The Qur'an

Saul would now claim to be a believer in Christ Jesus and now call himself Paul to mark the conversion. Of course he was not the only one to witness the risen Christ, but he is the most famous one.
You are quoting from a book that is not even contemporary with what it describes and that has no corroborating evidence whatsoever. The same book also tells of happenings that we know are impossible. It is a work of fiction written to impress the gullible with the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies.

You might as well be quoting stories from Harry Potter.
Boy are you mistaken and greatly deceived.


There is a new covenant my friend

No there isn't, friend.

you had better do some better research...

I quoted from your New Testament, which I assume you believe in. Even Paul said

Yet for us there is one God, the Father, from whom are all things and for whom we exist, and one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom are all things and through whom we exist.
1 Corinthians 8:6

In the New Testament, Lord is the most frequently used title for Jesus Christ, indicating his authority, power, and control as all Prophets and Messengers had.

Try as you may, you will NOT go to heaven if you continue to believe in FALSEHOOD i.e., making a human God or believing in the trinity which was never advocated by ANY of the Prophets or given in the earliest copies of the Bible.

Failing to believe in the ONENESS of God, which is a very precious gift, would be an awful mistake and lead to HELLFIRE.

We have certainly sent down distinct verses. And Allaah guides whom He wills to a straight path.
Qur'an 24:46
You are quoting from a book that is not even contemporary with what it describes and that has no corroborating evidence whatsoever. The same book also tells of happenings that we know are impossible. It is a work of fiction written to impress the gullible with the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies.
There are of course many who will go down the wide path of believing man as their source of truth for things that are non spiritual just as they did in the days of Noah. But for things that go beyond what you can see and physically observe you have only your own limited assertions. God gives you many chance's during his period of grace. Just as they laughed and scoffed at all the animals entering the ark of their own free will in the days of Noah, you now make your assertions that you have special knowledge from man's observations. There comes a time the ark is sealed and the period of grace ends, the non believers in the days of Noah acted much like you, still asserting because they have never seen it rain before, or never seen water spouts come up from the ground before that it is impossible for such things to happen. But once the ark is sealed by God, you are to suffer God's wrath just as those in the day of Noah did only this time it will be trial by fire. This has been foretold for thousands of years, and when it does happen, you will attempt to explain it away.

God can use any human being now or in the past that is willing to trust him to reveal truth about him and his requirements to repent and turn away from sin. So the information is not locked away in the ancient text as if God is not present. The info can come directly by his holy spirit. This will probably go over your head, because you are more concerned about avoiding what God would have you do to look further and you do not currently fear any of God's eventual wrath that will be coming your way. That's OK, many will choose a path of spiritual separation from God to elevate themselves above God and assume that man's understanding of truth is all there is.

In the New Testament, Lord is the most frequently used title for Jesus Christ, indicating his authority, power, and control as all Prophets and Messengers had.
And no mere prophet has the ability to forgive sins. No prophet other than Jesus was called the Son of God or Son of man. Yet Jesus is able to forgive sins by virtue of being God's Son and did so during his ministry. Guess you haven't understood just how much more Jesus is. God himself said as he was baptized in the holy spirit at the beginning of his ministry, "This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased!" Matt 3:17. Trying to equate Jesus to any other prophet is ignoring the power of God's greatest gift to mankind. You would reduce him to a prophet alone for your own sake? Is this for your own righteousness or to insist that you right? Would you reject God's gift and say you are righteous before him because of your own works? The heavenly sacrifice isn't good enough for you? Mark 16:19 After the Lord Jesus had spoken to them, he was taken up into heaven and sat down at the right hand of God. Do all prophets ascend to sit at the right hand of God?


Without Christ Jesus, how Aziz do you obtain forgiveness of your sins? Surely you are not going to say you have no sin, are you? Rejecting his Son as just a prophet is the biggest sin of all. If you say I do it directly to the Father, then let me remind you that no man comes to the Father except through his Son Jesus Christ. He is the way the truth and the life. This is a very special authority given to him unlike any other.

Actual prophets anointed by God in the past were just men that were chosen by God to speak his word to the people. Jerimiah for example, was a prophet but he does not sit at the right hand of God or forgive the sins of man.
Surely you are not going to say you have no sin, are you?

