Biden Ends Presidential Bid.

I have only been casually following the Democratic convention. Based on the reporting of Fox News, it appears that the Democrats are silent concerning the plight of Israel and Democrats have openly expressed concern for the plight of Palestinians in Gaza. I understand that Biden never mentioned Israel in his speech and that Harris was sobbing over the death of "innocent" civilians in Gaza. Fox News did interview a Palestinian who said that all Palestinians are for Hamas. Obviously that was not a random sample. Nevertheless, the comments of that one Palestinian implies that there are no "innocent" Palestinians. The apparent background noise at the Democratic convention implies that the Biden/Harris administration is evermore openly anti-Israeli, pro-Hamas, pro-Hezbollah, and pro-Iranian.
Seems like the only topic of conversation at the Democrat convention is the evil orange man. Nothing about crime, inflation, education, or anything that the Dems might propose to make YOUR life better. It is just a hate fest.
Seems like the only topic of conversation at the Democrat convention is the evil orange man. Nothing about crime, inflation, education, or anything that the Dems might propose to make YOUR life better. It is just a hate fest.
They're a joke.
I thought the republican speakers killed it. It was nice to see all the Democrats clap and cheer for a republican.
Any Republican who offers a negative opinion on DJT makes the sufferers of TDS very happy. But they are opinions and hearsay. Not necessarily facts. Why did that woman ask Melania to talk to Trump if she worked for him? Why not talk to the person you want to take action? Why speak to his wife? Can you imagine Working for Musk and asking his wife to convey a message to him about a production line problem? So, bottom line on her story - she said she asked Melania so why is it Trump's fault? Because EVERYTHING is Trump's fault!
I thought the republican speakers killed it. It was nice to see all the Democrats clap and cheer for a republican.
The same democrats who ran a coup on their nominee. Then to add insult to injury they gave Biden the worst time slot possible, is that any way to treat your fallen hero?

Did Barack or Hillary mention all that joy just outside the security parameter? Did Barack or Hillary mention you needed to show multiple forms of ID to enter the convention, ironic isn't it?
All they have is just a never-ending stream of anonymous sources and hearsay about things Trump supposedly said behind closed doors. Why can't they find things said normally
OK, she worked for the First Lady and not the President. WHY is this Trump's fault? So, she goes on to make up in her mind that there was some nefarious thing that Trump had planned. OK, If she THINKS that the President had some nefarious motive, I guess it must be true:poop: I think you're planning on poisoning your neighbor's dog. Does that make my wild thought true? Only if it is negative and only if it refers to Trump. If I said that was Trump's plan and posted it in a tweet it would be viral in 24 hours and confirmed as a fact by your favorite fact checkers who took years to debunk the Charlottesville lie (which Biden told AGAIN this week. Talk about dumb as a rock or just a serial liar.) even though all they had to do was to watch the video to know what Trump was actually talking about.

This was even worse than hearsay. No one told her that they knew for a fact that Trump had some nefarious plan. In her own words - she made it up out of whole cloth and you believe it. Who exactly is the basement dweller?
OK, she worked for the First Lady and not the President.
If you kept up with the facts you'd know she was was the chief of staff and press secretary for Melania and then the WhiteHouse Press Secretary and Communications Director. She also worked on trumps 2016 campaign.
OK, If she THINKS that the President had some nefarious motive, I guess it must be true:poop: I think you're planning on poisoning your neighbor's dog. Does that make my wild thought true?
No but if you worked for me and we were in the same room and I said "I'm going to poison the puppy next door" and you heard it with your own ears it's likely you'd have a little credibility and it's not such a wild thought. That's how things work outside the maga bubble.
This was even worse than hearsay. No one told her that they knew for a fact that Trump had some nefarious plan. In her own words - she made it up out of whole cloth and you believe it. Who exactly is the basement dweller?
Check your definition of hearsay. She was in the room. No one told her anything, she witnessed it for herself.
She makes no mention of any nefarious plan so not quite sure where your getting that. She does lay out a solid foundation for the basis of her knowledge so any hearsay challenge fails miserably.

listen again (or for the first time most likely)

I can't believe people are gullible enough to believe everything these bitter ex employees say
I can't believe people are gullible enough to believe everything these bitter ex employees say
Says the man who's devoted to the worlds most prolific and undisputed liar.
Says the man who's devoted to the worlds most prolific and undisputed liar.
What makes you think I'm devoted to Trump?

In fact if you'd been paying attention: I've often said the opposite, I've said there are plenty of aspects of him that I don't care for, but I still very much want him to win because he is the candidate we have.

I just want conservatism to win out. I have a rule for myself; that is, I don't care all that much who's at the head - as long as it's a conservative.

They just do a lot of rubber stamping anyway
That's how things work outside the maga bubble.
Wow, you always think other people are up to no good. That is so sad. Too bad you can't see Kamala for what she really is.

I don't have enough time in my life to spend it reading news feeds all day and negative stories about Trump. I tried to watch the Democrat pseudo convention this week but all they talked about was Trump. In the recap, I caught the woman telling everyone what SHE thought Trump was up to and they applauded. That is TDS at its best. Someone makes up a story - and she told us she did - presents ito to the world. It is for some reason regarded as the gospel truth and Trump is the evil orange man.

Kamala has NO policy because she can't be bothered to read her briefing papers to understand what is going on in the world and what she might want to propose as some plan to settle down some of the wars for example. Maybe she'll make some Venn diagrams. Kamala has been the de facto nominee for over a month now. I don't think she's answered 5 questions from the press in all that time and she is way too busy to do interviews. Her stock answers, I'll schedule an interview before the end of the month and that's a DAY ONE priority. OK, why would you wait until Jan 20, 2025 when you could start TODAY??? Who is running the country if she isn't? And if she isn't? who is and why is she not doing it? Is she going to delegate running the country if she manages to get elected? Somehow Trump manages to take interviews from pretty much anyone who asks. If Kamala ever does give an interview, it will be with someone who will give her softball questions AND give her the questions ahead of time so she will have the answer if she remembers it. You've probably never noticed what causes the cackling. It is Kamala's response when someone asks her a question for which she has no answer. That is why she is not being allowed to speak without a teleprompter. They'll probably even have a hidden teleprompter for her at the interview so she doesn't get embarrassed..
Says the man who's devoted to the worlds most prolific and undisputed liar.
rather obvious.
Not obvious at all. Do you even read what those you assert to be MAGA aficionados post? As one example, @Isaac wrote: "In fact if you'd been paying attention: I've often said the opposite, I've said there are plenty of aspects of him that I don't care for, but I still very much want him to win because he is the candidate we have. .... I just want conservatism to win out. I have a rule for myself; that is, I don't care all that much who's at the head - as long as it's a conservative.".

Anyway, you do not seem to aware that Biden is the bigger liar. Most of Trump's supposed "lies" are humorous hyperbole. Democrats don't seem to understand humor. Instead they contort that humor into "lies" for repulsive political gain.
I couldn't care less about Trump specifically, I just need a republican to win. Personally I supported another candidate in the primary

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