On a more positive note...

dan-cat said:
What's that got to do with the Vietnam war:confused:
Dan, if I may paraphrase Alicia Silverstone in the movie Clueless: "Searching for logic in Rich's posts is like searching for meaning in a Pauly Shore movie."
Kraj said:
Dan, if I may paraphrase Alicia Silverstone in the movie Clueless: "Searching for logic in Rich's posts is like searching for meaning in a Pauly Shore movie."


One of my favourite dialogues:

"That don't make no sense"

"Pete, it's a fool who looks for logic in the chambers of the human heart"

O Brother where art thou. What a fantastic movie.
dan-cat said:
What's confusing you Rich?
Well one minute you're arguing over the semantics of the term "as a nation", then you're not, then you are, then you're not.
Now it seems you want to argue over some other term, I'm merely throwing the previously unresolved term back into the ring, is it not within the terms of engagement ?:confused:
Rich said:
is it not within the terms of engagement ?:confused:
I suppose that depends. You pretty much decide what the terms of any debate are at any given moment as you please, so why not do that now? :confused:
Rich said:
I'm merely throwing the previously unresolved term back into the ring

and using it to provoke a discussion on the Vietnam war. Why are you seeking to begin discussion on a topic which uses a knowlingly unresolved term for its definition? Can you not see that doing this will lead to much confusion? Look at the confusion it caused last time. You don't enjoy misunderstandings do you?:confused:
dan-cat said:
and using it to provoke a discussion on the Vietnam war.
I've no interest in the Vietnam war whatsover, just trying to help you clear up a misconception before you go on to another
KenHigg said:
You guys are giving me a headache... ;(

I'm sorry Ken - I don't have enough work to do today. Maybe I should go take a nap or something:)
I think I have some handy - Ah yes... Thanks anyway.

I think it's the fussing about how to fuss that's getting to me. Pleas don't take to fussin about fussin over fussin... :(
Rich said:
I've no interest in the Vietnam war whatsover
I wouldn't ask questions about subjects you're not interested in if I were you, otherwise you might get involved in a discussion in which you have no interest in whatsoever ;)

Rich said:
just trying to help you clear up a misconception before you go on to another

By asking a question about a subject you're not interested in which uses a term that is still unresolved? :confused: You haven't cleared up anything yet. Maybe that's because your heart ain't in it?
KenHigg said:
I think I have some handy - Ah yes... Thanks anyway.

I think it's the fussing about how to fuss that's getting to me. Pleas don't take to fussin about fussin over fussin... :(
you will note that I didn't start the fussin in the first place
dan-cat said:
I wouldn't ask questions about subjects you're not interested in if I were you, otherwise you might get involved in a discussion in which you have no interest in whatsoever ;)

I've no interest in discussing the merits of the war, just the question, did you go to war in Nam as a nation ?
dan-cat said:
I wouldn't ask questions about subjects you're not interested in if I were you, otherwise you might get involved in a discussion in which you have no interest in whatsoever ;)
That's good advice. I should take it more often. :D
Rich said:
I've no interest in discussing the merits of the war, just the question, did you go to war in Nam as a nation ?

I take it you're still interested in asking questions which use unresolved terms then?

I really have to stop this Rich. Speak to you later.

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