Some of the individuals included in these emails
Surgeon General of the United States.
++ Dr. Jerome Adams
++ Dr. DuaneCaneva,DHS Chief medicalofficer
++ Dr. DavidS Wade, medicalofficer,Departmentof HomelandSecurity,previouslyon NSC
++ Dr. ThomasWilkinson,MedicalInformationOfficer DHS
++ HerbertO. Wolfedirector and actingchief of staff of the Office of the Chief MedicalOfficer at the U.S.
Departmentof HomelandSecurity.
++ Dr. DavidTarantino,senior medicaladviser for CBP andcoordinator of the protectionpartof CBP's
responseto the opioidcrisis.
++ Dr.GregoryJ.Martin,StateDepartment
++ Dr.Alexander L.Eastmansenior medicalofficer HomelandSecurity
++ Dr.SangeetaKaushikisanemergencymedicinephysicianat DHS
++ Dr.LarryG.PadgetJr. StateDepartment
Healthand HumanServicesand Centersfor DiseaseControland Prevention
++ BrettGiroir,AssistantSecretaryfor Healthat theU.S.Departmentof Healthand HumanServices
++ Dr.Anthony Fauci,director of the NationalInstituteof AllergyandInfectiousDiseases
++ Dr.RobertKadlec,AssistantSecretaryof Healthand HumanServices
++ Dr.RichardHunt,senior medicaladvisor
++ Dr.RobertR.Redfield,Directorof the Centersfor DiseaseControland Prevention
++ ChristianHassellSenior ScienceAdvisor at U.S.Departmentof Healthand HumanServices
++ DanielDodgen,director of ASPR Divisionfor At-Risk Individuals,BehavioralHealth,andCommunity
++ KristinL.DeBord,Directorof StrategyOfficeof theAssistantSecretaryfor Preparednessand
ResponseU.S.Departmentof HealthandHumanServices
++ RobertJohnson,Ph.D.,is the Director of the InfluenzaandEmergingInfectiousDiseasesDivisionof
++ KevinYeskey,M.D.currentlyserves as the PrincipalDeputyAssistantSecretaryto the Assistant
Secretaryfor PreparednessandResponse(ASPR)at the Departmentof Healthand HumanServices
(HHS).Theofficeleads the nationin preventing,respondingto andrecoveringfrom the adversehealth
effects of manmadeandnaturallyoccurringdisaster and publichealthemergencies.
++ Dr.Gary Disbrowis the DeputyDirector(Acting)of the BiomedicalAdvancedResearchand
++ Dr. JohnT. Redd,a medicalepidemiologistwiththe U.S.Centersfor DiseaseControlandPrevention
Department of Defense
++ Col. Matthew Hepburn, M.D., DARPA program manager, former director of Medical Preparedness on
the White House National Security Staff.
Department of Veterans Affairs
++ Dr. Carter E.Mecher, Senior Medical Advisor
++ Paul Kshemendra, chief data officer and executive director for data governance and analytics
++ EvaK Lee: Americanoperationsresearcher who applies combininratorialoptimizationandsystems
biologyto the study of healthcare decision making at GeorgiaTech
++ Tom Bossert former HomelandSecurity Advisor to U.S.PresidentDonaldTrump.
++ Dr. Dan Hanfling,MD, Clinical Professor of EmergencyMedicine at GeorgeWashingtonUniversity
also with In-Q-Tel
+ + RalphBaric, PhD, Professorin the DepartmentofEpidemiologyUNC, leaderin the studyof
+ + RichardHatchettCEO Coalitionfor EpidemicPreparedness. Servedin the WhiteHousesof
PresidentsGeorgeW . Bush and BarackObama
+ + Dr. JamesLawler, infectiousdisease doctor atUniversityofNebraska, served as a memberofthe
HomelandSecurityCouncilfor PresidentGeorge W . Bush and as a memberofthe NationalSecurity
CouncilforPresidentBarack Obama.
+ + Dr. DavidMarcozzi, formersenior advisorfor EmergencyPreparednessand Acute Care within the
Centers ofMedicareandMedicaidServices andmemberofWhite HouseNationalSecurity Council.
+ + + MichaelWargois vice presidentofemergencypreparednessat HCAHealthcare.
+ + Herbert O . Wolfe ofPennState, formerNationalSecurity Councilstaffat the White House
+ + Dr. Charity A Dean, CaliforniaDepartmentofPublicHealth
+ ++ DavidGruberTexasDepartmentofStateHealth ServicesMobileAssociate Commissionerfor
Regionaland LocalHealthOperations, BorderHealth, EmergencyPreparednessand the Texas Center
for InfectiousDisease.
+ + Dr. Jeffrey S . Duchin, Health Officerand Chief, CommunicableDisease Epidemiology Immunization
SectionPublicHealth- Seattle and KingCo