The Covid cure has arrived! (4 Viewers)

Anyone with Omicron infection can spread the virus to others, even if they are vaccinated or don’t have symptoms

All those things we said a few weeks ago about getting the vaccine protecting the people around you exponentially is not true anymore.

This is the problem as I stated before with the vaccines. We come to find out they are far less useful then we originally expected that they would be, because things evolve and things change and the science that was right a month ago is no longer right today.

Ok, looks like they updated it, here it is:

This is common in my country too, why would any govt want to inflate such figures knowing that it will increase fear in the society?

Fear + Selling the Solution to the Fear = Power.
(related version: Misery + Selling the Solution to Misery = Power)

This is one reason why liberals are constantly changing their tune about everything. A few years ago we were fine, now everything is racist, even though nothing has changed, other than minority unemployment was record-low under Trump.

Liberals basically have 2 ways to keep power:
  1. Government dependency. Vote for us, we'll send you a check - for no reason, just because. After a while, you'll need those checks badly, more than you'd ever imagined, as you fade psychologically, spiritually, and physically further and further away & more distant from the regular life of the working man who takes care of his wife & family with a job.
  2. Fear. Fear that everyone hates you and is racist, everyone else is the problem and government checks are the solution, disease, etc.
Now the government dependency technique SUSTAINS itself. At least for a half dozen generations, until the government reaches the rather obvious eventuality, where the number of people who still insist on working and taking care of themselves has shrunk to less than the amount needed to earn enough for the taxes required to give it to the people who are not. This eventuality is called "communism". The government has to continually exert more and more control in order to fight the natural a) impulse of the non-workers to not work, and b) incredulity of those still working that they are paying for everyone. (To get REAL interesting, you could also say this is the point in the cycle where when people get poor and miserable enough, some new brand of dictator then takes over, employing the Misery + Selling the Solution to Misery = Power formula, like Obrador did in Mexico).

Whereas, the fear technique needs new fuel as often as possible.

Right now, the Democrats are almost entirely dependent on Racism and Covid. They provide nothing else, other than the constant deluge of spending money, and money, and more money, always ostensibly to solve Racism and Covid. But remember - spending $ = More Power, as strings are always attached and the Feds grow.

Of course, the ULTIMATE voting motivation is people's bank accounts. This is why the Democrats fear so greatly a sustained period of Republican control. After 3-5 years, everybody realizes that things are going well: Those who want to be productive and prosperous ARE, those who don't--well, they don't, and that minority shrinks down to what it ought to be - the truly disabled who are legitimately unable to survive, and deserve help from the common pot - such as those that the Bible was actually talking about when it constantly talks about helping widows and orphans, individuals who literally had almost no possible path to income....and thus, would have starved.

After this point is reached, the # of voters who still want, mostly for academic/philosophical/dreamy reasons, to go back to Socialism, is too few to win elections. This is the "happy place" that we need to reach starting in 2022, and probably achieving by 2028.
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But what does a government gain by scaring people?
Power. The Democrats have been fostering a "coup" since the day Trump was elected. It finally "worked" with Covid to get Biden "elected". Now they want to formalize their unilateral power by turning the gullible public into compliant automatons who will blindly vote the Democratic ticket, in the same manner that the voters voted Communist in the old Soviet Union. Democrats will aggrandize the Covid "crises" as an excuse for evermore onerous restrictions on the populace. Democrats are the threat to democracy.
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But what does a government gain by scaring people?
They get to retain their power as the others have said. People elected to office no longer go to Congress to "serve", they go to get on the gravy train to enrich themselves and their families. Take a look at the business dealings of the Biden's. Much of the corruption of the Biden family is there to be seen on Hunter's laptop if you only care to look.

Communism, Marxism, and even the seemingly benign Socialism have failed wherever they have been tried. But we have a short memory. In the US, this has been fostered by the corruption of our educational institutions. You can hardly find a college student these days who doesn't think Socialism is better for the country than Capitalism. Of course, most have never held a job or had to support themselves. They still believe what the government tells them. We will pay for all this good stuff we're going to give you by taxing the rich. We have gotten to the tipping point of this gravy train here because only about 53% of American workers actually pay income tax. The rest pay no income taxes and many actually get money in the form of food stamps, subsidized housing, cash payments to single mothers, money to pay for child care so they can work, etc. Our social welfare system has moved from offering permanent help for the disabled and a temporary leg up for people in a bad situation to a permeant non-working class kept in that status by government policy and paid for by those of use who do actually work for a living. And what is even worse, Biden's policy of an open Southern border is encouraging people from all over the world to come on in and get on the gravy train while they can. Many of these people are paying thousands of dollars to coyotes (human smugglers) to get them across the border where they simply turn themselves over to ICE and are taken in with open arms. They are housed and fed. Given medical treatment and asked for a destination. Then we give them a slip of paper saying to show up for a court date some time in 2025 and put them on a plane (no photo id required because they're special people) where they are met at the city of their destination by people who settle them in.

