Coronavirus - are we all doomed?

I can't, that is why I said jihad so to speak.
Yes I know that. I simply don't think it was appropriate to use jihad.
You could have chosen a dozen other words.
Jihad is a special word, with a special meaning, referring to a specific group. Not something to be used as **So to speak**
I think jihad is an appropriate use of a metaphor, do we really want to censure peoples thought processes?
Some of you actually believe this was a lab engineered virus that got loose? I don't. Think about it. Not only would you be buying into the idea that a lab would engineer something that only has a 1 or 2 % fatality rate, but something that will likely be beaten with a vaccine. Then there's the escape and/or unleashing on your own population. I for one doubt that lab protocols are that lax in China. My prediction is that we're going to learn this originated from some animal as soon as they've finished mapping the genome of the virus (assuming it has one). Bats are a likely source because of the degree of similarity between bat and human genome - at least for the portion that applies here. If you think that's a stretch, consider that the human genome has a lot in common with lots of species. You have more in common with a tree than you likely know.

Bats are a free source of protein for disadvantaged people. They go into bat caves to get out of storms. They collect guano for fertilizer. They get bitten by bats. Their animals are bitten by bats, get infected, then they eat the animals. And so on. Don't buy into the "lab engineered virus" crap for corona virus.
We are still talking about China right? Where they hid crucial evidence from the world and jailed scientist.
I say that as well, and I blame them for what this has become because they tried to suppress it. It doesn't mean I buy into baseless conspiracy theories.
Yes, and who will benefit? If any.
no one, of course. that's the point. but hypothetically speaking, if every country owes every other country the same amount, or similar to the same amount anyway, what the hell is wrong with a reset? that makes perfect sense. BOOM. everyone's happy again. kind of like our leader here, to quote one of his previous posts after a complaint from me that started a fury about extra line breaks in responses:
peace restored.

happiness resumes
I knew my smart phone would be good for something, like tracking me. :cool:

Yes I'm not happy with that aspect... It will be interesting to see how the Chinese use their sophisticated face recognition software. The trouble is, anyone that might have any interest and/or ability to report on it will be the first ones to come to a sticky end because of it...
That is one of the reasons I have resisted buying a smart phone. I have a flip-phone that has the least possible smarts to keep me on the current network. Since it can't do anything, I don't use it to visit web sites anyway, so that minimizes exposure to malware. It also is turned off most of the time because when I'm home, you can call me on the house phone.
I have a flip-phone that has the least possible smarts to keep me on the current network.
you still have a landline!?!?

big keys for seniors???
I have a cordless landline that has big numbers. Why is that funny? It's very sensible as I can't see too well without my reading glasses.

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