On a more positive note...

Rich said:
I'm fully aware of the savagery those thugs displayed, that's why this American hating Anti American Brit stoutly defended the dropping of the A bombs on this forum earlier.
Of course if the forum hadn't been hacked I could have posted it to disprove the charges against me, couldn't I ? :mad: ;)

The reason why you face such charges is because you make statements such as these:

Rich said:
The fact that he had artists doesn't detract from the fact that you guys need a staged picture of an American flag flying over a foreign land to remember those who fell in battle.

Why you don't see that you've made the rod for your own back - baffles me :confused:
dan-cat said:
Do you have a theory?

Being a fair minded and non controversial character that I am, I'd put it down to just being lost in the annals of history.
I do wonder why though the US charged £50 for the sherman that divers brought back to the surface to serve as a memorial :confused:

I know Rich. I was just asking whether you were any closer to accepting my opinion that the Iwo Jima memorial isn't offensive and that I have good reasons for that opinion.
So would it be fair to come to the conclusion from this discussion that Americans attach more significance to the Pacific campaign than the European one ? :confused:
dan-cat said:
The reason why you face such charges is because you make statements such as these:

Why you don't see that you've made the rod for your own back - baffles me :confused:

I was given the wrong information at the time regarding whom the memorial was dedicated to. It took one of the learned female posters to point out that it was a memorial dedicated to the marines.
Now, is it an apt memorial to their memory? The jury's still out on that one.
Oddly enough, this American hating, anti American Brit was defending the US Marine Corps, just a few days ago, does that refute the charge?
Rich said:
So would it be fair to come to the conclusion from this discussion that Americans attach more significance to the Pacific campaign than the European one ? :confused:

No I don't think that would be fair. As I said, the memorial serves to remind us of ALL the soldiers who died fighting an aggresive, conquering, malicious force. Whether that be the Japanese or the Nazis. It was staged, and it is a piece of propaganda. However, just like Churchill's "borrowings", this doesn't detract from it's value as a reminder of what actually passed.
Rich said:
I was given the wrong information at the time regarding whom the memorial was dedicated to. It took one of the learned female posters to point out that it was a memorial dedicated to the marines.

I don't see how that justifies your statement. The statement was an insult to every American who tends a relative's grave who died fighting for their country. My wife's father died from injuries he sustained in Vietnam. She doesn't need the Iwo Jima memorial to remember the fallen. As I said before, there are plenty of reminders in our local cemetry.

Rich said:
Now, is it an apt memorial to their memory? The jury's still out on that one.

I'm glad you've accepted that your opinion is not a foregone conclusion. To be honest, this was all that I was asking from you.

Rich said:
Oddly enough, this American hating, anti American Brit was defending the US Marine Corps, just a few days ago, does that refute the charge?

It doesn't excuse your statement regarding our "need" for the Iwo Jima memorial.
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dan-cat said:
The statement was an insult to every American who tends a relative's grave who died fighting for their country.
No that's not fair, they don't, nor ever did need a large bronze to remind them.

My wife's father died from injuries he sustained in Vietnam.
That's very sad and I'm sorry to hear it, even more so when the lives of those lost were simply wasted in a war that had no merit.

I'm glad you've accepted that your opinion is not a foregone conclusion. To be honest, this was all that I was asking from you.

It wouldn't have been a foregone conclusion had the correct information been given in the first place.

It doesn't excuse your statement regarding our "need" for the Iwo Jima memorial.

Now put your hand on your heart and tell me how many Americans today would be able to recall Iwo had it not been for the picture and the subsequent film of the event?
dan-cat said:
No I don't think that would be fair. As I said, the memorial serves to remind us of ALL the soldiers who died fighting an aggresive, conquering, malicious force.

What about the airmen and sailors ? :confused:
Rich said:
No that's not fair, they don't, nor ever did need a large bronze to remind them.

I know that Rich. Perhaps you should have thought about this before you said what you did. You had no idea whether any of the people you termed as "guys", tended graves of one who had fallen.

Rich said:
That's very sad and I'm sorry to hear it, even more so when the lives of those lost were simply wasted in a war that had no merit.

My wife considers LBJ as the third anti-Christ.

Rich said:
It wouldn't have been a foregone conclusion had the correct information been given in the first place.

It was never a foregone conclusion.

Rich said:
Now put your hand on your heart and tell me how many Americans today would be able to recall Iwo had it not been for the picture and the subsequent film of the event?

The fact that the picture reminds them of the event is a good thing. I know it is a piece of propaganda but it is better than no reminder at all.
dan-cat said:
We have memorials for them too.
Well of course now I'm curious, what's on the naval one, re-enactment of Midway, the Solomoms, Ironclads or mission accomplished ?
KenHigg said:
I knew we could make some progress in this thread if we just held in there until Col's home time... :D

(I know it's hard to believe but I'm not going to do a fart )
At least when I'm here, the thread doesn't deteriorate into people telling everyone about their bodily functions:rolleyes:

Is that progress?

ColinEssex said:
At least when I'm here, the thread doesn't deteriorate into people telling everyone about their bodily functions:rolleyes:

Yeah and I'm the one accused of insulting the solemnity of the thread :rolleyes:
ColinEssex said:
At least when I'm here, the thread doesn't deteriorate into people telling everyone about their bodily functions:rolleyes:

Is that progress?


You know, Rich, at this point I don't care whether your points are right or wrong or whatever, but I do have this to say: right or wrong, you hurt TessB's feelings. Your words in this thread, and many others, hurt the feelings of someone who respects and cares about you and whom you claim to care bout a respect. When that happens, a decent person doesn't defend his or her statements or point out why the other person shouldn't be hurt; a decent person apologizes. Sincerely.

That's all I have to say.
Kraj said:
You know, Rich, at this point I don't care whether your points are right or wrong or whatever, but I do have this to say: right or wrong, you hurt TessB's feelings. Your words in this thread, and many others, hurt the feelings of someone who respects and cares about you and whom you claim to care bout a respect. When that happens, a decent person doesn't defend his or her statements or point out why the other person shouldn't be hurt; a decent person apologizes. Sincerely.

That's all I have to say.
You need to go back and read some more posts
KenHigg said:

That was my fault. I put you up to it.
You didn't know any better. :p
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ColinEssex said:
At least when I'm here, the thread doesn't deteriorate into people telling everyone about their bodily functions:rolleyes:

Is that progress?


Me and Rich had a very reasonable discussion over the weekend. I don't believe a single word was said in anger.:)

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