On a more positive note...

KenHigg said:

Speaking of farts, where's Rich? Out getting a snoot full for his second wind of the day...

Hurraaaah!! :D
fuzzygeek said:
No but he had artists whom he "posed" for thus allowing paintings for personal, historical and nationalistic purposes. You know that, but you can't stop trying to show superiority over everyone by putting other people down. This childish sarcastic statement has now shown me that you are incapable of honest debate and dialog! You are like a radio commentator whose sole purpose is to create anger and strife for the ratings not for dialogs that pursue and debate issues on their merit, but only to get people yelling at each other. :mad:

Well what a well thought out and intelligent response, I see you've been taking lessons from Kenny:rolleyes:
The fact that he had artists doesn't detract from the fact that you guys need a staged picture of an American flag flying over a foreign land to remember those who fell in battle.
The only reason most of you know anything about IwoJima is down to frigging Hollywood, if that's not an insult to those who truly fought for freedom then I feel very sorry for you lot because this statue is nothing more than State propaganda to permeate the myth that America is the champion of freedom.
The article even went on further insulting those who truly sacrificed their lives in the cause of freedom by bringing in some mythical stories related to Iwo Jima.
What about the Sullivans, what about those who fell at Normandy, what about those who stood alone against overwhelming odds at Bastogne, what about those countless thousands who sacrificed their lives in the USAF over Europe, the fact must be that without Hollywood most Americans haven't the faintest idea about the true events of WW11, holy shit there isn't even a mention of WW1.
If you ,Kenny and all those others can't see that the article and even the statue in question is an insult to those who lost their lives in the true fight for freedom then there is no hope and one can freely come to the the conclusion that as a nation you're brainwashed and know nothing about the true events of history other than that fed by the state.
How do you feel about the picture of the Ruskies raising the sickle and hammer on the Reichstag state managed propaganda, or justified spoils of war ?
KenHigg said:
I do think it was cruel when you had to wait an entire 15 minutes to chuck down a Mickie D burger and enjoy that worderful cow meat you paid someone else to kill... Can't they find a faster bullet to kill 'em with so that I don't have to wait so long!?!...

:) :p :p :D
Mickie D burgers don't contain meat, they're made from regurgitated cardboard.
Christ, don't you Yanks know anything. :rolleyes:
Rich said:
the fact must be that without Hollywood most Americans haven't the faintest idea about the true events of WW11, [...]
Holy crap! There have been eleven World Wars???? :eek: We really are lacking in our education system in this country! :rolleyes:
Rich said:
If you ,Kenny and all those others can't see that the article and even the statue in question is an insult to those who lost their lives in the true fight for freedom then there is no hope and one can freely come to the the conclusion that as a nation you're brainwashed and know nothing about the true events of history other than that fed by the state.

You actually had me interested until you said this. Why do you always have to group vast numbers of individuals into one derogatory category?

My initial thoughts is that it makes you feel better. Care to explain?

By the way, people will listen more if you don't give them ultimatums. ie. Agree with my point or face being classed as "brainwashed" and 100% ignorant of your own country's history. Here is the logical fallacy you have committed

dan-cat said:
You actually had me interested until you said this. Why do you always have to group vast numbers of individuals into one derogatory category?

You included yourself in the list when I didn't name you, care to explain why ?

Perhaps you could then explain why the American state needs to constantly remind you of your greatness, does it think you're all stupid ? :confused:
Rich said:
You included yourself in the list when I didn't name you, care to explain why ?[\QUOTE]

Rich said:
If you ,Kenny and all those others can't see that the article and even the statue in question is an insult to those who lost their lives in the true fight for freedom then there is no hope and one can freely come to the the conclusion that as a nation you're brainwashed and know nothing about the true events of history other than that fed by the state.[\QUOTE]

Rich, you really need to keep track of what you write. You say above "as a nation". I'm thinking that would include all Americans, unless you are talking about a different nation.:cool:

And I'm sorry, but I have to admit, Rich, that, as a nation, we are all brainwashed. And we only know the events of our own history as they have been told to us by those who would have us read it a certain way. The way where Americans come out on top, or at least not on the bottom.

