Gun violence

Republicans planning the next insurrection using skateboards as weapons.

The 1/6 kangaroo court can present whatever hearsay "evidence" they want. They offered no opportunity for cross examination or rebuttal witnesses. They can lie about the people "killed" by the riot (only ONE and she was murdered in cold blood by a police officer who got off scot free because he was black and she deserved to die because she was a Trump supporter) The others died of natural causes or suicide while in the vicinity and it is an outright lie to count those deaths as "because of" the demonstration. You might as well attribute all the deaths in DC that day to the Trump supporters. Why stop there. Count all the deaths in the world, the event was so horrific and terrifying. That wouldn't be any more dishonest. If you have to exaggerate to make the facts fit your narrative, the narrative is a lie.

Show me the people who were actually arrested for carrying/using weapons. Otherwise, the picture just shows a "mostly peaceful" (at least there are no buildings burning in the background:)) demonstration exactly like the ones attributed to the "good" guys of BLM and Antifa.

The people who went into the Capitol were trespassing. Many never saw the mob break down the door and all they saw was the Capitol police waving them in. The people who broke the doors and windows were guilty of breaking and entering. The people who destroyed property while inside the building were guilty of other crimes. How many BLM or Antifa people ever spent a night in jail let alone over a year for burning down buildings and police cars and destroying lives and other property? Our illustrious VP was encouraging people to contribute to their relief fund just so they didn't spend any quality time in jail. She's such a guiding light champion of "justice". There are political prisoners' who have been incarcerated for over a year. Who would think our "justice" system would devolve to this? Why do you think the Democrats want to defund the police and disarm the public?
Cassidy Hutchinson's testimony was impeached almost before she had a chance to get back to the hair and makeup team for intermission.
And well before the inevitable Mary Trump-like book deal (which may still come).

MSM latched on to the fact that only part of her testimony had been a lie - only, of course, the most not-coincidentally sensational and salacious part, The LUNGE and attempt to move the steering wheel.
(Before we continue, stop and think about how dumb it was for her to even invent that. If you're riding in the back of a large vehicle, going to one part of town, and you decide you really really want to go to a different part of town, would you consider lunging forward to momentarily grab the steering wheel an effective way of doing so? It's like they don't even think these things through before trying them out on Primetime - Americans are not totally stupid, against a certain amount of indicators to the contrary).

But just the fact that the most sensational part of her story has been debunked is enough. It means she is actively inventing and making things up that seem most salacious for primetime. This completely impeaches her as a witness in my estimation.

How many times have we seen this movie before, folks. Sensational testimony, crying, weeping, glamorous photo ops, then the book deals.
Everyone wants their million dollars.

As for Liz Cheney, I initially had a fair amount of respect for her (~a couple years ago). But as time goes on, she is looking more and more like a bitter loser who just has decided to devoting her life to get Trump back for his mean comments. She thinks she is some kind of aging-but-glamorous wrong-made-right-maker, but her performance as it drags on forever with fewer and fewer caring at the same time she ratchets up increasingly lame seeming tactics, every time I see her speak it screams MOBY DICK.
The Presidential frame-up started the day Trump and Melania came down the escalator at Trump Tower. Driven by blind rage and fear Democrats will stop at nothing to hold on to power, Including conviction by omission.

The J6 committee conveniently left out this quote.

"I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard."

They opted to use this quote instead.

"We fight like hell. And if you don't fight like hell, you're not going to have a country anymore,"

The above quote is pretty tame when compared to the rhetoric the left spews on a daily basis.

Maxine Waters Mon April 19, 2021
'get more confrontational' if no guilty verdict is reached in Derek Chauvin trial

Cue the crickets 🦗🦗🦗
Yes - it's insane. No sooner than Roe came out, Democrat leaders are left and right talking about FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT.
So according to their logic, every arson, broken glass, injured person, physical threats and violence ought to be attributed to them, right?

We had an actually semi-serious Insurrection here in Phoenix a few days ago, guess how many MSM headlines it made? Very few, and it was described as (get ready to laugh again) "Mostly peaceful with no arrests made" - even though that was totally false, several arrests were made, and the AZ Senate had to be evacuated to a secure room for voting, and the crowd pounded and tried to enter the building (although they were unsuccessful).

