The Covid cure has arrived! (1 Viewer)

The audacity of Democrats is beyond belief. During the 2020 Presidential election, Biden arrogantly proclaimed that he would crush the Covid virus thorough federal action. Moreover, Biden claimed that every Covid death was blood on Trump's hands due to Trump's failure to act.

Now that Biden has assumed the mantle of the Presidency, "crushing" the virus is magically no longer considered a federal responsibility. Moreover, now that the number of Covid deaths under Biden's watch exceed those under Trump's, the deaths are now considered "normal" since the virus was more aggressive then previously thought.

Now that Biden (his handlers?) are in charge, Covid and its aftereffects are not a responsibility of the administration. Such hypocrites.
its sad how human lives are been played with by politicians
Sacrificial pawns to further the goals of the glorious Democratic party. The Party appreciates your martyrdom (sarcasm). The ends justify the means.
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TALLAHASSEE, FL—According to experts, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis's COVID policies are so bad they are starting to cause skyrocketing COVID infection rates in leftist states.

"COVID is on the rise in New York and California," said Dr. Fauci. "I spoke with SCIENCE just this morning, and it told me that the real culprit here is Ron DeSantis."

Fauci and others revealed that the Florida governor's policies are so bad and permissive and hands-off that they have caused COVID to spike in Left-wing states, even though those states are obediently following the SCIENCE.

"This is just horrible," said Fauci. "Somehow, DeSantis has diabolically figured out how to reduce COVID rates in his state by giving his people freedom, which has the strange effect of infecting leftist states in record numbers. HE MUST BE STOPPED!" Fauci's eyes then rolled back into his head and he began uttering an ancient Sumerian tongue to find out what SCIENCE wanted next.

According to sources, most Floridians aren't aware of the latest frightening COVID numbers, as they are too busy outside having fun.

(Satire, meant to make you think twice about why the states supposedly following the science are doing worse than those who are supposedly not. Logically, should induce one to think twice about the so-called science of the day)
There is an increase in Covid-19 cases because there has been an increase in testing :cool:
When asymptomatic people get tested, you will always see more "cases". But no one with any sense cares about "cases". We care about how many people are actually sick or dying. "Cases" are used to frighten the great unwashed and the politicians and their lap dog media talking heads have succeeded. Omicron is actually a savior. It is far better than being vaccinated and it is so contagious, it is squeezing out the more dangerous variants.

The medical people we used to rely on have completely abandoned truth in favor of political correctness. They do not want to be cancelled so they do not argue with saint Faucci.
Covid -19 testing is a catch 22. If you test positive you will need a negative result to resume "normal activities". If you test negative you have a snapshot of now this will be void within a few days. You will need a negative result every few days to continue doing "normal activities".

Covid -19 testing is a catch 22. If you test positive you will need a negative result to resume "normal activities". If you test negative you have a snapshot of now this will be void within a few days. You will need a negative result every few days to continue doing "normal activities".
In the near future - every person will be required to carry an IV that pumps their blood through a Covid testing module for real-time results. Test positive, a signal will be sent-out and you will be immediately apprehended and carted off to the nearest quarantine facility.
It's not really the virus that is the problem, it's governments new found powers that will never go away.
It's not really the virus that is the problem, it's governments new found powers that will never go away
The virus is a means to an end for some governments, in some countries the whole covid cycle, i.e get vaccinated, cooling period,new variant,lockdown etc is used to siphon money and propagate new ideology based on the timing of Covid in each country.

