Getting Rid of the Electoral College Blight

As it should be,

Did you actually say that regarding "the bureaucrats are running the government"? Because that is NOT what is happening. Or did you have another meaning to it. The bureaucrats should ONLY be enforcing the laws that Congress made, not making their own. That is the violation of the concept of separation of powers.
I find this whole discussion about US politics really quite fascinating.
the SEC and the EPA just to name two.
The EPA thinks a storm drain illegally dumping into a yard instead of connecting to the sewer is a wetland. It took a friend two years and thousands of dollars in legal fees to get them to allow her to build a pool in her back yard. They're like unions. Well past their need and now simply getting in the way of progress.
That is the best collection of MAGA brainwashing ever.
OK, how many cities has a MAGA crowd burned? Cop cars? Looted stores? Name 1. The mobs are ALWAYS leftists. The current groups call themselves antifa and BLM. But they're just thugs looking for an opportunity to loot and the worst perpetrators are usually from out of town.
The EPA thinks a storm drain illegally dumping into a yard instead of connecting to the sewer is a wetland. It took a friend two years and thousands of dollars in legal fees to get them to allow her to build a pool in her back yard. They're like unions. Well past their need and now simply getting in the way of progress.
Meanwhile General Electric illegally dumps PCB's (cancer causing chemical) for over 40 years. They contaminate 150 miles of the Housatonic river from Ma. down through Ct. and into the Long Island Sound. Can't fish or swim in numerous lakes and ponds. Contaminated soil was used as fill in several areas including an elementary school but no records kept as to where. PCB's banned in the 1970's and the fight to get GE to clean it up continues to this day.

But yeah, get rid of the EPA because your friends pool is progress.
Couldn't she just move to another area like the women who want abortions?
With only 11 days to go the dems have abandoned all political discussions about abortion etc. Instead they have embraced screaming about Maga and Hitler like a toddler, it's hilarious.
It would be, if it weren't the reality we live in. A better than a Hitler analogy though, is Jim Jones.
Meanwhile General Electric illegally dumps PCB's (cancer causing chemical) for over 40 years. They contaminate 150 miles of the Housatonic river from Ma. down through Ct. and into the Long Island Sound. Can't fish or swim in numerous lakes and ponds. Contaminated soil was used as fill in several areas including an elementary school but no records kept as to where. PCB's banned in the 1970's and the fight to get GE to clean it up continues to this day.

But yeah, get rid of the EPA because your friends pool is progress.
Couldn't she just move to another area like the women who want abortions?
I can never understand why companies do this.
They are after all poisoning their own families, children and grandchildren.
Are they totally deranged? Or institutionalized into stupidity?
Did you actually say that regarding "the bureaucrats are running the government"? Because that is NOT what is happening. Or did you have another meaning to it. The bureaucrats should ONLY be enforcing the laws that Congress made, not making their own. That is the violation of the concept of separation of powers.
I meant that there should be wiggle room in the enforcement of the protection of the people by the agencies of the People.
The problem with our system, is that the laws are written by the people that they are suppose to police Congress is bought and paid for by the lobbyist of the actual ruling class.

Agency discretion has has been working since our government was formed. Why all of a sudden it so bad?

You are advocating the return of the Crown, and you seem to be proud of it. We live in a time of indentured slavery for a large portion of our population and you are advocating for them to have even less protection.

I know my words will not alter your perception, but a least I get a chance to vent in a place not likely to get me killed. I certainly go around not speaking my mind down here.
It would be, if it weren't the reality we live in. A better than a Hitler analogy though, is Jim Jones.
Your point of view is from the wrong location. The Democrats, should they win the election, propose to implement a Stalinistic one party state. All those who question the party line will be shipped off to a gulag as "enemies of the state". The clues are dancing before you. Democrats have been proposing a "Ministry of Truth". So-called "disinformation" has to be suppressed with censorship. Free speech has "limits". Speech that Democrats don't like has been characterized as "hate speech" and/or "microaggressions".
The EPA thinks a storm drain illegally dumping into a yard instead of connecting to the sewer is a wetland. It took a friend two years and thousands of dollars in legal fees to get them to allow her to build a pool in her back yard. They're like unions. Well past their need and now simply getting in the way of progress.
You continue to solidify the experience of communicating with the most extreme victims of right wing brainwashing.
All the symptom are here:

Innumeracy: The inability to distinguish scale. One small thing is used by the propaganda machine to disprove the value of all of it.