Totally ridiculous. Only one insurrection matters to Democrats, they are hypocrites.
The 1/6 kangaroo court can present whatever hearsay "evidence" they want.
You obviously aren't well versed in the rules of evidence and are also conflating the committe hearings with criminal proceedings. I've testified 3 times in the past 2 weeks to hearsay evidence in criminal cases. Hearsay evidence is broadly accepted in various types of legal proceedings and under certain circumstances. The hearings are fact finding hearings. They are not trials. Of course there is no question that criminal charges may come as a result of these hearings but thats a different issue and cross examination and rebuttal witnesses will certainly be a part of those trials. Of course some of those who testified plead the 5th but they certainly had the opportunity to tell their side of the story.
How many BLM or Antifa people ever spent a night in jail let alone over a year for burning down buildings and police cars and destroying lives and other property?
Here Pat. Its a year old article but it does answer some of your question.
Democrats, they are hypocrites.
For me ALL politicians are hypocrites.
The difference is the stupid republicans find themselves in the backseat constantly while the democrats drive the narrative.
Americans are not totally stupid
I'm going to have to disagree with that Issac:) Everyone suffering from TDS takes stupid pills daily because they actually believe that Trump would "lunge" over the back of the seat and attempt to grab the wheel from his driver. I'm pretty sure that the members of the committee thought that statement was true also. If not, they are certifiably stupid to put a perjurer on the stand. They also all believe that the demonstration of 1/6 was an insurrection because they believe Trump is stupid enough to believe that sending unarmed people into the Capitol building would help his cause. Then there's the people who voted for Biden despite the promises he made on the campaign trail to destroy America's energy sector. Then there's the Republicans who are silent regarding the 2020 election "anomalies" because they got rid of the evil orange man. That couldn't happen to me. The Dems would only cheat to get rid of the evil orange man and that is good. They would never, ever cheat against me or a "good" Republican.

Insurrection. A rising or rebellion of citizens against their government, usually manifested by acts of violence. Under federal law, it is a crime to incite, assist, or engage in such conduct against the United States. West's Encyclopedia of American Law, edition 2. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc.
We've all seen the video of Ray Epps trying to incite people to break into the Capitol building. Apparently that doesn't count because he was working for the Feds.
are also conflating the committe hearings with criminal proceedings
That may be true, but you did the exact same thing in reverse yesterday when we were talking about what constitutes a dangerous weapon or being armed.
Persuading the American people how serious or unserious January 6th was has little to do with how criminal Court proceedings treat a dangerous weapon. It has to do with how lay people think of it and whether or not they're being deceived by exaggeration and hyperbole by claiming that there were many armed people.

I would be very interested to see who actually thinks that our country was just inches away from being overthrown by an insurrection of a couple hundred people armed with pepper spray, a baseball bat, and Mason jars. Or as you mentioned, even pillows and .., floors.
An Associated Press review of court documents in more than 300 federal cases stemming from the protests sparked by George Floyd’s death last year shows that dozens of people charged have been convicted of serious crimes and sent to prison.
How many of them have spent over a year in jail without being charged with any crime?

The previous impeachments and investigations in search of the crime have failed. This is the Democrat's last ditch effort at a third impeachment without any cross examination or rebuttal witnesses. There is no intention for the hearings to be fair. They are desperate attempts to pollute the voter pool and convince people to not vote for Trump should he run in 2024. All they have is hearsay.

Remember Stalin's deputy premier's famous quote - "Show me the man and I'll show you the crime". All the house and senate and special prosecutions have failed to find Trump's crime except for the mean tweets. They've found Hillary's crimes and Obama's crimes and Biden's crimes but we don't care about them. They are not the droids we're looking for. They're going to keep spending millions of the people's dollars trying to find evidence or witnesses of any actual crime committed by Trump and failed miserably.

