On a more positive note...

Rich said:
Well of course now I'm curious, what's on the naval one, re-enactment of Midway, the Solomoms, Ironclads or mission accomplished ?

Do your own homework you lazy so and so. :rolleyes: :p
dan-cat said:
Me and Rich had a very reasonable discussion over the weekend. I don't believe a single word was said in anger.:)
I know, I read it. I thought Rich was very restrained;)

Anyway, I was referring to Kenny's wind problem.:rolleyes:

ColinEssex said:
I know, I read it. I thought Rich was very restrained;)

You must be so proud of him :p
ColinEssex said:
Anyway, I was referring to Kenny's wind problem.:rolleyes:

You'll have to excuse him - he can't help it. :p
ColinEssex said:
I know, I read it. I thought Rich was very restrained;)

Anyway, I was referring to Kenny's wind problem.:rolleyes:


Isn't it about home time for you :mad: :D
Rich said:
You need to go back and read some more posts
Perhaps you'd care to point out where you apologize to TessB?
Rich said:
No, other than one it's not for anybody else to judge
I'm simply interested in whether an average person would interpret that statement as an apology. Perhaps I'm the one who's wrong, but to me just because a sentence contains the words "I'm sorry" doesn't make it an apology.

But you have a point in that it only really matters how TessB took it. I'd be quite curious to hear from Tess as to whether she feels you have apologized to her for hurting her feelings at any point.
Rich said:
No, other than one it's not for anybody else to judge

Are we not allowed to discuss semantics? I see nothing wrong in discussing the meaning of a phrase.
dan-cat said:
Are we not allowed to discuss semantics? I see nothing wrong in discussing the meaning of a phrase.
Well now you've brought it up again, did America go to war in Nam as a nation ? :confused:

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