Coronavirus - are we all doomed?

@Jon I understand your point. But as the president of US don't you think Trump's wrong and mistaken comments are too much? (comparing to previous presidents)?
Did you saw his interview about Korea and their solution with covid-19? He simply said "Nobody knows Korea better than me. Seoul's population is 300 million .......) Is this what a President supposed to say in front of media? He doesn't even know the population of a city and not only he talks about it, but he says I know better than you do.

And it's not the first time. I can give you a long list.
Biden has made plenty of gaffs. It is well known that when it comes to women, he is touchy feely and has recently been accused of sexual assault by Tera Reade. The left wing press and various women's groups have been amazingly silent on this issue. Hillary Clinton, in 2015, made a big deal that sexual assault victims have a right to be heard and a right to be believed yet Tera Reade's accusations don't seem to be worthy of reporting or investigating.
Answer: CNN doesn't give it any credence, therefore it simply doesn't exist.
@Jon I understand your point. But as the president of US don't you think Trump's wrong and mistaken comments are too much? (comparing to previous presidents)?
Did you saw his interview about Korea and their solution with covid-19? He simply said "Nobody knows Korea better than me. Seoul's population is 300 million .......) Is this what a President supposed to say in front of media? He doesn't even know the population of a city and not only he talks about it, but he says I know better than you do.

And it's not the first time. I can give you a long list.
It's called hyperbole, and yes most of the world doesn't get it.
Tera, I understand your perspective. Let me give you an example of something.

Person A is a financial genius and performs miracles for the economy, improving the countries wealth and negotiating better trade deals. But, they have terrible diplomacy.

Person B is a genius at diplomacy, yet terrible at running the economy. But the country is loved by others.

Each of these people have different strengths and weaknesses. Some of the traits that it takes to be good at one may be the opposite of those needed for the other. My examples are probably terrible. It is just that you can't be great at everything. We can focus on the things that Trump says that some consider bad. But what about the good? The economy was doing great. Essentially, if we are trying to say Person A shouldn't be doing X, we are saying Person A shouldn't be who they are. But perhaps being who they are in its totality is what got them to be where they are today.

I believe one of the reasons some people support Trump is that his message sounds congruent. Most politicians wrap word salads around everything so it all sounds palatable, but ultimately you don't really know what they believe. I prefer straight talking!

don't you think Trump's wrong and mistaken comments are too much?
They thought him saying he was being spied on was wrong and mistaken.
@Jon I understand your point. But as the president of US don't you think Trump's wrong and mistaken comments are too much? (comparing to previous presidents)?
Have you undertaken such an analysis to support your supposition? Memories fade over time, but I don't have any sense that Trump has been wrong or mistaken out of the ordinary.

@Jon I understand your point. But as the president of US don't you think Trump's wrong and mistaken comments are too much? (comparing to previous presidents)?
Did you saw his interview about Korea and their solution with covid-19? He simply said "Nobody knows Korea better than me. Seoul's population is 300 million .......) Is this what a President supposed to say in front of media? He doesn't even know the population of a city and not only he talks about it, but he says I know better than you do.

And it's not the first time. I can give you a long list.
Well, Trump may have given an incorrect figure for the population of Seoul, but then look at Biden's gaffs. Biden said 150 million people in the US died from gun violence. That's nearly 50% of the US population. So I hope, should you provide a long list, that you include Biden's gaff. After all, should he be elected, he will have his finger on the nuclear weapons trigger.
It's called hyperbole, and yes most of the world doesn't get it.
Yes, I agree with you. That is one reason why in this recent episode he said at the end he is not a doctor. He knows he is riffing, and so he clarified. I think its the same thing about the windmill noise thing he said. He is just kidding, goofing around for effect. The haters want to take it literally and use that as evidence he is (a billionaire!) incompetent. So, often what he says is taken out of context and presented in such a way as to shed poor light on it. But that is just being disingenuous. Then again, politics is dirty.

Edit: It might not be disingenuous, even though in many cases it probably is. If someone believes something so much they will only seek out something that confirms their belief. So, Trump said windmill noise causes cancer. He is an idiot. But that is because they have closed their mind to the possibility he is goofing around. They want to believe he is an idiot. So, lets take a personal decision to take his statement literally.