I want to ask the poor citizens of the US (none of which I'm sure are reading this thread). How do you feel about us taking in criminals (people who break our immigration laws are criminals) and giving them the subsidized housing that would otherwise go to you? Do you think we have unlimited resources? Do you think we can reasonably absorb millions of unskilled people who don't speak the language or have any prospects of working? There are not enough rich people in the world to pay for this, let alone in the US. We are going deeper and deeper into debt and are heading for a second civil war when the average American wakes up and smells the coffee burning.
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They get to retain their power as the others have said. People elected to office no longer go to Congress to "serve", they go to get on the gravy train to enrich themselves and their families. Take a look at the business dealings of the Biden's. Much of the corruption of the Biden family is there to be seen on Hunter's laptop if you only care to look.

Communism, Marxism, and even the seemingly benign Socialism have failed wherever they have been tried. But we have a short memory. In the US, this has been fostered by the corruption of our educational institutions. You can hardly find a college student these days who doesn't think Socialism is better for the country than Capitalism. Of course, most have never held a job or had to support themselves. They still believe what the government tells them. We will pay for all this good stuff we're going to give you by taxing the rich. We have gotten to the tipping point of this gravy train here because only about 53% of American workers actually pay income tax. The rest pay no income taxes and many actually get money in the form of food stamps, subsidized housing, cash payments to single mothers, money to pay for child care so they can work, etc. Our social welfare system has moved from offering permanent help for the disabled and a temporary leg up for people in a bad situation to a permeant non-working class kept in that status by government policy and paid for by those of use who do actually work for a living. And what is even worse, Biden's policy of an open Southern border is encouraging people from all over the world to come on in and get on the gravy train while they can. Many of these people are paying thousands of dollars to coyotes (human smugglers) to get them across the border where they simply turn themselves over to ICE and are taken in with open arms. They are housed and fed. Given medical treatment and asked for a destination. They we give them a slip of paper saying to show up for a court date some time in 2025 and put them on a plane where they are met at the city of their destination by people who settle them in.

I want to ask the poor citizens of the US (none of which I'm sure are reading this thread). How do you feel about us taking in criminals (people who break our immigration laws are criminals) and giving them the subsidized housing that would otherwise go to you? Do you think we have unlimited resources? Do you think we can reasonably absorb millions of unskilled people who don't speak the language or have any prospects of working? There are not enough rich people in the world to pay for this, let alone in the US. We are going deeper and deeper into debt and are heading for a second civil war when the average American wakes up and smells the coffee burning.
Actually it will be Civil War 3.0. What we refer to as the Revolutionary War was actually Civil War 1.0 (Colonies vs England,) and then the war between the states was Civil War 2.0. Some say the Riots against the Vietnam War was Civil war 2.5.

Sadly, unless the political landscape in the US changes, I can see an uprising within 10 years. More likely 5.
Sadly, unless the political landscape in the US changes, I can see an uprising within 10 years. More likely 5.
It is indeed, tragic and awful, but that's what I think too.
Hard to say if it will be more along the lines of one group uprising against power, or just the 2+ 'sides' coming to blows.

But, it's possible that if socialism continues to grow in our country, people will just feel helpless to resist it and settle for it.
Eventually many people who otherwise nurtured a personal virtue of work and personal responsibility will give up, after they realize there is nothing noble about volunteering to do the work of a group when the group will pay you not to anyway, and they will feel (increasingly, they already do of course), "stolen-from".
After that presumably either the money will dry up or the government will just keep printing more as they do now.

Enter inflation, debt, devaluation of currency, etc.

They can't have it both ways. One way or another, when people stop working, eventually money (or the value of it) will disappear.

Difficult to predict what will happen first - a US dictator, or China calling in its leverage (which by then will be astronomical), or mass poverty leading to something else.

