Coronavirus - are we all doomed?

It originally started during Jimmy Carter, in response to the Iran hostage crisis.
I remember that well. The recent movie about that sure took a lot of credit on the part of the US thanks to Ben Affleck. IIRC, Ken Taylor was the architect of that rescue plan, but you'd never know it by watching the Hollywood version. Well, I suppose us Canuks should be happy that Ken got an honourable mention.
I remember that well. The recent movie about that sure took a lot of credit on the part of the US thanks to Ben Affleck. IIRC, Ken Taylor was the architect of that rescue plan, but you'd never know it by watching the Hollywood version. Well, I suppose us Canuks should be happy that Ken got an honourable mention.
Not surprising, Hollywood is a town of liberals and debauchery. You got the same treatment Bernie got....

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If I remember correctly, Canada was not content with that movie, because they weren't given the correct credit. I read somewhere that Canada's embassy had the main role in that plan. But according to the movie, it was only used as a place to hide them for several days.

I may be wrong. I watch too many movies and read a lot about them. Mostly they get mixed. I may be wrong there.
Once again, Trump has made an inopportune remark.
My point is that if this was a one-off occurrence you might cut him some slack, but you could literally write a book or even two of these clever "musings".
Anyone with a brain would engage it before uttering such fuckwittery.

The press conferences are funny because if anyone questions him he just talks all over then shouting "your fake and it's all fake news."
It's the most dignified display of considered intellectual response I've ever seen.

And I agree Biden isn't much better, but he's not currently actually in charge.

@The_Doc_Man I do sympathise with your choices of 2 rubbish options.
We had the same in the UK, Boris whom I don't think is trustworthy, and Corbyn who has a dubious record on a lot of things and was surrounded by yet more idiots,
The press conferences are funny because if anyone questions him he just talks all over then shouting "your fake and it's all fake news."
It's the most dignified display of considered intellectual response I've ever seen.
At last somebody talks my language.
I'm not 100% sure of whether some of what gets published is "fake" news. But I am absolutely sure it is NOT news. It is opinion surrounding a news event, reported in a way to be heavily slanted according to the editorial opinions of the media owners. So many reporters do not offer the news any more despite the title of their show including the word "news."
Apparently it finally occurred to him that his press rallies are making him look bad and he announced that he is not going to participate in them so much.
Although that was yesterday and its been almost 24 hours so who knows.
My point is that if this was a one-off occurrence you might cut him some slack, but you could literally write a book or even two of these clever "musings".
Anyone with a brain would engage it before uttering such fuckwittery.

The press conferences are funny because if anyone questions him he just talks all over then shouting "your fake and it's all fake news."
It's the most dignified display of considered intellectual response I've ever seen.

And I agree Biden isn't much better, but he's not currently actually in charge.
To reiterate what has been said many times. Simplistically, Biden (falsely) looks "good" on the surface because most of the media is virulently anti-Trump. If Trump tosses a morsel that the media can twist into an anti-Trump eating frenzy, they do so with big scary headlines. President Trump, as the current President, should receive "extra" scrutiny, but fair coverage by the press. Nevertheless, Biden could become President, and if the (fair and balanced) media fails to properly vet Biden, even though at this time he is a candidate, his election could result in an administration that would be disastrous for the nation.
To reiterate what has been said many times. Simplistically, Biden (falsely) looks "good" on the surface because most of the media is virulently anti-Trump. If Trump tosses a morsel that the media can twist into an anti-Trump eating frenzy, they do so with big scary headlines. President Trump, as the current President, should receive "extra" scrutiny, but fair coverage by the press. Nevertheless, Biden could become President, and if the (fair and balanced) media fails to properly vet Biden, even though at this time he is a candidate, his election could result in an administration that would be disastrous for the nation.

Well written as usual!

Remember Star Trek The Motion Picture? V'Ger severed it's own communication so as not to receive the message, It's like that.
Speaking of hypocrites, the left is about to be "hoist with their own petard."


Aides to former 2020 hopeful Sen. Bernie Sanders are expressing their anger about the latest development in a sexual assault accusation against presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden -- after video emerged from 1993 in which the accuser's mother appears to allude to her accusation.

Edit: No wonder he wants to pick a women nominee.
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Tera is absolutely right. There is really only one person that the rest of the world is interested in - that is The President. The internal squabbling between the also-rans is of little or no interest to anyone outside the USA.
There is no doubt that the USA is a leader in many spheres. But, as with a President of any country, people expect the leader to be statesmanlike, honest, and above all a person we can look up to and have faith in. In such a powerful country as the USA, the slightest offhand or ill advised remark by The President can have wide ranging and devastating consequences worldwide.
So, you vote in a clown, you get a clowns performance as has been demonstrated many time by Orangeman. Let's hope the next president who will be voted in with the least number of populace votes will give the world confidence in the USA and restore it to where it should be. Sadly, at the moment, the USA is a world joke, mainly due to Orangeman.
I for one have faith that with the right president, the USA can be salvaged, but not with the current incumbent of The White House. Who that will be I don't know, but for christs sake don't vote in another clown.
Col, I hear you but respectfully point out that neither Bernie Sanders nor Joe Biden would qualify as "the right president." They are SO extreme that if either of them actually WON the election, the Republican backlash of immediate impeachment would occur. And we cannot forget the "20" curse - that approximately every five terms of office, something really bad happens to a U.S. president.

Imagine being a Bernie Bro right now! His last hoorah and so disrespected. I wonder what they will do with all this free time.:unsure:
Col, I hear you but respectfully point out that neither Bernie Sanders nor Joe Biden would qualify as "the right president." They are SO extreme that if either of them actually WON the election, the Republican backlash of immediate impeachment would occur.
Ok look, it's quite simple.
We all know Trump is a total clown and an idiot, from what you say the other two would not be suitable, (personally I have no idea as we hear so little of them in the UK)
So, surely either of the two main parties can put up a candidate from 300 million who is of presidential material. How hard can it be?
So, surely either of the two main parties can put up a candidate from 300 million who is of presidential material.
I suspect part of the problem is that you need about that much behind you just to consider running, and I mean $ not people. With all that money spent on you, you owe everybody big time. Then those special interest groups, organizations, factions and businesses that funded you, and the politicians that backed you show up at your door and remind you of what you owe them.

There are some things about our electoral system that I'm not a fan of, but I'll take it over the US system any day.
Col, I hear you but respectfully point out that neither Bernie Sanders nor Joe Biden would qualify as "the right president." They are SO extreme that if either of them actually WON the election, the Republican backlash of immediate impeachment would occur.

Whilst Bernie Sanders does indeed hold left-wing views (at least within the context of US politics), Joe Biden is well to the right of the Democratic party. Please do enlighten us all on how his politics are 'SO extreme'

To reiterate what has been said many times. Simplistically, Biden (falsely) looks "good" on the surface because most of the media is virulently anti-Trump.
Disagree. Simplistically, Biden looks 'better' because Trump is so utterly inept.

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