The Covid cure has arrived! (2 Viewers)

We sort of knew that before but never in a million years would I ever think that the United States of America would really allow hundreds of thousands of people die for political reasons. I guess rather than our goal of making the Chinese more like us when we opened up trade with them during the Nixon administration, we have become more like them. We are willing to keep medications from people for political reasons (look what Biden is doing to Florida with restricting the monoclonal antibodies, not to mention the earlier banning of cheap drugs known to be effective in the treatment. Instead, they sent people home with instructions to call if they couldn't breath. THEY REFUSED TO EVEN TRY!!!!!!!!!!!! the drugs they elected to ban instead). Our population is willing to have our free speech rights obliterated. We are willing to be spied on. We are willing to submit rather than to be cancelled. We are willing to be forced to take "emergency use" vaccines even though we know they don't actually prevent contacting the disease. I don't care what the FDA says. You don't go from "emergency use" status to "fully approved" just because the Presided needs you to approve the vaccine. We used to actually require years of real double blind studies before a vaccine could be approved. I guess the "science" is whatever is politically expedient for Biden. Last night on Tucker we heard from a Canadian who was denied a mortgage because the bank didn't like his politics and an Australian sent to a COVID internment camp even though he did not have COVID.

So, you are correct. We did learn that Americans no longer want to be free. They want to be "safe".
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But per the old quote misattributed to more than one of the founding fathers, Those who trade security for liberty shall soon find that they have neither.
Politics in this era has become dirty in some countries that used to be good examples of leadership, only a few countries still remain true to what leadership stands for.
only a few countries still remain true to what leadership stands for.
The US, Canada, and Australia are officially off the list. Can you tell us where you think actual freedom still exists? Also, if you don't mind, can you tell us where you're from and if you are an immigrant, why you emigrated.
But per the old quote misattributed to more than one of the founding fathers, Those who trade security for liberty shall soon find that they have neither.
Personally, I find that the word attributed or misattributed is often misattributed. :ROFLMAO:

To me it is perfectly acceptable to "attribute" (in an informal way, such as "such and such. --author name") a saying to anyone who has said it.
UNLESS you are explicitly stating that that person was the first person to have ever coined or used the phrase, and doing so incorrectly.

McDonald's is certainly not the first entity in the world to have said "I'm lovin it", but they can still be credited with popularizing and championing the phrase, in a flag-planting sort of way.

Additionally, it may often just be a matter of precise wording versus the same gist with slightly different wording.
Because historians seem to agree that Benjamin Franklin definitely said it, but with slightly different words.

Am I in the mood for semantic wrangling today? Sheesh! I guess so :ROFLMAO::LOL:
What was that phrase that Paris Hilton tried to copywrite? Something to do with "hot" I think?
So it seems that the governors of NY and FL are - in what appears to be the first major effort to do this even though we are going into TWO YEARS WITH COVID - are urging hospitals to stop reporting as a "COVID hospitalization"=any person in a hospital who also tests positive for COVID......But rather, to start ONLY reporting as "COVID hospitalization" any person who actually required hospitalization FOR COVID.

Remember, the VAST MAJORITY of all COVID cases are so minor people barely realize they even have COVID.
Remember #2, a large percentage of the population is going to end up getting COVID at some point or another.

Let that sink in for a minute while you acknowledge to yourself that all this time we have been looking at what I would call "garbage DATA" regarding COVID hospitalizations.

"There are lies, there are damn lies, and there are statistics".

As data developers, we should know better than anyone that the definition of a metric has everything to do with how it should reasonably be interpreted, but whenever people question the definitions, they are shunned by the liberal elite as grandma-killers.

Well anyway, now we know. I had already known that COVID deaths were overstated in developed countries due to financial incentives for hospitals who report as a 'covid death' anyone who died while carrying covid. I figured OK, that makes some impact, maybe not real great.

