Respect is Earnt...

My comment is in response to Jeffrey who says "You WILL respect us." The answer is "Not unless you behave respectably." I can respect that you are a person. (Usually self-evident.) I can respect that you are a citizen of the USA. (Reasonable assumption most of the time.) I staunchly support gay rights, anyone who has seen my posts on the subject will know that. BUT as Uncle G points out, respect is not monolithic; it comes with personal knowledge and is LOST through personal knowledge. An idiot is still an idiot despite putting on a cap and gown. And a kind, loving person is still a kind, loving person despite never having had a cap-and-gown situation in their lives.
Also used for High Schools in south Louisiana. I guess because we celebrate anything, even getting a basic education. Particularly since rural families don't always get even that much.

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