God is Evil

First of all, I would like to thank you for killing this thread.

That's difficult when the Americans posting here make so many elementary mistakes in their grammar. It's no wonder you never learn anything, you just don't like being taught anything - as usual you think you know it all.

I find it bewildering that you can so easily generalize all Americans as being ignorant. Besides my screen name, you know nothing about me. How can you claim that I don't like being taught? Simply because I am not interested in your grammar critique, does not mean that I "think I know it all." Obviously, you must be an English teacher. So I can understand your enthusiasm for punctuation, grammar, etc. However, I do not share that same enthusiasm. That is why I don't care if there happens to be a few mistakes in my typing. This is not a report that I will be getting a grade on, as long as my audience understands the message I am conveying, it doesnt matter to me that I just missed that apostrophe. Yes, I know I missed it. No, you don't have to point it out.

Not true, where did you get that idea from?
It was sarcasm. Being an English teacher, I thought you might understand that.

Wrong again. Oh by the way, I'm sorry you have had an implant, but it does sound good if it speaks to you.

This is what I meant by crystal ball.

I'm aware of that. It's not easy trying to teach people with a "don't care" attitude, but you'll thank me in the end.

I specifically asked you not to teach me, but thank you for trying. If you are so interested in teaching people, perhaps you should write a book.

If I did that, it would lose continuity.

I think what you meant is - "I can't stay on topic, because I'm a troll." But what do I know, I'm just an stupid American.

I know, the word 'but' should never start a sentence. Please, do not correct me.
A burning bush that speaks to people isnt a fairy tail?

I guess to some it would/could be, especially if they do not believe in a God.

Its my understanding that Jesus' existence is a fact. Whether he was a messiah is what is disputed, and he never claimed to be a messiah.

Seriously? Have you read the New Testament? You don't have to read it long to quickly understand what Jesus claimed. As a matter of fact, He didn't stop there with His claims. He also claimed to be God Himself.:eek:
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Which book of the New Testament makes this claim? The only thing I'm aware of is Luke's claim that OTHERS have been eyewitnesses (Luke 1:2).

All of them. Paul contributes the most in the New Testament and his claim is that he met with Jesus after His death. All were apostles of Jesus. The very definition of apostle is someone who walked, talked and was chosen by Jesus. Luke begins his gospel, at 1:2, as an explanation that he was not there from Jesus birth but is validating his writings by telling you he gathered his information from those that were eyewitnesses.

Moreover, the New Testament is supposed to be predicated by the Old Testament that makes claims of how humans were made and how the world got here which I'm sure you'd agree no one was eyewitness to.

I'm lost on the point of this statement, however I will agree that there were no eyewitnesses, at least not until day six.:D
- Every religion has its martyrs (many Jews and Muslims and Christians at the hands of Christians, of course). They can't all be right. Being a martyr doesn't mean being credible.

Just because a cat's born in a oven doesn't make it a biscuit. Just because someone claims to be a Christian doesn't always make them a Christian, especially when they commit acts contrary to Biblical teaching and then turn around and try to say they did it in the name of God. My point of stating they were martyr's was not to try to make their claims credible. My point was to say these men claimed to be eyewitnesses and believed what they taught and wrote down to the point that they were martyred. They believed what they were saying was credible enough to die for it.

- Outside of legend, is there any historically-accepted basis for believing that the Aspostles were martyred?

Sure. Foxes Book of Martyr's would be a good start. If I remember right I believe even Josephus wrote down some of who died and how they died.

This is starting to sound a lot like material from Josh McDowell!

I have heard of Josh McDowell but I have never read one of his books nor his teachings.
Does the Bible have different sections by different authors whereby a similar event is being described?

Doesn't the Qur’an share a lot of common ground with the Bible?
Does the Bible have different sections by different authors whereby a similar event is being described?

Doesn't the Qur’an share a lot of common ground with the Bible?

1st question. Sure, the 4 gospels would be a good example of this. Each author telling the story of Jesus and His life but from different view points.

2nd question. From the little bit I know, the answer I would give is there is common ground but I don't think it goes so far as to say there is a lot of it.
Seriously? Have you read the New Testament? You don't have to read it long to quickly understand what Jesus claimed. As a matter of fact, He didn't stop there with His claims. He also claimed to be God Himself.:eek:

No, never read any book. I learned Jesus was real from a class in high school. I learned that he never claimed to be a messiah from (I think) the history channel.
No, never read any book. I learned Jesus was real from a class in high school. I learned that he never claimed to be a messiah from (I think) the history channel.

