Coronavirus - Good News

I thought I'd report that in England only, we are allowed out to parks and to take unlimited exercise (instead of once a day). Garden centres can reopen and people can buy plants etc.
All subject to social distancing of course.
Plus, the numbers dying from it and those in hospital with it are gradually falling - slowly, but not going up out of control.

Good to know. thanks.
Good news, Col. Here in New Orleans and statewide in Louisiana, our numbers are going down as well. Our governor has confirmed that we will start a phased re-opening, trying to do things gradually. Everything becomes open under phase I rules - 25% occupancy and no table service for restaurants, but full drive-thru and delivery. Churches can open at 25% capacity. A whole bunch of other regulations were listed.
Our pools and gyms opened today, which is pretty aggressive. I have decided I will not go back to the gym until I take some time and see what happens first.
Here in NZ we've just gone down to "level 2" (of 4) meaning that we can all go back to work. Pretty much everything open except for bars, social distancing still encouraged.
Kinda nice to be back in the office
UK now has a 100% accurate antibody test. The only thing is they have to wait before they get it.
It appears that the numbers in the US are flatting (not necessarily dropping). The county that I live in has been hit pretty hard. But there were outbreaks in at least three nursing (assisted living) facilities. That is where the bulk of the outbreaks occurred for us. I am still seeing families (around my neighborhood) having parties (graduation, birthdays, etc., I am not sure) with a lot of people gathering, they do not appear to be practicing social distancing or wearing masks. Some of the stores have required people were masks while in the store.
We have had a couple of incidents of violence because a store guard refused admission to someone not wearing a mask. The parents of the girl who was denied admission later came back and shot the guard. This is a crazy world we have created in response to the pandemic.
It's sad and scary to see it happening. Apparently there are groups of people who will not take the virus seriously until it kills Mom, Dad, or wife..
Tokyo, the most populated city in the world, with more than 38 million people, has shown less than 5 infected persons per day for the last 8 consecutive days.
Government's quarantine request has been removed from most cities, Tokyo will be released if another 7 days show one digit infections.
Though our quarantine was far different and easier to keep from most European and American cities, But still it's a relief to see our cities are going back to their normal life style. I'm also glad to see the charts for the whole world is dropping.

I believe the day that the whole world is back to its feet is not that far. There was a day I believed it's the end of line for human kind, but the whole world showed we are much stronger to be destroyed by a virus.
Let's be patient for one or two more weeks and celebrate the day that is waiting for us. The day that we can be what we used to be.
Meanwhile don't forget to pray for those who lost a precious one.
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Starting from tomorrow morning (Monday) all restrictions will be removed. Tokyo shows the expected result and is the last city to be released of quarantine. We are back to what we used to be. Although during the quarantine, the only effected jobs were restaurants and bars, and all the companies were normally functional, but it’s a relief to hear everyone is back to 2 months ago.

I hope we hear the same news from other countries as soon as possible.
it’s a relief to hear everyone is back to 2 months ago.
When you think of it, is that really possible? I would think that everywhere, things have changed forever. I don't expect things to return to the way they were, just a new normal.
If you mean exactly as before, it may be impossible, but the core is the same. We weren’t restricted the way more cities or countries were. And we really didn’t felt what other countries were facing. So our 2 months ago and today is not much different and going back to what we were is not that hard (except lost lives). I mostly meant that we are back to our daily routine as before.
Starting from tomorrow morning (Monday) all restrictions will be removed. Tokyo shows the expected result and is the last city to be released of quarantine. We are back to what we used to be. Although during the quarantine, the only effected jobs were restaurants and bars, and all the companies were normally functional, but it’s a relief to hear everyone is back to 2 months ago.
Happy to hear the good news!
No new cases for 5th day straight and no patients currently in hospitals

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