Hope springs eternal in la la land.
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Hearsay evidence is broadly accepted in various types of legal proceedings and under certain circumstances. The hearings are fact finding hearings. They are not trials.
Hearsay evidence may be broadly accepted, but the claim that "The hearings are fact finding hearings." Is ludicrous. The Committee members have been purposely selected (by Pelosi) based on being infected with Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS). Alan Dershowitz called this Committee an abomination for violating normal legal processes. You may not like the Republicans, but it would seems that you could set that aside for a while so that Trump & Company could be found (fill in the blank) through a clean hearing process. This would be especially applicable based on you working with the legal system. Since you do not seem concerned that the hearing process is not "clean", this implies that you believe in the ends justify the means, no matter how repulsive those means are. As has been already remarked, this hearing is an example of: "Show me the man and I’ll show you the crime."

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Alan Dershowitz called this Committee an abomination for violating normal legal processes.
From someone who hates Trump, this is a pretty damming statement.
Scotland? And here I always thought it was a relatively normal place, minus the men in skirts.
Wait, I just connected the dots..
Wonder how the folks in Highland Park IL are feeling about the efficacy of their super strict gun control laws??
Does it ever sink in?
Carlson asks a question that needs to be investigated. Have drugs actually made people (specifically young men) more unstable? Unfortunately, the subsequent video interview with Jason Whitlock, was not available. However, this video was embedded in another article, see below. Whitlock offers a very compelling reason for gun violence, the moral character of this country is in decline. That particularly affects young males in a negative manner.

Jason Whitlock: 4th of July Shooter Is Mimicking Insane Behavior We Celebrate And Have Normalized

There is another (complementary) theory, which is now unfortunately stuck in the dustbin of History; that I believe could also be a significant factor. Fredrick Jackson Turner, in 1893 declared the frontier "closed". What that meant is that those who are disaffected with living in the civilized world can no longer escape into the wilds. On a somewhat larger perspective, the earth is full. There are no virgin untamed lands free of government control to escape too. As a consequence society is forced to care for the disaffected and mentally unbalanced. US society has not yet demonstrated a successful ability to pre-identify and institutionalize those who would commit mass murder before the fact including Black on Black violence in urban areas. Of course that opens up the whole can of worms related to having a "pre-crime" unit.
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He is absolutely right and I believe in their heart of hearts, everyone knows this - but only half the country will admit it for some reason.
The other half - liberals - cling to the Big Lie that all the evils of the world are caused by Racism or some such largely irrelevant thing.

Substance abuse is the #1 reason why homelessness, domestic violence going in either gendered direction, absent mothers or fathers, etc.
Whether that be alcohol or other drugs.

Indirectly, too many young people are growing up in broken homes where parent or two are absent, not loving and caring, no discipline and responsibility, etc.

This leads DIRECTLY to feelings of loneliness, low self worth, depression, and eventually extreme anger.

We already know as a nation what needs to happen, but there will always be pushback from those too proud to surrender to godly, morals-based principles. The solution is the same simple prescription it always has been: Close-knit loving families who fear God and honor their roles in society.
Avoiding the life-destroying stuff like alcohol and drugs as well as an uncontrolled internet filled with all kinds of corrupting and depressing influences that encourage youngsters to rebel in order to establish their defiance, dominance, belonging or value.
Sorry, Isaac, I have to call you down (slightly). Your answer about "a man and a woman as a normal two-parent family" is biased by a religious group's incorrect interpretation of homosexuality and its implications. Before you complain, I ask you to quote me exactly what Jesus said about homosexuality. Not other prophets, but Jesus. Find the quotes in the four gospels and let me know what is there.

If folks wouldn't emphasize their views that a gay marriage is automatically a sin no matter what else those parents do, those kids who had two gay parents would have less stress at school and therefore would not be bullied as often. It is your attitude that engenders stress based on gender biases. The data about two-parent family? Don't actually disagree, because the second parent is a safety net who provides regular attention and/or a second income. But the data for gay parents is harder to find because of same-sex marriages not being legal for such a long time. So I challenge the depth of that facet of the data.
Question: If a woman identifies as a man and then marries a biological male, does that mean the biological male is a homosexual and therefore gay?

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