Let's hope that most of that doesn't have to happen, and our country can get back to "get off your couch and WORK"-type of prosperity. A real sense of being responsible for self and family.
My granddaughter who recently graduated from college can't even get an interview because she won't show her vaccine "passport". So, businesses are dutifully doing the dictator's bidding.
Our social welfare system has moved from offering permanent help for the disabled and a temporary leg up for people in a bad situation to a permeant non-working class kept in that status by government policy and paid for by those of use who do actually work for a living.
in your opinion, which of the political parties encouraged this?
The Democrats started the problem with Johnson in the 60's. His "Great Society" program was probably the worst thing for inner city blacks that ever happened. It started the decline to fatherless families by making single mothers wards of the state and started generations of dependency on welfare and drugs. Up to that time, I think blacks had fewer out of wedlock births than whites. Statistics show that black people were already gradually moving up the income scale and overt racism was disappearing rapidly. You will always be able to find an actual bigot but "systemic" racism was well on the way out. But while Martin Luther King was preaching peaceful protest, the Black Panthers and other factions were preaching war and hatred. They coined the term "African-American" and started Ebonics which is what inner city blacks speak. It is a combination of a southern accent with tough street gangsta' slang. Today, the inner cities are like plantations. Poor, fatherless families dependent on the state and schools that don't educate children, crime and drugs everywhere. Hoplessness and lack of opportunity. It takes a huge effort to get educated and rise up from the bottom and to their credit, lots of people do. We have the same Democrats running the worst cities in the country like Baltimore, Maryland. High School "Graduates" (I think half the kids drop out before graduation) can't pass basic reading and math tests so they have no chance of success. Don't get me started on Planned Parenthood which is in some cities is aborting more black babies than are being born.

The Democrats think of themselves morally superior. They think they are good and caring and have turned social welfare into hand outs designed to keep the recipients down rather than hand ups designed to help people out of a problem so they can get back on their feet and take care of themselves and their families. They think people who are dependent on hand outs will keep voting for the free stuff and they're right. People living on the dole eventually loose their dignity and their will to get themselves up and out and they begin to look at themselves as victims and that's where we are today. Inner city blacks consider themselves victims and have been convinced that they are being oppressed. In a sense they are. They are being oppressed by the fake kindness of the Democrats and the Democrat machines that have run their cities into the ground. Not sure how much you follow American news but all we heard about last year was "defund the police". You would have thought that police in the cities used black men for target practice by the rhetoric of the Democrats. There were over 600 riots. Lots of police were injured. Lots of stores were looted or burned hurting mostly black people. The riots were organized by agitators outside of the communities where they "spontaneously" happened and many participants were actually shipped in. People arrested were not prosecuted because they were "victims" only voicing their pain and released without bail. In response, cities reduced their police budgets and crime is higher than its been in decades. Stores refused to build in the burned out neighborhoods ensuring they will be blighted wastelands for years to come.

There are flash mobs in some California cities where 80 people rush in and strip a jewelry store or a Coach store that sells very expensive handbags and other accessories. No one is being prosecuted. The police and FBI are too busy scouring the country looking for people who were in DC last January 6th so the can be persecuted for supporting Trump. Death by gun violence is through the roof in Chicago and other large cities. The idiot mayor of Chicago said a week or so ago, the problem from looting is caused by the shop owners because they won't pay to hire private guards for their stores. Talk about being out of touch with reality. This is the woman who in the early days of the COVID shut down in 2020 was outed for having her hairdresser come to her house to do her hair. She's very much in the rules are for thee but not for me camp and she is completely on board with the defund the police movement despite the fact that it actually hurts her black constituants in poor neighborhoods more than the wealthy who can afford private security..
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The Democrats started the problem with Johnson in the 60's. His "Great Society" program was probably the worst thing for inner city blacks that ever happened. It started the decline to fatherless families by making single mothers wards of the state and started generations of dependency on welfare and drugs. Up to that time, I think blacks had fewer out of wedlock births than whites. Statistics show that black people were already gradually moving up the income scale and overt racism was disappearing rapidly. You will always be able to find an actual bigot but "systemic" racism was well on the way out. But while Martin Luther King was preaching peaceful protest, the Black Panthers and other factions were preaching war and hatred. They coined the term "African-American" and started Ebonics which is what inner city blacks speak. It is a combination of a southern accent with tough street gangsta' slang. Today, the inner cities are like plantations. Poor, fatherless families dependent on the state and schools that don't educate children, crime and drugs everywhere. Hoplessness and lack of opportunity. It takes a huge effort to get educated and rise up from the bottom and to their credit, lots of people do. We have the same Democrats running the worst cities in the country like Baltimore, Maryland. High School "Graduates" (I think half the kids drop out before graduation) can't pass basic reading and math tests so they have no chance of success. Don't get me started on Planned Parenthood which is in some cities is aborting more black babies than are being born.