Now that I realize it pertained to "hospitalizations" the entire time..........Gee, it really ought to make me learn my lesson about questioning "The Data"
There is NO Covid vaccine anymore.o_O
Covid has mutated to be "immune" to what we formerly called vaccines.
Seems that there is an emerging recognition, that even if you have been "vaccinated" that you can still get sick and spread it.
With that in mind, time to adapt to Covid. We need to approach Covid now like the flu with the focus on therapeutics for treatment.

I saw a headline for an Atlantic article that I have not gone back to read. The headline basically states that too many people who lack Covid symptoms are demanding that they be tested for Covid, with the consequence these people are using-up all the Covid test kits.

  1. This is ludicrous as the Biden administration is pushing fear and demanding that everyone be tested. So dah, we run-out of tests. A no brainer.
  2. Unless tested, people are either being fired from their jobs and/or otherwise not allowed to work. Again, dah. These people need to get tested by (illegal) government decree.

Now to be fair to the Atlantic, even-though they push an irrational left-wing agenda, I did not read the article, so they may have addressed those points above. Essentially, the Biden administration is "creating" the testing shortages by pushing fear along with illegal mandates that people get tested.

Update: Why the incessant onerous mandates to show a Covid "passport" before you can do many activities???
Biden said that even if you are vaccinated you can still spread Covid. So whether you are vaccinated or not, you can spread the virus. That makes the mandates to "show your papers" irrelevant.

"Biden admitted that those who are fully vaccinated and boosted "can still get COVID-19," but said it is "highly unlikely" that those individuals become "seriously ill." "
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I'm pretty sure I posted a link here in some thread back in the spring of 2020 that pointed to the CDC's instructions to hospitals regarding the CHANGE in the rules regarding how to report deaths. The subtle difference was anyone "with" COVID (either a positive test or merely symptoms) was to be reported as dying "of" COVID so the deaths have ALWAYS been overstated.

The other thing the sheep seem to not understand is that "cases" is the denominator in the calculation that determines how deadly a disease is. So if 100 people test positive and 10 die, that is a mortality rate of 10% which is what that original UK model predicted that sent the entire world into a death spiral. If 1000 people test positive, it is a mortality rate of 1%. If 10,000 people test positive it is a mortality rate of .1% So, yes, more positive tests is alarming at one level because it indicates how likely we are to catch COVID but we catch colds and flu all the time and a fair number of people die from them every year but we don't get hysterical over it because the media doesn't deliberately try to terrify us into submittion. We are currently in the range of a normal flu season despite the gross overstatement of deaths.
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Anyone with Omicron infection can spread the virus to others, even if they are vaccinated or don’t have symptoms

All those things we said a few weeks ago about getting the vaccine protecting the people around you exponentially is not true anymore.

This is the problem as I stated before with the vaccines. We come to find out they are far less useful then we originally expected that they would be, because things evolve and things change and the science that was right a month ago is no longer right today.

@Isaac the CDC link doesn't work.

Faucci on MSNBC a couple of days ago told us outright that hospitalizations and deaths from COVID were overstated for children. He told us that if a child was admitted for appendicitis and tested positive for COVID (all admissions are tested), he would be logged as a COVID case. He didn't say they were overstated for adults but as I mentioned earlier in the thread, that was the guidance issued by the CDC early in 2020 so of course the count of hospitalizations of people with COVID has always been exaggerated.

Regardless of what the actual facts are, the governments of the world are doubling down as they feel the fear slipping away from the public.
Now we have flurona, a combination of the Flu and the Rona. The governments finally figured out they were missing a secret ingredient to their fear porn, the flu. CNN is tickled.
because things evolve and things change and the science that was right a month ago is no longer right today
science should normally not become irrelevant soo soon, a product that worked well a few months ago should not become powerless soo soon, its either the scientist are not studying well the virus or some information was withheld from them when they were coming up with the earlier vaccines.
But what does a government gain by scaring people?
In the context of this topic, they need the last 20-30% of the population to comply with their vax program. There is a limit however to fear-mongering and some people will become fatigued by this tactic and call BS on further attempts, especially when the fear is not in sync with the science or common sense.
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