet there's a overabundance of positive Kamala news. it's weird because she hasn't done anything for the last 3 1/2 years. Maybe she's just lucky that way.:unsure:
This is the kind of dumb thing that Democrats do, I used to say their only solution to everything was to throw money at it, I should have included REGULATION in that.

More regulation for businesses. "Oh, you have to wait too long while cancelling a subscription? I know! We'll just pass a law that says it must be a single click" - or worse yet, not pass any law, but use one of their agencies' illicit administrative law powers.

Just mindless mandates that treat the business like the enemy. People, the businesses are NOT OUR ENEMY, they are the lifeblood of our huge and thriving economy and should be treated with care and freedom to the extent possible.

To regular silly stuff like this is - well, silly. And a horrible idea.

We are definitely not the same, conservatives have principles. I don't say this because of any personal stake I have in one of those companies, but it doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand you need to allow businesses to be successfulf for the good of the whole environment. I WANT businesses to profit, I"m not looking for every excuse I can to undermine them and reduce their profitability. More regulation, always the answer

It is ridiculous to try to micro-regulate these trivial things at what will be vast technology and process overhauls for businesses. The whole point of subscriptions is that many people don't cancel, thus you earn money - that's a good not a bad thing.
I believe it is a rather technical question as to whether Joe's "ouster" was a coup or not.
The word "coup" is being applied liberally by the public and media, even by Democrats.
New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd deemed President Biden's ouster a "coup" orchestrated behind the scenes by powerful Democrats on Sunday.
Is Kamala permanently on nitrous oxide, or is she just laughing at everyone for accepting her just sneaking in by the side door?

She appears to be an exaggerated version of Megan Markle, who always has the grin of the village idiot on her face.
Is Kamala permanently on nitrous oxide, or is she just laughing at everyone for accepting her just sneaking in by the side door?

She appears to be an exaggerated version of Megan Markle, who always has the grin of the village idiot on her face.
She has no true executive experience that's a problem.

Being the highest paid specialist in the area of law is nothing like being an executive.

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