Biden Ends Presidential Bid.

Elon - "How many citizens democratically voted for her again? I think I missed that part."
The party that (falsely) claims to be protecting democracy, rigs the nomination and election process to disenfranchise those who don't support the party.
Only on his terms. He gave into the liberal nonsense last time and won the debate. He's won the right to choose the venue, let liberals pound sand if they don't like it.

Also, if anyone is to accuse someone of 'backpedaling', or being stubborn about it, or being difficult for the purpose of "getting out of it", let it be remembered that they are BOTH doing that to some extent:

- Trump is refusing to debate at the formerly-Biden-slot, the logic goes Biden's no longer running, so it's off, but also:
- Kamala is refusing to establish a new fresh debate agreement, demanding instead to fill Biden's old slot only - knowing this might mean she doesn't have to debate.

So they can both be sort of accused of trying to get out of it. They both have shortcomings as debaters, I have a hard time figuring out who I think would best who. Bobblehead will certainly be bobbling frenetically about the things that were, Trump will be using too much hyperbole
Two weeks since Kamala was SELECTED
0 interviews
0 press conferences
0 unscripted media events

Where would she debate from, Joe's basement?
They got the needle where they want it - 1% over Trump. Now the key is, interestingly perhaps, the same as it was with Joe a few years ago: Don't let him open his mouth; maintain status quo.

Joe's manner of being inarticulate is totally different from Kamala's. Joe's, a 5 year old could tell he was struggling. He said many words that were not words. Kamala isn't like that at all, she can rattle off 10 minutes of garbage, but at the end she hasn't said literally anything - it's just a lot of mumbo when you're on a conference call and someone says something like "We should also consider deep-diving into the metrics to drill down on the pain points and develop actionable insights. This will empower us to pivot and iterate effectively so let's socialize this information and circle back ......................." etc etc ad nauseum
So now she has selected a running mate "Tim Walz" from Minnesota and she hasn't even gone through the democratic convention yet. And the funny thing is the border czar selected someone with the name Walz. How ironic is that? Harris and No Walz.
Why are the Democrats tolerating this? Are they all suffering from TDS so they are willing to have "their democracy" taken over by the people who know best?
It is pretty funny that a candidate so disliked by the people with a tiny % of primary votes ended up the final candidate.
Their "democracy" crowing is a joke - plus we have a republic.
let it be remembered that they are BOTH doing that to some extent:
There was no way Joe could survive any debate regardless of how biased the rules were in is favor. Even his knowing ahead of time the questions he would be asked wasn't enough of a leg up to make him coherent.

The situation with Kamala is different. She is not senile. Who knows how good her memory is though? If given the questions and enough time to memorize the answers, she could sound actually intelligent. That is why Trump can't go with the old rules.

But, his only new "rule" should be the two moderators rule. The Republicans pick the moderator to question Kamala and the Democrats pick the moderator to question Trump. That's the only way to keep the Dems from giving Kamala the questions - as well as the prepared answers so she could memorize them prior to the debate.

The two moderators rule should be simply "given" going forward. The people who set these debates up have proven themselves to be too biased to have control over the moderators. Trump gets the questions that always start with "now that you've stopped beating your wife". Joe gets asked about his favorite ice cream. Kamala so far doesn't take questions but maybe if they asked her about yellow school buses or Venn diagrams, she could provide a coherent answer.
Col, TDS = "Trump Derangement Syndrome" - a mental condition in which someone talks about Donald Trump and the Progressive Liberals act as though they were werewolves, with sudden flashing of fangs, foaming at the mouth, and howling at nothing in particular. Their reactions involve some small degree of "vision glazing over" and a sudden look of panic at the thought that Donald Trump could possibly win his way into the White House. Then they start to scheme at various ways to prevent this from happening, even if it means undermining the USA method of elections.

Of course, people afflicted with TDS will deny that it is so and will do their very best to evade, avoid, and obfuscate any substantial dialog over the relative merits of Conservatism vs. Progressive Liberalism.