I have read it many times and if you don't mind taking my word for it, the whole context of the New Testament is that very point. Jesus and His apostles claims were He was the Messiah. I have watched the History channel, Discovery and the others, talking on the Bible and it is always amazing to me how twisted they report what the Bible is suppose to be saying or not saying.
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I can go along with that. One of the issues that I think makes the Bible so controversial is that the men who wrote and told these stories claimed them to be true and claimed to be eyewitnesses. They believed their stories and claims to the point of dying a martyr's death. All of them but John but as the story goes with him they threw him in boiling oil but he was not consumed so the Romans exiled him to the Isle of Patmos.
Why did all this happen 2,000 years ago and not in later times?:confused:
First of all, I would like to thank you for killing this thread.

If I did, why is the thread continuing along quite nicely?

I find it bewildering that you can so easily generalize all Americans as being ignorant. Besides my screen name, you know nothing about me. How can you claim that I don't like being taught? Simply because I am not interested in your grammar critique, does not mean that I "think I know it all." Obviously, you must be an English teacher. So I can understand your enthusiasm for punctuation, grammar, etc. However, I do not share that same enthusiasm. That is why I don't care if there happens to be a few mistakes in my typing. This is not a report that I will be getting a grade on, as long as my audience understands the message I am conveying, it doesnt matter to me that I just missed that apostrophe. Yes, I know I missed it. No, you don't have to point it out.

I'm not an English teacher (or any teacher for that matter) - however, it is nice to see posts written correctly, it gives a good example to any guest reading them. So, as I said, if I can help, I will.

Try reading a book, you'll be pleased at what the literary word can do for you.

It was sarcasm. Being an English teacher, I thought you might understand that.

Had you been better educated, your sarcasm may well have been a little more acute and perhaps understandable.

This is what I meant by crystal ball.

It wasn't what I meant:)

I specifically asked you not to teach me, but thank you for trying. If you are so interested in teaching people, perhaps you should write a book.

You're welcome. If I wrote a book, it would never reach people like you, but obviously my posts do, so I'll continue with them I think.

I think what you meant is - "I can't stay on topic, because I'm a troll."

Er, no. Had you not taken the bait, I wouldn't have continued it, but now you have. . . . .

But what do I know, I'm just an stupid American.

You said that, not me, I have never called you stupid. There must be something you're good at.

I know, the word 'but' should never start a sentence. Please, do not correct me.

Did I say that? I can't find it. (I may be wrong, but I doubt it)

Why did all this happen 2,000 years ago and not in later times?:confused:

For the same reason that the Romans, Spartans etc was all in the past??? The "great battles" are always 2000 years ago.......must be bullshit.

Is (are) there any other ancient writings as widely distributed as the Bible??

Why do atheists feel an overpowering urge to start threads.

Atheism appears to be a "statement of position". If you are a female atheist then you always do lower case typing......but with correct punctuation....

If you are an atheist and normally use correct grammar.......you will forget proper nouns.....god instead of God.

god could be the king of the frog pool.

However, there are some atheists on this thread who practice proper English.:)

As a side note.....do the atheists really believe that the human is top dog.:D Of course they don't

1) Atheists believe there is life outside earth

2) Atheists believe in evolution.

Is there any atheist who believes that the human is the highest intellect. Of course not.

Welcome to at least "god"
For the same reason that the Romans, Spartans etc was all in the past??? The "great battles" are always 2000 years ago.......must be bullshit.

But there have been many great battles since then that are all well documented, there have been no more books that make so many great claims as the Bible
But there have been many great battles since then that are all well documented, there have been no more books that make so many great claims as the Bible

That's because they'd never get away with it these days - unless of course it was made clear it was total fiction, which obviously the bible is.

From earlier Rich posting:

Why did all this happen 2,000 years ago and not in later times?:confused:

No dinosaurs today.....So......Why did all that happen millions of years ago and not in later times?

That's because they'd never get away with it these days - unless of course it was made clear it was total fiction, which obviously the bible is.


What evidence do you have that the Bible is fiction?
No dinosaurs today.....So......Why did all that happen millions of years ago and not in later times?
Because god wanted them out of the way for us to takeover:cool:
They seem convinced they are gods. They certainly brought the planet to it's knees financially.


At the risk of encouraging your antagonism, I actually found this quite funny. :D

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