On a more positive note...

Kraj said:
Are you saying the photo is not famous internationally?
For the wrong reasons, mainly due to John Waynes re-enactment and the subsequent world wide publicity poster campaign for the film.
Rich said:
I started nothing, I merely posted a correction to an American misconception :rolleyes:

You seem to have started being a horse's arse again or have you never stopped? :D
Rich said:
For the wrong reasons, mainly due to John Waynes re-enactment and the subsequent world wide publicity poster campaign for the film.
So you're saying that why a photo is famous determines whether it is famous? :confused:
Rich said:
I started nothing, I merely posted a correction to an American misconception :rolleyes:

That is an absurdity. I have been aware for years that this was not an instant snapshot. The same is true of MacArthurs's return to the Phillipines. The nature and actual posing of the photographs does not negate their historical, artistic, nationalistic or intrinsic value.

Of course Monty nor Wellington never posed at all, did they?
Rich said:
I started nothing, I merely posted a correction to an American misconception :rolleyes:

Sure you did. You jumped into an otherwise cordial thread with your usual America bash as you do all to often. May I point out that if you were merely wanting to bring it to everyones attention that the photo was staged without ruffling any feathers, you could have started with with something like: "Gee guys, you do realize that the photo was staged..."

But of course being nice towards Americans is not your style so I'm sure this is probably falling on deaf ears....:rolleyes:
Staged photo or not, if the story that man told about the six boys was true, it was very moving.

Whether it's a memorial to fallen soldiers in battle or an AIDS quilt, I think I'd have reverance and respect in it's presence.

Thanks for sharing the story.
TessB said:
Staged photo or not, if the story that man told about the six boys was true, it was very moving.
I don't know whether the stories were true, but the names of the soldiers are correct, so they're at least partly true. And even if the stories were basically made up, every one of them did happen to a soldier somewhere, so to me it doesn't matter.

KenHigg said:
Sure you did. You jumped into an otherwise cordial thread with your usual America bash as you do all to often. May I point out that if you were merely wanting to bring it to everyones attention that the photo was staged without ruffling any feathers, you could have started with with something like: "Gee guys, you do realize that the photo was staged..."

But of course being nice towards Americans is not your style so I'm sure this is probably falling on deaf ears....:rolleyes:

Bollocks! I said

That should read American history and the author missed the fact that the photograph was a fake and stage managed for propaganda purposes
I really can't believe how little you guys know of your own history :rolleyes:
fuzzygeek said:
That is an absurdity. I have been aware for years that this was not an instant snapshot. The same is true of MacArthurs's return to the Phillipines. The nature and actual posing of the photographs does not negate their historical, artistic, nationalistic or intrinsic value.

Of course Monty nor Wellington never posed at all, did they?

Not within the context of portraying their international greatness, anyway I don't think cameras were available in Wellingtons day.
Kraj said:
So you're saying that why a photo is famous determines whether it is famous? :confused:

No I'm saying that it's innapropriate within such a solem context.

And this part is sickeningly sycophantic and nothing more than party political propaganda

We need to remember that God created this vast and glorious world for us to live in, freely, but also at great sacrifice. Let us never forget from the Revolutionary War to the current War on Terrorism and all the wars in-between that sacrifice was made for our freedom. Remember to pray praises for this great country of ours and also pray for those still in murderous unrest around the world. STOP and thank God for being alive and being free at someone else's sacrifice.

God Bless You and God Bless America.

REMINDER: Everyday that you can wake up free, it's going to be a great day.

Give me a bucket, this is an insult to those who actually fought and died to keep us free, and you want to charge me with insulting their memory, I don't need to be brainwashed to remember those who fought for meritorious reasons.
'Yeah, you know, we took two cows up on the porch of the Hilltop General Store. Then we strung wire across the stairs so the cows couldn't get down. Then we fed them Epsom salts. Those cows crapped all night. Yes, he was a fun-lovin' hillbilly boy.
Fun loving?
animal cruelty is all good fun loving stuff in the USA? it must be, especially if you shoot something and it has a long lingering painful death - thats a right laugh:mad:

Still, it'll be time soon to whizz up to Canada and club baby seals to death, and skin them whilst their still alive - thats a right laugh too - hearing them scream out in pain.

God bless the North American continent

Rich said:
Give me a bucket, this is an insult to those who actually fought and died to keep us free

Where is the insult?:confused:
ColinEssex said:
Fun loving?
animal cruelty is all good fun loving stuff in the USA? it must be, especially if you shoot something and it has a long lingering painful death - thats a right laugh:mad:

Still, it'll be time soon to whizz up to Canada and club baby seals to death, and skin them whilst their still alive - thats a right laugh too - hearing them scream out in pain.

