Did I make this up?

Rich said:
This is from a nation that spends it's time reflecting on how long a person farts for and how a turd swirls around a bog pan:rolleyes:
Someone has to answer the difficult questions:rolleyes:
Rich said:
This is from a nation that spends it's time reflecting on how long a person farts for and how a turd swirls around a bog pan:rolleyes:

For the record please let it be known that Ricky was the first and only one to use these disgusting four letter words in this little discussion. Of course those words complement his collection of racial slurs and other, how do you put it..., 'Gutter' talk. :rolleyes:

I think you should apologize Ricky... :mad:
KenHigg said:
For the record please let it be known that Ricky was the first and only one to use these disgusting four letter words in this little discussion. Of course those words complement his collection of racial slurs and other, how do you put it..., 'Gutter' talk. :rolleyes:

I think you should apologize Ricky... :mad:
I do so hate to put poo in your custard you brought farts into the conversation not me and I haven't made any racial slurs, try again Kenny, you're clutching at straws yet again:rolleyes:
Rich said:
I do so hate to put poo in your custard you brought farts into the conversation not me and I haven't made any racial slurs, try again Kenny, you're clutching at straws yet again:rolleyes:

You're living in fantasy land again. I never used either one in this discussion. And if I did I would do the proper thing and apologize. :) In fact, if you are too shallow, I'll apologize to everyone on your behalf for prompting you to use them. Sorry you couldn't take a little ribbing about the roses are red bit...:rolleyes:
Actually I'm the one who brought up farts, in the very first post of the thread. Apparently, attempting to have a little light-hearted fun is a grievous offense around here lately. I'm about ready to delete the thread just so you all will have to come up with something else to bicker about.
KenHigg said:
You're living in fantasy land again. I never used either one in this discussion. And if I did I would do the proper thing and apologize. :) In fact, if you are too shallow, I'll apologize to everyone on your behalf for prompting you to use them. Sorry you couldn't take a little ribbing about the roses are red bit...:rolleyes:
Well bugger me, the thread's about to be deleted so there's no point Kenny :p
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Rich said:
Well bugger me, the threads about to be deleted so there's no point Kenny :p

Darn Rich... It was just getting interesting.... And we really know that Kraj enjoys the bickering as much as we do ;)
KenHigg said:
Question Barry: Is it common for grown men in the UK to do stuff like:

??? :confused:

Is this better?

There was a young man with a gun
Who thought it would be rather fun
To shoot the young fawn that crapped on his lawn
And have a grilled venison bun.

Brianwarnock said:
Is this better?

There was a young man with a gun
Who thought it would be rather fun
To shoot the young fawn that crapped on his lawn
And have a grilled venison bun.


I suppose (?)

Not sure what a 'grilled venison bun' is...
Something like this ??? :

1 pound venison, coarsely ground
1 tablespoon garlic, chopped
2 tablespoons parsley, chopped
1/4 cup green bell pepper, finely chopped
1/2 teaspoon seasoning salt
1/8 teaspoon cayenne pepper
1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
2 teaspoons prepared horseradish
1/2 teaspoon hot pepper sauce
1 large onion, thinly sliced
1/4 pound mushrooms, thinly sliced
1/4 stick butter
1/4 pound gouda or gorgonzola cheese, thinly sliced
4 large hamburger buns

Place venison, garlic, parsley, bell pepper, and seasonings in a large bowl, combine thoroughly. Form into four patties and grill 5-7 minutes on each side, or until all the pink disappears. Saute‚ onions and mushrooms in butter until well caramelized. Top venison patties with the onion mixture and cheese, place on a toasted hamburger bun and serve.
rak said:
Something like this ??? :

1 pound venison, coarsely ground
1 tablespoon garlic, chopped
2 tablespoons parsley, chopped
1/4 cup green bell pepper, finely chopped
1/2 teaspoon seasoning salt
1/8 teaspoon cayenne pepper
1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
2 teaspoons prepared horseradish
1/2 teaspoon hot pepper sauce
1 large onion, thinly sliced
1/4 pound mushrooms, thinly sliced
1/4 stick butter
1/4 pound gouda or gorgonzola cheese, thinly sliced
4 large hamburger buns

Place venison, garlic, parsley, bell pepper, and seasonings in a large bowl, combine thoroughly. Form into four patties and grill 5-7 minutes on each side, or until all the pink disappears. Saute‚ onions and mushrooms in butter until well caramelized. Top venison patties with the onion mixture and cheese, place on a toasted hamburger bun and serve.

:eek: :eek: :eek: Sounds good to me!
There was an old man with a gun
with shaky hands and failing eyesight
long he would lay eating a bun
even staying deep into the night
forever he would wait
for any deer that ventured through his garden gate
KenHigg said:
FYI: I really don't have any beef with the Queen or other Royals. I was just trying to get Col & Ricky stirred up. They all seem like nice people :) :) :) (Including Col & Ricky!):) :) :)
We've been telling you for ages we are nice people. :rolleyes: As for the Queen (god bless her) she's in Oz at the mo having a butchers at the Commonwealth Games.

ColinEssex said:
We've been telling you for ages we are nice people. :rolleyes: As for the Queen (god bless her) she's in Oz at the mo having a butchers at the Commonwealth Games.


An atheist that keeps doing the god bless her thing. That's funny... Shows how brainwashed one can become...:p Seems an atheist would be doing the old girl a disservice to bless her in God's name... Least you could do is cap the G in God...:rolleyes:
KenHigg said:
An atheist that keeps doing the god bless her thing. That's funny... Shows how brainwashed one can become...:p Seems an atheist would be doing the old girl a disservice to bless her in God's name... Least you could do is cap the G in God...:rolleyes:
It comes from a TV comedy show (can't recall which one) and they refer to the Queen alot and always put hand on heart and say "God bless her" after saying "the Queen" - its a sort of British thing:rolleyes:

She is the head of the religious cult "Church of England" so I suppose thats the link with this god persona.

I didn't cap it because I didn't think it was a name, its a sort of nickname.

I read somewhere that god the father, son and holy ghost were the same thing - a sort of triple schizoid personality, anyone claiming that would be locked up normally.:rolleyes:

ColinEssex said:
It comes from a TV comedy show (can't recall which one) and they refer to the Queen alot and always put hand on heart and say "God bless her" after saying "the Queen" - its a sort of British thing:rolleyes: Col

Oh, So you're kind of making fun of her and the whole royal thing... I quess I can see that :p

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