Did I make this up? (1 Viewer)

Rich said:
Why does the word hypocrisy immediately spring to mind? :rolleyes:

I've never taken yourr or Cols arguments and used them to brand an entire nation of people. To do so would be completely moronic.
:eek: I was actually shocked that such a simple thread as this would be turned into a battle ground. Then I remembered who was posting here. :rolleyes:

Good morning/afternoon to all the hostile, arrogant, easily offended forum members. :eek: :D Mornin'/Afternoon to everyone else. :D As you can see I didn't give any names so you choose which category you fall in. :cool:

Ok, you may return to the regularly scheduled slamming
ColinEssex said:
Its quite normal - now you'll disagree just to be awkward:rolleyes:


I am going to disagree and then I'm going to leave it because really this is a waste of time.

You said the following:

Look Rich, you should know that its ok for the Yanks to use unfavourable terms / words, but as they police the whole world (except China and North Korea), they have to criticise others for doing the same.

You said I make a point about the use of the word "Chinkie" because Americans police the world. Nonsense. I made the point because I find the term offensive. My nationality has nothing to do with it. You, in your inevitable way, think its relevant.

I was brought up with the belief that it is offensive and I hold to that belief now. Not because I'm American but because I don't like using words derived from words coined by racist bigots. OK? Clear? :mad:

That's it nothing more from me.
I notice, you skirt around the USA's use of "redskin"

ColinEssex said:
I notice, you skirt around the USA's use of "redskin"


FFS! You do not get it do you?

Did you understand anything of what I posted?
Do you understand the fact that I may disagree with the use of "redskin" even though I am an American? Do you acknowledge the possibility?

I really have to some work today. This is a complete waste of time.
dan-cat said:
I made the point because I find the term offensive. My nationality has nothing to do with it.
It has everything to do with it, you were told on umpteen occassions that the term Chinky is not seen as offensive by the majority of people in the UK, yet you continued to use your American viewpoint that the term is universally offensive.
dan-cat said:
FFS! You do not get it do you?

Did you understand anything of what I posted?
Do you understand the fact that I may disagree with the use of "redskin" even though I am an American? Do you acknowledge the possibility?

I really have to some work today. This is a complete waste of time.
FFS ?:confused:

What I find confusing is that yours is not the general opinion. To name a team after it seems blatant racialism against what is now a minority race. Yet, it carries on unabaited. Maybe there's more teams with names like this - I'll scout around. Perhaps the Alabama Niggers? (for example)

Rich said:
It has everything to do with it, you were told on umpteen occassions that the term Chinky is not seen as offensive by the majority of people in the UK, yet you continued to use your American viewpoint that the term is universally offensive.

What American viewpoint? What part of my view was American?
If my view was American does that mean it is wrong?

You're talking utter garbage. Goodbye.
dan-cat said:
It is so funny that you can't forge an argument without attacking an entire culture. Without indulging in your puerile stereo-typing. It really is quite pathetic. There are plenty of Americans who wouldn't find Chink offensive and there are plenty of Americans who are not in the least bit interested in policing your use of the English language. Lumping a whole group of people into one category just illustrates your lack of understanding on the matter.

You like to put labels on people because it makes you feel superior. Anyone who disagrees gets put in a box and stamped with a derogatory label. It really is quite sad.

You might as well give up dan-cat, you're just wasting your time. I rarely post to this forum, but do visit quite often. It's a shame that many interesting threads by some very clever people are constantly contaminated by Rich and Colin and their never-ending anti-American rubbish. I don't think they actually believe most of the crap they post, they are just trying to get a rise out of others. Unfortunately, in my case, it works once in a while.
ColinEssex said:
...Perhaps the Alabama Niggers? (for example)


How do you post a remark like that and not feel a bit discourteous?
ColinEssex said:
What I find confusing is that yours is not the general opinion.

That's right maybe it isn't. Maybe just maybe I raised the point because I can think for myself not because I'm some kind of global policeman.

I won't have you dismissing my point of view because of my nationality.

Dismiss it because it is wrong by all means but don't because I live in a specific country. I know you understand this Col. It's actually very important.

I know 2 individuals who find both the word "Chink" and the word "Chinkie" offensive. They originally came from Malaysia and were two of the politest most gentle people I had ever met. I asked them and they gave me a clear answer. That's enough for me. I don't use the term.
mitchem1 said:
Unfortunately, in my case, it works once in a while.

Seems to have worked for me too this morning.
Cheers Mitch I'm gonna let go of the bone now. :)
Rich said:
Gosh I wouldn't have seen this post if you hadn't replied to it and as such I now have to ask why Americans have such a fascination with vulgar bodily functions :rolleyes:

Well I can't speak for others, but I find farts really funny. Maybe this sounds sad, but I am 32 years old and I still find it absolutely hilarious when I'm in a public restroom and I hear some poor soul in one of the stalls grunting and straining for dear life in order to....well, you know. Heck, I'll probably be 80 years old and still find this funny. :D
NJudson said:
Well I can't speak for others, but I find farts really funny. Maybe this sounds sad, but I am 32 years old and I still find it absolutely hilarious when I'm in a public restroom and I hear some poor soul in one of the stalls grunting and straining for dear life in order to....well, you know. Heck, I'll probably be 80 years old and still find this funny. :D

FYI - I find you funny sometimes :p :p :p

What zany world huh...
dan-cat said:
What American viewpoint? What part of my view was American?

If my view was American does that mean it is wrong?
In this instance yes, you continued to keep looking at it from an American perspective and still do, simply asking two Malaysians their view does not make you a spokesman for the Chinese or how we should refer to their food.
Oh and for the record Malaysians do not come from China:rolleyes:
mitchem1 said:
It's a shame that many interesting threads by some very clever people are constantly contaminated by Rich and Colin.
A thread on farting "interesting", just about says it all :rolleyes:
Rich said:
A thread on farting "interesting", just about says it all :rolleyes:

If it's below your perceived level of intellect, why are you still hanging around?

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