I acknowledge that the people who have TDS on this forum will have difficulty in responding coherently until they calm down after reading my little definition of TDS.
Sorry to upset you all but TDS is not a recognised disease or syndrome in the International Classification of Diseases used worldwide.

I'm amazed at how many hours those here have spent arguing over the Presidential election. Of course Trump will win, its the republicans turn to win so those adjudicators of the voting will ensure a republican win. You can argue/ discuss/ swear / use foul language. It will make no difference and will wast many hours of your time.
Have you noticed that nobody here has said which party they prefer? Odd isn't it. No current candidate seems suitable, yet nobody offers any names of a possible future candidate who would satisfy the American people.
Col, it is not necessarily an international disease so your International Classification reference might not catch it. Further, since it is a deviant behavioral condition based on specific trigger conditions, it classifies as an antipathy or (if stronger) a phobia. Like acrophobia (heights) or coulrophobia (clowns) or agorophobia (crowds or open spaces). I used to have trypanophobia (needles or injections) though I've improved in my later years. Since the trigger is SO specific, it might not be easily classified. It's a form of politicophobia - which IS a word. (I had to look it up.) But because it is specific to one politician, that word doesn't really apply.
Doc, I knew all that, I was being obtuse.
It would be nice to see someone comment on the 2nd and 3rd paragraphs of my post though.
Sorry to upset you all but TDS is not a recognised disease or syndrome in the International Classification of Diseases used worldwide.

I'm amazed at how many hours those here have spent arguing over the Presidential election. Of course Trump will win, its the republicans turn to win so those adjudicators of the voting will ensure a republican win. You can argue/ discuss/ swear / use foul language. It will make no difference and will wast many hours of your time.
Have you noticed that nobody here has said which party they prefer? Odd isn't it. No current candidate seems suitable, yet nobody offers any names of a possible future candidate who would satisfy the American people.
That's not true, I've always said I prefer the Republican party. And I wish you were right about who would win
Doc, I knew all that, I was being obtuse.
It would be nice to see someone comment on the 2nd and 3rd paragraphs of my post though.

I suppose, since you asked: I'm closest to the Libertarian party, to the non-chaotic branch thereof. However, these days there are no viable candidates for any Libertarian branch. Just to clarify: Chaotic Libertarians would do away with nearly all laws and regulations. It may be a matter of degree rather than kind, but I would simply reduce the regulations to get Big Government out of my (severely receded) hair. Which is why I cheered the revocation of the Chevron Deference Doctrine recently. Folks still have to follow through on next steps on that, but it goes in the right direction.

As to who will win? I'm seeing all sorts of claims all over the place about voting irregularities and that scares me. I want Kamala/Walz to lose but I don't know if the amount of time remaining before the election will be enough to get out the truth about Kamala and her flip-flops.
Their "democracy"
I think it is "their" democracy because it sure isn't ours. We have a Republic and we actually want people to choose their representatives. In "their" democracy (small d) the smart people get to choose for the stupid people. That's why the Democrats created Super Delegates to begin with. Just in case the great unwashed made a mistake and chose someone the party did not approve of.

So liberals, how does it feel to be part of the "great unwashed" and have your rights revoked right before your eyes?

@ColinEssex TDS will ultimately be recognized as a legitimate mental condition. It will be defined as a "media induced fear and hatred of a single individual or group of individuals that causes the afflicted to irrationally reverse their long held opinions in order to not appear to side with the person/group the media wants them to hate. It makes people willing commit crimes such as violating non-believers Constitutional rights as well as weaponizing various government Departments such as the DOJ and FBI in order to do away with the target of their fear/hatred."
It may be a matter of degree rather than kind, but I would simply reduce the regulations to get Big Government out of my (severely receded) hair. Which is why I cheered the revocation of the Chevron Deference Doctrine recently. Folks still have to follow through on next steps on that, but it goes in the right direction
Precisely right on
Between Kamala's fake African American thing, fake being ok with fracking (now), fake solving root causes of immigration, and Tim Walz's fake military service - they seem like the fake ticket. Wonder how soon Trump will think of that phrase
Because this isn't weird at all o_O


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