Some leaders who are inefficient used the covid/pandemic as excuse for the poor performance of their government.
In the near future - every person will be required to carry an IV that pumps their blood through a Covid testing module for real-time results. Test positive, a signal will be sent-out and you will be immediately apprehended and carted off to the nearest quarantine facility.
This might not happen, if the new variants are not as deadly as previous ones, it's the death toll that is a key determinant, this increases fear in people.
When asymptomatic people get tested, you will always see more "cases". But no one with any sense cares about "cases". We care about how many people are actually sick or dying.
A number of cases might matter, scientists have not concluded if Covid can have long-term health effects on people, e.g asymptomatic people, to me is something to be worried about.
This might not happen, if the new variants are not as deadly as previous ones, it's the death toll that is a key determinant, this increases fear in people.
It was my attempt (at graveyard humor) to go to a ridiculous logical extreme of government control. The problem is not the virus, but how those in power attempt to use the virus as an excuse to implement nonsensical onerous requirements under the (false) excuse of protecting us.
It was my attempt (at graveyard humor) to go to a ridiculous logical extreme of government control. The problem is not the virus, but how those in power
We have science to thank, I think it's been at least 50 years since the world witnessed such a pandemic, government always wants to control the populace, it's one of the reasons governance is attractive.
The question was asked: When will we be done with COVID-19?

The answer is "never." That is a scientific assessment based on the fact that within the last two years, we have had not less than half-a-dozen mutations, some of which were either deadly or fast-spreading or both. I.e. it has a fast mutate rate. This is not a good thing because it means we will run into problems eventually because we run out of the letters of the Greek alphabet BEFORE we run out of COVID variants. Perhaps at some point when we reach COVID-19 Omega, we should officially discontinue COVID-19 and call the next variant COVID-23 (and start over again at Alpha for the variant.)

I'm not necessarily being tongue-in-cheek either. COVID-19 has a track record for moderately fast mutations and science is, among other things, based on the principle that the past is a valid predictor of the future. But if you think about it, how many versions of influenza have we had in the relatively brief history we have involving a germ theory of disease? We will probably develop a generic immunity that will make COVID-19 deaths diminish. But there is also the theory that the disease is its own throttler. IF it kills us TOO fast, it kills off its own disease vectors. So the diminished lethality of the Omicron variant may ALREADY be an adaptation of this type.
A number of cases might matter
Actually the number of cases is relevant since the number of positive tests is the denominator when you are doing the division to determine how deadly the disease is. Soooooooooo, the larger the denominator, the LESS deadly the disease but you couldn't tell that by listening to the talking heads. They harp on the increased number of cases because that sounds scary. South Africa is accurately reporting the actual danger with reports that the number of hospitalizations from the Omicron variant is 80% LESS than from Delta. People should be dancing in the streets because a much more contagious but significantly less dangerous variant taking over means the end is sight, and yet the talking heads are working overtime to keep the believers cowering in their corners and wearing masks while driving in their cars with the windows closed. Eventually, COVID will shrink to a minor annual problem like many flu variants. Like other viruses, COVID never goes away because they live on in non-human vectors always ready to spring back up again.

Sadly, we didn't learn anything from this outbreak of COVID. It was so badly handled by the agencies charged with keeping us safe like the FDA and CDC, not to mention the medical community at large whose problem was mostly that they knew if they spoke up and challenged the government's approach, they would be cancelled, that when - not IF - the next virus comes around, if the same people are in charge, they will make exactly the same mistakes they made with this pandemic; letting hundreds of thousands of people die for political reasons.
The question was asked: When will we be done with COVID-19?

The answer is "never." That is a scientific assessment based on the fact that within the last two years, we have had not less than half-a-dozen mutations, some of which were either deadly or fast-spreading or both. I.e. it has a fast mutate rate. This is not a good thing because it means we will run into problems eventually because we run out of the letters of the Greek alphabet BEFORE we run out of COVID variants. Perhaps at some point when we reach COVID-19 Omega, we should officially discontinue COVID-19 and call the next variant COVID-23 (and start over again at Alpha for the variant.)

I'm not necessarily being tongue-in-cheek either. COVID-19 has a track record for moderately fast mutations and science is, among other things, based on the principle that the past is a valid predictor of the future. But if you think about it, how many versions of influenza have we had in the relatively brief history we have involving a germ theory of disease? We will probably develop a generic immunity that will make COVID-19 deaths diminish. But there is also the theory that the disease is its own throttler. IF it kills us TOO fast, it kills off its own disease vectors. So the diminished lethality of the Omicron variant may ALREADY be an adaptation of this type.

Reading that made me feel very small in comparison to nature. :oops:

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