The Democrats think of themselves morally superior. They think they are good and caring and have turned social welfare into hand outs designed to keep the recipients down rather than hand ups designed to help people out of a problem so they can get back on their feet and take care of themselves and their families. They think people who are dependent on hand outs will keep voting for the free stuff and they're right. People living on the dole eventually loose their dignity and their will to get themselves up and out and they begin to look at themselves as victims and that's where we are today. Inner city blacks consider themselves victims and have been convinced that they are being oppressed. In a sense they are. They are being oppressed by the fake kindness of the Democrats and the Democrat machines that have run their cities into the ground. Not sure how much you follow American news but all we heard about last year was "defund the police". You would have thought that police in the cities used black men for target practice by the rhetoric of the Democrats. There were over 600 riots. Lots of police were injured. Lots of stores were looted or burned hurting mostly black people. The riots were organized by agitators outside of the communities where they "spontaneously" happened and many participants were actually shipped in. People arrested were not prosecuted because they were "victims" only voicing their pain and released without bail. In response, cities reduced their police budgets and crime is higher than its been in decades. Stores refused to build in the burned out neighborhoods ensuring they will be blighted wastelands for years to come.

There are flash mobs in some California cities where 80 people rush in and strip a jewelry store or a Coach store that sells very expensive handbags and other accessories. No one is being prosecuted. The police and FBI are too busy scouring the country looking for people who were in DC last January 6th so the can be persecuted for supporting Trump. Death by gun violence is through the roof in Chicago and other large cities. The idiot mayor of Chicago said a week or so ago, the problem from looting is caused by the shop owners because they won't pay to hire private guards for their stores. Talk about being out of touch with reality. This is the woman who in the early days of the COVID shut down in 2020 was outed for having her hairdresser come to her house to do her hair. She's very much in the rules are for thee but not for me camp and she is completely on board with the defund the police movement despite the fact that it actually hurts her black constituants in poor neighborhoods more than the wealthy who can afford private security..

That was a well written and accurate summary. People should read it.
I've never read any of the laws that set up "enterprise" zones but my understanding is that instead of actually revitalizing poor communities by encouraging new business and housing starts, they are just boondoggles of tax breaks for the rich. And that's how the Democrats "help" the poor. The Republicans are feckless pieces of dog poo because they go along with way too many of the "feel good" programs because if they don't, the Democrats call them racists and callous murderers. Trump actually made inroads to raising wages and opening training opportunities for the less educated. Ivanka apparently got many companies on board and created thousands of training opportunities for the young and non-college graduate crowd. Education is critical to long term success but education does not mean that you need a four year degree in modern dance in the LGBT community. You need useful, marketable skills AND you need to be able to read and write literate sentences AND you need to be able to do simple math.

Making junior college free is just another boondoggle to cover up for our failing high schools. Not many jobs actually require even a 2-year college degree let alone a 4-year degree. Engineering and Medical fields come to mind as does accounting and the law but we already have way too many lawyers. Our children need to learn the basics. English, History, and Math. English because you need to be able to read and write and follow directions. Math because if you can't do multiplication, you can't figure out how much paint you need to buy to paint a room or double the recipe you are making. If you can't add and subtract, you can't figure out if you've gotten the right change in a store and if you can't divide, you can't share the lunch check with another person. If you don't learn something about History, you are doomed to repeat it. We're in that era now. Young people don't have any clue why Socialism, let alone Marxism or Communism, don't really work because they know nothing about Nazi Germany, the Russian revolution, the Chinese revolution, Cuba or Venezuela. To name just a few failed states. Socialism sounds so good. How can it possibly be so totally destructive to a society?
The "big" news is that the Supreme Court has heard oral arguments concerning Biden's unconstitutional Covid mandate. Took a quick peek at the online versions of the New York Times and Washington Post. Not one article noting the stupidity of the left leaning Supreme Court Justices. I will have to acknowledge that I did not try to dig into those papers to see if those articles are buried somewhere. But the mere fact that they did not report such stupidity by our highest justices on their "front" page is proof that news suppression continues unabated.

Where are those valiant touted fact checkers ready to pounce on such disinformation?
Has Twitter and/or Facbook taken down posts where people have repeated the disinformation expressed by Kagan and/or Sotomayor?
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Where are those valiant touted fact checkers ready to pounce on such disinformation?
How can it be disinformation if a liberal says it? Just because Dumbo said there were 100,000 children in hospitals on ventilators makes it so. Facts be damned and even Faucci with his "revelation" the other day about the overcounting of hospitalizations and deaths of children is being ignored. FINALLY, someone said out loud that there is a distinction between "with" and "of" COVID.

The Supremes know that if they make a ruling that the left doesn't like, Biden will just appoint more Supreme court judges while he still has the Senate and make them even more irrelevant than they made themselves by abandoning the Constitution last year.
But what does a government gain by scaring people?

They get people to be more submissive, which means that they can pass all sorts of bad legislation under the guise of "in response to the current crisis." Whereas in absence of a crisis, that same legislation would trigger an armed insurrection.

We have learned that these days, politicians never let a good crisis go to waste.

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