The Big Lies: Only your news source is truth, all other are demon spawn Liberal media with the destroying your very exitance.

Victimized: See "the Big Lies" above.

I think your statement above about how only the left are committing crimes in the name of ideology, pretty much says it all. Even your fellow conservative should step up to correct that. We'll see if they do.

You probably actually believe that.
I can never understand why companies do this.
They are after all poisoning their own families, children and grandchildren.
Are they totally deranged? Or institutionalized into stupidity?
Until fairly recently (circa 1960?) the consensus up to that time was that Mother Nature would take care of the problem. That perception was "valid" for thousands of years due to low population, lack of industrialization, and the absence of exotic chemicals. Additionally, there has been a long standing viewpoint that one is not responsible for the aftereffects of "tossing out one's trash".

As with many evolutionary changes to society, people and organizations can take a long time to accept the need to change and modify their behavior accordingly. Hopefully, companies and individuals that have been polluting the environment will evolve to be environmentally friendly now.
Your point of view is from the wrong location. The Democrats, should they win the election, propose to implement a Stalinistic one party state. All those who question the party line will be shipped off to a gulag as "enemies of the state". The clues are dancing before you. Democrats have been proposing a "Ministry of Truth". So-called "disinformation" has to be suppressed with censorship. Free speech has "limits". Speech that Democrats don't like has been characterized as "hate speech" and/or "microaggressions".
Seriously? You have heard of Project 2025?
A published manifesto of exactly what you speak. A Fascist take over of the government, and you are projection that onto the Left.

You people actually believe this stuff.
Only your news source is truth, all other are demon spawn Liberal media with the destroying your very exitance.

Whether or not that statement is true, it certainly SEEMS that way, and nobody thinks infinitely fast, so it often takes time to evaluate the validity of any statement. For an example, look at yourself in a mirror. You have bought in to liberal media's exhortations that Trump would destroy YOUR existence. Just remember, it's a poor sword that won't cut both ways.
Until fairly recently (circa 1960?) the consensus up to that time was that Mother Nature would take care of the problem. That perception was "valid" for thousands of years due to low population, lack of industrialization, and the absence of exotic chemicals. Additionally, there has been a long standing viewpoint that one is not responsible for the aftereffects of "tossing out one's trash".

As with many evolutionary changes to society, people and organizations can take a long time to accept the need to change and modify their behavior accordingly. Hopefully, companies and individuals that have been polluting the environment will evolve to be environmentally friendly now.
Especially when the people with the science, are the same evil bastards making profit off of dumping the toxins in into the air or water.

You are correct, in that it took the combined effort of all levels government to reign it in. The Chevron Ruling, and Conservatives believing that defanging the agencies is somehow going to make it better, is reason enough to send them packing.
Seriously? You have heard of Project 2025?
A published manifesto of exactly what you speak. A Fascist take over of the government, and you are projection that onto the Left.

You people actually believe this stuff.
Really now! You are making invalid assumptions. The Democrats are pushing Stalinism.
I was actually going to limit my conversation to Texas' need to evolve to proportioned Electoral Votes.

This would actually be more in keeping with the concept of equal voice.

Winner take all in not working for Texas, It works for conservatives, for now. Another 4 years of Trump, or Vance, and Conservatives will be back to hiding under rocks. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :cool:
You haven't notice that since H. Clinton, if not before her, that Democratic conventions are "rigged". Currently, Democrats are running on a campaign of hate, not on policy. Democrats implemented a "Disinformation Governance Board", though now abandoned, it sets an awful obsessive precedent. Both Walz and H. Clinton have recently set the stage for eliminating the concept of "free speech". This seems very Orwellian.

Democrats profess to be the defenders of democracy, yet they obstruct every attempt to improve election integrity. Democrats are also seemingly opening back-doors that would allow illegal immigrants to vote. Of course they vehemently deny doing that.
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It's amazing how smart the founding fathers were. And how dumb we've become. There's a reason these documents have survived 200 years. They safeguard us against tyranny and mob rule.

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