On a more positive note...

ColinEssex said:
So you approve of animal cruelty then Ken?


In order to answer that with any substance, I would need you to put a tight little definition around 'animal cruelty'...

Otherwise we could go more generic and flippant like a Rich type response and I could say some thing like:

I do think it was cruel when you had to wait an entire 15 minutes to chuck down a Mickie D burger and enjoy that worderful cow meat you paid someone else to kill... Can't they find a faster bullet to kill 'em with so that I don't have to wait so long!?!...

:) :p :p :D
ColinEssex said:
I can't stop the deaths of thousands of people, sadly.

You could however have acknowledged either the fact that it happened or the context of other forum members sensitivity to the issue rather than using it as a tool to dehumanize an entire populace. Could you not?
dan-cat said:
Being proud of your dehumanizing efforts confirms your malice.
Malice? how can a little ;) that acknowledges your compliment mean malice:confused:

As well as the US continent, I also included the UK - so I'm branching out into a European sector.;) :D

ColinEssex said:
Not easy:) I've been fairly quiet of late though:D

Your little piece seems to indicate that its great fun to pen a cow up and feed it epsom salts so it has a terrible time with its digestive system - it just struck me as extremely cruel - but obviously a right laugh to the two thugs who obviously need a good smacking.


Come on... The cows were no worse for the wear and it may have even done 'em good to get cleaned out inside - And they may have even smiled a tad their own selves when they realized what was going on....:p
ColinEssex said:
Malice? how can a little ;) that acknowledges your compliment mean malice:confused:

It wasn't meant as a compliment. Where did you perceive the complimentary tone in my post?
dan-cat said:
It wasn't meant as a compliment. Where did you perceive the complimentary tone in my post?

Maybe the tone of the post warped a little because it suffered jet lag as it went all the way over the pond... stranger things have happened :eek: :D
KenHigg said:
Maybe the tone of the post warped a little because it suffered jet lag as it went all the way over the pond... stranger things have happened :eek: :D

I'm surprised the British servers didn't block a post from such a barbaric continent:rolleyes:

EDIT: This is an ironic comical statement. It seeks to satirize the intended object by adopting their same attitude. ie. That the British public as a whole believe that the North American continent as a whole are barbaric and thus would potentially refuse literal content to be read by their populace. Obviously this is an absurd scenario and thus exposes the absurd attitude of attributing an entire continent of people with a single derogatory characteristic.
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dan-cat said:
It wasn't meant as a compliment. Where did you perceive the complimentary tone in my post?
You're exceeding yourself

seemed to me complimentary

I'm surprised the British servers didn't block a post from such a barbaric continent

then you would be isolated, at least we try to indicate the rights and wrongs

Come on... The cows were no worse for the wear . . . .

Thats like saying the cat got over having a firework stuck up his a*se - he got over it

Not within the context of portraying their international greatness, anyway I don't think cameras were available in Wellingtons day.

No but he had artists whom he "posed" for thus allowing paintings for personal, historical and nationalistic purposes. You know that, but you can't stop trying to show superiority over everyone by putting other people down. This childish sarcastic statement has now shown me that you are incapable of honest debate and dialog! You are like a radio commentator whose sole purpose is to create anger and strife for the ratings not for dialogs that pursue and debate issues on their merit, but only to get people yelling at each other. :mad:
ColinEssex said:
seemed to me complimentary

Let me explain. Exceed doesn't mean improve it means to go beyond the limits of. Thus by expressing such an attitude you have exceeded your previous bad behaviour. You have gone beyond the limits of bad behaviour that I thought you were capable of. Clear?

How you can interpret it as a compliment within its obvious context is something I don't understand.

ColinEssex said:
then you would be isolated, at least we try to indicate the rights and wrongs

I posted an edit to my comment in the probability that you would not understand its ironic content. I'm glad to see my time wasn't wasted.
dan-cat said:
I'm surprised the British servers didn't block a post from such a barbaric continent:rolleyes:

EDIT: Obviously this is an absurd scenario and thus exposes the absurd attitude of attributing an entire continent of people with a single derogatory characteristic.
Its not absurd - North Korea has blocked all US sites

so you, like Ken, approve of animal cruelty in both the US and Canada

Rich said:
No I'm saying that it's innapropriate within such a solem context.
I see your point but disagree. It may be crass to pose for a photo at the end of a battle, but it depends on how you look at it. Was it vapid propoganda intended to score cheap political points that ultimately disrespects those who gave their lives - or was it a sincere attempt to capture the moment and boost morale? Maybe a bit of both? Who knows? But I don't think it is nearly as bad as you seem to think.

Rich said:
And this part is sickeningly sycophantic and nothing more than party political propaganda
I agree.

However, none of this has to do with your original qualifier as the photo being one of the most famous in American history rather than history in general. Unless you're suggesting that any innappropriate photo should be labeled as "American". :confused:


You have a point to a degree but could you perhaps not exagerrate the cruelty and suffering some laxatives will inflict on a cow?
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ColinEssex said:
Thats like saying the cat got over having a firework stuck up his a*se - he got over it

I am kinda seeing that as over the edge... Not so much the cow thing. Wonder if the cow you ate in the McD burger got over it?
ColinEssex said:
...so you, like Ken, approve of animal cruelty in both the US and Canada


And where did this brain mush come from?
ColinEssex said:
Its not absurd - North Korea has blocked all US sites

You don't think that North Korea's stance on this is absurd?:confused:

ColinEssex said:
so you, like Ken, approve of animal cruelty in both the US and Canada

Which flawed method of reasoning did you you use to reach this conclusion?
dan-cat said:
You don't think that North Korea's stance on this is absurd?:confused:

Which flawed method of reasoning did you you use to reach this conclusion?

It's getting close to home time and he's taking a few parting brain dead shots at us before he signs out - :D
dan-cat said:
You don't think that North Korea's stance on this is absurd?:confused:
by saying absurd - I assumed you meant it was impossible

Which flawed method of reasoning did you you use to reach this conclusion?
Neither Ken nor yourself have actually said you disgree with animal cruelty - so one can only assume you agree with it.

ColinEssex said:
by saying absurd - I assumed you meant it was impossible

from http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=absurd

"Ridiculously incongruous or unreasonable"

Now you know what absurd means.

ColinEssex said:
Neither Ken nor yourself have actually said you disgree with animal cruelty - so one can only assume you agree with it.

Argument from silence is a logical fallacy. Have I not told you about logical fallacies before? Read this...


EDIT: What makes you think we want to talk about animal cruelty? The original topic was a war memorial.
How we got to the accusation that me and Ken support animal cruelty from the topic of a War memorial illustrates your belligerent attitude that whatever you say is relevant and needs to be addressed.
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ColinEssex said:
...Neither Ken nor yourself have actually said you disgree with animal cruelty - so one can only assume you agree with it.


That's because you fail to define it. Leaving a stray cat out in the rain - Get over it. Doing the firework/cat thing, you crossed the line (I can't believe you did that Col:p ).

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