Given the way that Muslims treat Christians in some of the Middle Eastern countries, and given that Aziz claims to be a devout Muslim (which I fully believe, by the way), it will NOT be possible to claim that there is no sin there. Given the way Muslims treat homosexuals, Jews, and atheists, they will have a lot of sin. Which is why it is a good thing that sin (in the religious sense) doesn't exist since it is based on an affront to God, Jehovah, or Allah, none of whom exist either.
There are two main categories of sin. One is sin against other persons and the other is sin against the one true God which is the one without sin or darkness. Saying that sin doesn't exist is like saying mathematics doesn't exist. Math of course would not exist except in the minds of humans and in the mind of God. Apart from that, math doesn't really exist. Sounds silly doesn't it?:rolleyes:
Constantly but consistently, Adam. But then again, you knew my preferences a long time ago.
There are two main categories of sin. One is sin against other persons and the other is sin against the one true God which is the one without sin or darkness. Saying that sin doesn't exist is like saying mathematics doesn't exist. Math of course would not exist except in the minds of humans and in the mind of God. Apart from that, math doesn't really exist. Sounds silly doesn't it?:rolleyes:

You DID notice that I qualified "sin (in the religious sense)" did you not? There is, indeed, a sin against humanity, a sin against intellect, and even "a sin and a shame"... but I will avoid the bad joke usually associated with that phrase.
You DID notice that I qualified "sin (in the religious sense)" did you not?
Just trying to clarify so that Aziz doesn't come back and say that he doesn't sin. Lying to one's self in this matter is a tough thing to admit for those that think of themselves as generally good people, but if we are aware that it is sin that separates us from God, then he throws us a life line sacrifice (his son), them maybe we should make every attempt to grab a hold of that rope.

Sin is largely about morality between persons. Yes God is a person.
There are of course many who will go down the wide path of believing man as their source of truth for things that are non spiritual just as they did in the days of Noah.
So you actually believe a man built a ship and kept two of every animal on it for forty days while the whole planet was covered with water that came from nowhere then somehow mysteriously drained away.

And you expect to be considered an intelligent person? Just bizarre. Amazing what can be done through childhood indoctrination into a cult belief.
So you actually believe a man built a ship and kept two of every animal on it for forty days

Plus, of course, enough FOOD for that menagerie. And I'm betting the lions got a bit testy if the ferrets came too close. I wonder if THAT is the "real" reason we no longer have dodo birds?
I'm not sure what-all Lot did or didn't do, as I wasn't there, but a pedophile is someone who wants to sexually engage pre-pubescent children.
Not just your run of the mill high school coach having sex with a 17 yr old, for example.
This is why all of the people who call Epstein a pedophile it isn't quite accurate.

Whether we agree with it now or not, the reality is that for the vast majority - like 99.9% of human history, it seems to have been accepted and normal for grown men to sometimes marry (etc) girls 15 and up. This wasn't considered (and isn't) pedophilia, although if you're going to say it's not right, I'll not disagree with you, for a personal opinion
So you actually believe a man built a ship and kept two of every animal on it for forty days while the whole planet was covered with water that came from nowhere then somehow mysteriously drained away.

And you expect to be considered an intelligent person? Just bizarre. Amazing what can be done through childhood indoctrination into a cult belief.
Actually there are a lot of pieces of evidence that the Flood as told in the bible actually happened.
Watched a great Andrew Wommack piece once on a guy who keeps a whole museum filled with the stuff - has mostly to do with geology and earth/rock layers, but the funny part was when they found a fossil in a layer of rock that was "impossible" according to evolution.

Galaxiom do you then consider 2/3 of the world's inhabitants to be stupid? I mean I respect your belief, but it does seem to me to be odd if you actually go so far as to pretend you're not in the minority.

I can't imagine what life would be like if I woke up each day convinced that 70% of the people on earth were extremely stupid, or deluded -
And you expect to be considered an intelligent person?
The funny thing is, most scientists up until a very short time ago believed in God themselves!

It is only a matter of recent trends (relatively speaking, recent) not to, and further, to somehow pin that on "because Science".

Scientists have been Christians for hundreds of years, less so recently.
So you actually believe a man built a ship and kept two of every animal on it for forty days while the whole planet was covered with water that came from nowhere then somehow mysteriously drained away.

And you expect to be considered an intelligent person? Just bizarre. Amazing what can be done through childhood indoctrination into a cult belief.

Really? So if I showed you a list of all the famous, widely respected scientists who believed in God, you'd claim you feel every one of them is actually stupid? Just curious
Actually there are a lot of pieces of evidence that the Flood as told in the bible actually happened.
You chose to believe that rubbish because it suits your prejudices. Common sense tells us that it is impossible to flood the whole planet. There are dozens of anomalies in the story.

Were there kangaroos, koalas and wombats on the Ark? How did they get all the way from Australia to the middle east?

So nobody else had any boats?

The number of people on board could not have managed the dung from all the animals let alone feeding them.

