Biden Ends Presidential Bid.

Yeah, "Tampon Tim" may have some explaining to do.
My opinion is that it gives Mr Trump an open goal with nobody to stop him now, not that there was anyway.

Col I need one of your pep talks about how Trump is going to win no matter what, what's the good word today?
Col I need one of your pep talks about how Trump is going to win no matter what, what's the good word today?
I've already said, -
A) it's the republicans turn at running the asylum.
B) Kamala is too late in the running.
C) Despite the fact that Trump can barely speak anything of interest or anything which is becoming of a world leader, he will tie Kamala up in the September debate. Providing the questions are fair.

But what do I know? Nothing - I'm a Brit looking from the outside.
I've already said, -
A) it's the republicans turn at running the asylum.
B) Kamala is too late in the running.
C) Despite the fact that Trump can barely speak anything of interest or anything which is becoming of a world leader, he will tie Kamala up in the September debate. Providing the questions are fair.

But what do I know? Nothing - I'm a Brit looking from the outside.
A month ago you thought it was going to be Biden and Trump
Yes, Kamala wasn't even heard of here. But Trump will win as I've been saying for ages. He has the money to make it happen.
Yes, Kamala wasn't even heard of here. But Trump will win as I've been saying for ages. He has the money to make it happen.
Three weeks ago Trump came within a millimeter of being assassinated, you know nothing. None of us know, we're just guessing.
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Like left-leaning attacks on Republican vice presidential candidate JD Vance that stemmed from a false parody post on X about Vance’s purported sexual relations with a couch, the mold posts about Rowling are largely tongue-in-cheek jabs alongside real, negative sentiment about how her opinions have altered the political landscape for marginalized groups

When it's a conservative making an analogy or stretching a concept to make a point, it's a "conspiracy theory".
When a liberal does it, it's a 'tongue in cheek jabs along real, negative sentiment'.

Fancy stuff there!


He says illegals are highly likely to vote at some point, which is 100% true, as the Democrats will eventually probably give anyone amnesty who has been here for x number of years (i.e., most of their progeny becomes a Dreamer at some point).
Then NBC says that something [different from what Musk actually said, as he did NOT say illegals were registering to vote], and fact-checks it as "FALSE".

Do you see how liberal media is so misleading?

"I believe in lamps".
"We have fact checked the claim that lamps are pink and found it to be false".

Obviously every person who takes up physical residency in the United States is a possible voter at some point, there is just no number of excuses and word salad that changes that. Eventually they'll say "but I've been here for 40 years, give me citizenship", and the Democrats will say "ok"
If you don't win in November all the
platitudes won't matter. Some Republicans will jump ship to the independent party, which is a disaster in future two party races. It's now or never peeps.
Has anyone heard from Biden since this Kamoola thing started? He's been relegated to the basement once again. This entire processes is a joke.
Has anyone heard from Biden since this Kamoola thing started? He's been relegated to the basement once again. This entire processes is a joke.
Last wednesday with robert costa. Airs sunday morning.
Last wednesday with robert costa. Airs sunday morning.
Are you really trying to justify this? Why does your hatred for DJT blind you to what your own party is doing to "your democracy" Are you really OK with them completely removing you from the process of choosing the Democrat Presidential candidate? A woman who couldn't get 2% of the popular vote in order to stay in the 2020 debates and who has been bad-mouthed repeatedly by your press for months because she was such a drag on the party that Biden insisted on running again is now YOUR candidate for President simply because she has the correct genitalia and skin color? Talk about your typical DIE hire. Biden even told you her only qualifications when he picked her. So far she's been in the hunt for three weeks and hasn't said a word that she didn't read from a teleprompter because her handlers do not dare to let her talk. Although, she may have answered a single question from the scrum a few days ago. It must have been known ahead of time so she could rehearse.

Even the press is covering for her. Do you reallllllllllllly want another President that the press has to cover for? Are empty suits that make it their mission to destroy this country really better than the evil Orange man? What did Trump do to you that makes you hate him so much that you would rather see this country destroyed than have him elected again?

This first debate will be pretty amusing. Although Fox will almost certainly give her their questions ahead of time to give her a fighting chance. We'll see how good her memory is.
Are you really trying to justify this?
What? Am I trying to justify answering Mike's question?
Why does your hatred for DJT blind you to what your own party is doing to "your democracy"
My own party? I've been a registered independent for 20 years or so. republican before that.

who has been bad-mouthed repeatedly by your press for months
My press? I didn't know I had a press.

What did Trump do to you that makes you hate him so much
Why do you think everyone who dislikes trump and what he stands for hates him.

You seem triggered. Is everything O.K.?
Has anyone heard from Biden since this Kamoola thing started? He's been relegated to the basement once again. This entire processes is a joke.


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Newsome seems to really have his panties in a bunch all of a sudden about homelessness. Seems to be raging. What is up with that and what triggered it after all this time???
Newsome seems to really have his panties in a bunch all of a sudden about homelessness. Seems to be raging. What is up with that and what triggered it after all this time???
He wants to be president, and he knows people won't remember, especially dems
He wants to be president, and he knows people won't remember, especially dems
You mean like they won't remember if he was a little bit harsh in cleaning it up he just wants it to be cleaned up by the time he runs?
You mean like they won't remember if he was a little bit harsh in cleaning it up he just wants it to be cleaned up by the time he runs?
Gavin will do whatever it takes:

When the President of China Xi Jinping visited San Francisco, Gavin hurriedly hid the homeless, picked up all the used needles, and washed away all the human feces. And he made sure to line the streets with the communist Chinese flags.
But Trump will win as I've been saying for ages. He has the money to make it happen.
So, with the lame stream media 100% against him and publishing lie after lie after lie and then telling the low information voters that Kamala is the next coming of Jesus Christ, and Google suppressing any positive story including the assassination attempt, you think his measly billion can overcome that? The NYT cut out the American flag from the famous assassination attempt picture. And the Democrats have no problem with the press lying to them. They have no problem with the DNC eliminating their chance to actually pick their preferred Presidential candidate. They don't even know that they were disenfranchised. Kamala Harris got NOT A SINGLE VOTE and yet she has been anointed as the Presidential candidate. Why waste all that time and money bothering with Primaries. Why not just let the DNC choose for them every election cycle?

Kamala gives no press interviews because she can't answer questions. The famous "there's no there there" really applies to her. She's actually worse than Biden so she has been placed in a cocoon and is being protected from anyone who might ask her a question other than what ice cream flavor she likes, while Trump takes on all comers. Just three weeks ago the media couldn't find anything good to say about her. It was a doom and gloom about how she was a drag on the ticket. Now that she IS the ticket, a miracle has happened. The media thinks Kamala's lack of interest in her briefing papers isn't a problem. They like her attitude. She's so happy. She laughs a lot. Of course they are too stupid to have noticed that her Kackle is a device she hides behind whenever she is asked a question she has no answer to. She just laughs hysterically. Eventually the interviewer moves on. That isn't going to work in a debate if Trump has an open mic.

Personally, I think my President should pay attention to what is going on in the world so she has an understanding of the threats we face. Do any of you really relish the idea of her taking the midnight phone call?

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