And, since my paragraph above would also challenge that believe, my paragraph itself will be perceived as being flawed. I don't blame the reader though. It is how we are wired through evolution. We evolved to not think with accuracy, but for efficiency, conserving calories in the process. So, we have many mental short-cuts. We often rely on reflexive thought, rather than deliberative thinking. There is a book on the topic called Thinking Fast and Slow. It has great reviews, although to be honest I found it very boring! I did read it all though!
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Well, Trump may have given an incorrect figure for the population of Soul, but then look at Biden's gaffs. Biden said 150 million people in the US died from gun violence. That's nearly 50% of the US population. So I hope, should you provide a long list, that you include Biden's gaff. After all, should he be elected, he will have his finger on the nuclear weapons trigger.
That is further evidence that supports my point: you cannot expect perfection in anybody. To do so means you do not understand human nature. You can say someone is a president and so therefore should not make mistakes. Yet that conflicts with human nature, where to err is human. A Buddhist would argue that there is reality, and our perception of reality. They are not the same. Dukkha, or suffering, can come from the mismatch between our belief about how things "should" be, and how things actually are in nature.
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Slightly off-topic from the above train of thought, is anyone else living off frozen food like me at the moment? What is scary is I am starting to love the stuff! :D

I've got a few keepers for when the crisis is over. There is this nice frozen katsu chicken dish. I bought three of them!
I'm sorry to disagree with you @Jon, but he is the President of the United States.
I don't think he is "goofing around", he is speaking to the nation, and lots of people are listening to him. If he wants to "think outside the box" he should do it off-air, not while addressing the nation.

If you can point me to the bit where he says "I'm just kidding with you folks" I'll take it all back.
I'm not expecting perfection, just some semblance of understanding of the weight his actions carry.
And Biden isn't president. Just a candidate. If he were and spouting such nonsense I guarantee I would be just as critical.
The world craves socialist leaders. Emmanuel Macron, Angela Merkel, Justin Trudeau and Barack Obama just to name a few. If for some reason that doesn't happen their power structure is threaten. The aim is to keep the G-7 as socialist as possible. The lame stream media is complicit in this agenda.

Hence the push back on The Donald.
The world craves socialist leaders. Emmanuel Macron, Angela Merkel, Justin Trudeau and Barack Obama just to name a few. If for some reason that doesn't happen their power structure is threaten. The aim is to keep the G-7 as socialist as possible. The lame stream media is complicit in this agenda.

Hence the push back on The Donald.

Which part of the world has those cravings?
Not one of those politicians you listed is a socialist.
In fact Macron and Merkel are both centre-right. And your comments about G7 and the media are themselves lame.
Perhaps you are just doing another wind-up but you do love talking absolute nonsense.
People want something for nothing, so socialism will always remain popular. Capitalism has it strengths in terms of employment. But ultimately neither is perfect. Nothing is
Now trump says he was asking a sarcastic question to the reporters in the room just to see what happens.
And Biden isn't president. Just a candidate. If he were and spouting such nonsense I guarantee I would be just as critical.
Biden isn't simply "Just a candidate", he is potentially a future president (at this point in the political process). So if you condemn Trump for spouting such nonsense now, as president, then Biden deserves equal scrutiny. You don't wait till the guy gets into office to then condmen him or her. By then its too late.
I'm sorry to disagree with you @Jon, but he is the President of the United States.
I don't think he is "goofing around", he is speaking to the nation, and lots of people are listening to him. If he wants to "think outside the box" he should do it off-air, not while addressing the nation.
No need to be sorry Minty. Half the people agree with me, half disagree. Such is the nature of these things. Ultimately, the electorate can oust their leader if on aggregate they do not like them.
Lol, that is left for Europe.

Have you completely lost the plot?

Biden isn't simply "Just a candidate", he is potentially a future president (at this point in the political process). So if you condemn Trump for spouting such nonsense now, as president, then Biden deserves equal scrutiny. You don't wait till the guy gets into office to then condmen him or her. By then its too late.
For once I agree with you.
I condemn any politician who spouts nonsense. However in that respect, Trump is in a class of his own.
Trump did not kill them, wow. He made it available based on a French study. He cut red tape as a "right to try". Hes cutting bureaucrat red tape everywhere not just in Hydroxychloroquine. And that's what really bugs you right? Well that and Hillary's Email.

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