I am not commenting at all on the picture or statue of Iwo Jima, because I know nothing about it. But I do know that as a nation, we are sheep. Damned if I know what to do about it, but there it is.

lmnop7854 said:
Rich, you really need to keep track of what you write. You say above "as a nation". I'm thinking that would include all Americans, unless you are talking about a different nation.:cool:


But if it's based on the majority then one can surely say "as a nation", we have to suffer as a nation because of what our stupid leader did in Iraq, it doesn't mean for one minute that we all supported him, in fact very few of us did.
Rich said:
You included yourself in the list when I didn't name you, care to explain why ?

Hey brain-dead, does this ring a bell: "as a nation"
Rich said:
You included yourself in the list when I didn't name you, care to explain why ?

You are the author of that list Rich. That's the point. It's a list without substance fabricated by yourself. If I'm on that list then you wrote my name down on it.

Rich said:
Perhaps you could then explain why the American state needs to constantly remind you of your greatness, does it think you're all stupid ? :confused:

As with Col you avoid the answering the questions that challenge your position and replace them with strawmen of your own. You answered none of the questions I posted.

To re-iterate: I was interested in your opinion until you "poisoned the well". Most people will converse with you if you don't threaten them with a derogatory label if they dare to disagree with you.
Rich said:
Mickie D burgers don't contain meat, they're made from regurgitated cardboard.
Christ, don't you Yanks know anything. :rolleyes:

According to Ally, the UK version has other suspect ingredients, which may I add, Col seems to favor, if he's willing to stand in line for 15 minutes to get one...:eek:
dan-cat said:
You are the author of that list Rich. That's the point. It's a list without substance fabricated by yourself. If I'm on that list then you wrote my name down on it.

As with Col you avoid the answering the questions that challenge your position and replace them with strawmen of your own. You answered none of the questions I posted.

To re-iterate: I was interested in your opinion until you "poisoned the well". Most people will converse with you if you don't threaten them with a derogatory label if they dare to disagree with you.

The sad fact is you keep missing the point that the world sees America as a brainwashed nation, you attempt to dismiss the statement by singling out yourself as rebuttal of that, on that basis it's no more scientific than my statement.
Read my response to Imnop
And you refuse to answer my question, how odd
KenHigg said:
Hey brain-dead, does this ring a bell: "as a nation"

Hey brainwashed, keep posting your governmental propaganda for the masses, hell it's got you hoodwinked
Rich said:
The sad fact is you keep missing the point that the world sees America as a brainwashed nation, you attempt to dismiss the statement by singling out yourself as rebuttal of that, on that basis it's no more scientific than my statement.
Read my response to Imnop
And you refuse to answer my question, how odd

The sad fact is you have elected yourself a self appointed committee of one to speak on behalf of the world when you can't even win over the favor of a handfull of Americans...
KenHigg said:
According to Ally, the UK version has other suspect ingredients, which may I add, Col seems to favor, if he's willing to stand in line for 15 minutes to get one...:eek:

Only so he can feed the ducks in Regents park :cool: :p
KenHigg said:
The sad fact is you have elected yourself a self appointed committee of one to speak on behalf of the world when you can't even win over the favor of a handfull of Americans...
That's because unlike you I'm educated and in any case anyone who dares to criticise any aspect of America or its way of life is immediately accused of hatred and anti Americanism
Rich said:
Hey brainwashed, keep posting your governmental propaganda for the masses, hell it's got you hoodwinked

I posted a simple little ditti about a monument in an obscure and insignificant forum and now I'm posting your governmental propaganda for the masses... :eek:

You're a riot Ricki-pooh :p Just because you cherish the thought of a 6 digit post count does qualify this as a means of mass communication :p :p
Rich said:
The sad fact is you keep missing the point that the world sees America as a brainwashed nation, you attempt to dismiss the statement by singling out yourself as rebuttal of that, on that basis it's no more scientific than my statement.

I haven't missed the point and I have never tried to dismiss the point. For the third time of saying: Your point of view was interesting to me.

Rich said:
Read my response to Imnop

I have done. You have succeeded in defining your use of the term 'nation' albeit belatedly.

Rich said:
And you refuse to answer my question, how odd

You may agree with my answer to your question. I'm still forming an opinion on it. The problem is, is that you have answered none of my questions. Also you still hold reign over the discussion by the fact that if I disagree with your argument then I immediately default to the list of "brainwashed" individuals that you have created. Why should I engage in a discussion under such a pretext? Remove this pretext and I'll gladly answer the question.

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