God bless the North American continent


Deary me Col... I'll play into your little rant only if you promise to stay focused.. After all, I am juggling my job duties and the defense of an entire continent now :p

Lets see, was it hunting you wanted to take a go at? Or was it the seal thing?...
ColinEssex said:
Fun loving?
animal cruelty is all good fun loving stuff in the USA? it must be, especially if you shoot something and it has a long lingering painful death - thats a right laugh:mad:

Still, it'll be time soon to whizz up to Canada and club baby seals to death, and skin them whilst their still alive - thats a right laugh too - hearing them scream out in pain.

God bless the North American continent


Quite amazing you can turn a single story into an exercise of dehumanizing an entire populace. Not just a single country this time either but an entire continent. You are exceeding yourself.

The point which you seemed to have missed is that each one of those individuals in the 'pose' was NOT solely a model. The story accepts that the kids were going to file off the bus and look at just another monument. It then injects life into this monument. The fact that you have had a reaction against an individual mis-treating some cows in Kentucky means the teller has succeeded. You have acknowledged the fact that these individuals were alive, real human beings. Alive, real human beings who fought against an oppresive force. It doesn't matter if you dislike him for his attitude towards livestock as long as you acknowledge the reality of his existance.

Winston Churchill said : "Never was so much owed by so many to so few"

The fact that this was obviously lifted from Shakespeare's Henry V

"But we in it shall be remembered-
We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;"

makes it no less poignant.

Now at the risk of sounding upset - get a grip and stop tramping on other people's feelings.
KenHigg said:
only if you promise to stay focused..
Not easy:) I've been fairly quiet of late though:D

Your little piece seems to indicate that its great fun to pen a cow up and feed it epsom salts so it has a terrible time with its digestive system - it just struck me as extremely cruel - but obviously a right laugh to the two thugs who obviously need a good smacking.

Then I thought of the horrendous pain an animal must suffer when shot by hunters if its not a clean "kill" - the animal dies in agony - obviously great fun to the hunters or they wouldn't want to shoot innocent things anyway.

Then, I remembered that I read in the paper the other day that the seal clubbing time is here again in Canada - so all the blood thirsty hunters can whizz up there and have fun clubbing baby seals with a baseball bat or a bit of wood with a nail in it. Then they skin them before they're dead.

All good harmless fun - and before you say it, yes in the UK foxes are hunted by dogs and torn apart - thats also barbaric.

dan-cat said:
You are exceeding yourself.

dan-cat said:
get a grip and stop tramping on other people's feelings.
yes, I should learn from GWB - he's destroyed a whole nation and now brought it to civil war - now that Dan, is real class.

I am just an amateur compared to that.

ColinEssex said:
Your little piece seems to indicate that its great fun to pen a cow up and feed it epsom salts so it has a terrible time with its digestive system - it just struck me as extremely cruel - but obviously a right laugh to the two thugs who obviously need a good smacking.

The fact that you would rather talk about the detrimental effects of epsom salt to the digestive system of a single cow in Kentucky rather than the death of thousands of human beings... speaks volumes.
ColinEssex said:
Not easy:) I've been fairly quiet of late though:D

Your little piece seems to indicate that its great fun to pen a cow up and feed it epsom salts so it has a terrible time with its digestive system - it just struck me as extremely cruel - but obviously a right laugh to the two thugs who obviously need a good smacking.

Then I thought of the horrendous pain an animal must suffer when shot by hunters if its not a clean "kill" - the animal dies in agony - obviously great fun to the hunters or they wouldn't want to shoot innocent things anyway.

Then, I remembered that I read in the paper the other day that the seal clubbing time is here again in Canada - so all the blood thirsty hunters can whizz up there and have fun clubbing baby seals with a baseball bat or a bit of wood with a nail in it. Then they skin them before they're dead.

All good harmless fun - and before you say it, yes in the UK foxes are hunted by dogs and torn apart - thats also barbaric.


So all these hate rants are just a convenient means for you to relieve the pressures of some other, hopefully significant, issue(s) in your life?

(I say 'hopefully significant' in light of the fact that you continue to mortgage you credibility with them...)
dan-cat said:
The fact that you would rather talk about the detrimental effects of epsom salt to the digestive system of a single cow in Kentucky rather than the death of thousands of human beings... speaks volumes.
I can't stop the deaths of thousands of people, sadly.

I can support those that despise animal cruelty

KenHigg said:
So all these hate rants are just a convenient means for you to relieve the pressures of some other, hopefully significant, issue(s) in your life?
So you approve of animal cruelty then Ken?

ColinEssex said:

Being proud of your dehumanizing efforts confirms your malice.

ColinEssex said:
yes, I should learn from GWB - he's destroyed a whole nation and now brought it to civil war - now that Dan, is real class.

I am just an amateur compared to that.


Comparing your amateurism to another's 'class' does not excuse your behaviour. By the way do you know what a strawman argument is? I seem to remember explaining the concept to you a while back - however you still seem to think it a valid method of reasoning.

Also I would advise you look up the term "VERISIMILITUDE". This is the literary tactic that the story invokes and to which you have succumbed.

You still need to get a grip.

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