Belief in this kind of nonsense is a definite mark of stupidity regardless of how many others share those beliefs. People can hold stupid beliefs yet be competent in other areas.
So you actually believe a man built a ship and kept two of every animal on it for forty days while the whole planet was covered with water that came from nowhere then somehow mysteriously drained away.

And you expect to be considered an intelligent person? Just bizarre. Amazing what can be done through childhood indoctrination into a cult belief.
It's a very important event that happened in the past that is absolutely true. The event marks the point when God said enough was enough and his judgement came to pass. There was a great deal of wickedness back in that day and no one but Noah and his family were close to God or believed in God. The interesting thing to me is how different the Earth was prior to the world wide flood. Namely the fact that there was no rain. There was a mist that watered the vegetation. There also was way more plant life back then (huge amounts). The crust of the earth was much different that it is today. There was much more dry land than there is today.

The way the flood occurred happened in such a way that no one living during that time could ever imagine such an event like that taking place. Hence, they all laughed at Noah and made fun of him for building this large ship. Kind of like people today who do not believe miracles don't or cannot happen because, they never have observed them to happen in the past. You scoff at the idea in believing in God just like they did in the days of Noah, they instead made idols to false Gods or just ignored God's message through Noah. Now I don't know when the second judgement of God will happen exactly, but when the day comes, the believers in Christ will be sealed with God. The non believers will be judged with fire. Very similar to what happened during Noah's day except instead of water, it will be fire. After God sealed up Noah's ark, nothing happened for almost a week, and then it started to do something the world has never seen before, it began to rain. In addition to the non stop rain, the earth opened up and large amounts of water came from underground as well. I find this part very interesting. If there really was large amounts of water under the surface of the Earth, then it makes sense how the mist was created without rain prior to this day. It also makes sense that much of the crust that used to be on the surface is now at the bottom of the sea. So it's a very different place today and the change happened very dramatically in a relatively short period of time. There is geological evidence of this all over the world.

Never forget the flood. Never doubt for a second there will be another judgement that will come to pass and the world will be divided into just two groups, those that believe his new covenant and those who don't and continue to think that have everything under control. As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be in the end of days. There was those who were given a chance to get onto the ark and sealed in, and those that didn't go in and sided with the crowd.

So nobody else had any boats?
No one else survived the event except for those who were sealed inside the ark.
The number of people on board could not have managed the dung from all the animals let alone feeding them.
Yes, they could.
Belief in this kind of nonsense is a definite mark of stupidity regardless of how many others share those beliefs. People can hold stupid beliefs yet be competent in other areas.
It only seems like nonsense while we are all in his grace and the judgement hasn't come yet. The grace period doesn't last forever though. He is very patient, but it does eventually end with judgment. It's simply God's own words and once you come to know him, you realize he is not messing around. I know you like to think it is man's word for convenience sake, but no man could ever say such a thing or do what he does. Man is sinful by nature, it has been this way since the great fall. If you believe you are without sin, you lie to yourself. God, on the other hand, has revealed himself throughout the history of the world to his chosen people first, and eventually to the rest of the world. We are now in the information age. Word travels fast to even remote places. We are fast approaching times of trial and tribulation. This was all foretold already so it should not come as a surprise.

The one I like to remind people of is the mark of the beast. You know, the one that will have to be accepted on your hand or forehead to be able to buy or sell anything. So man just made that up thousands of years ago? When this indeed happens, you will know this is his word. But if you accept the mark, you have no hope of being saved after that. That's your last chance to get on board the ark of the new covenant and be saved from his wrath.

There is a lot of speculation on what the mark will actually be, but whatever it is, it's better not to eat than to accept that mark. Don't do it.
[the Biblical flood is] a very important event that happened in the past that is absolutely true.
And you believe this because some ancient ignorant misogynists passed the story down orally until someone wrote it down.

The crust of the earth was much different that it is today. There was much more dry land than there is today.
There is zero geological evidence that the crust was different back then. The geological history over billions of years has been determined and it does not match with your delusional assertion at all.

the Earth was prior to the world wide flood. Namely the fact that there was no rain.
What an idiotic claim.

God, on the other hand, has revealed himself throughout the history of the world to his chosen people first, and eventually to the rest of the world.

You use past tense in this statement implying that god has already revealed himself to the rest of the world. Funny that nobody noticed then.

Have you ever considered the the "The Chosen Race" and "The Promised Land" are remarkably similar concepts to "The Master Race" and "The Father Land"? The similarities don't stop there. Both the Hebrews and the Germans perpetrated mass genocides.
God can use any human being now or in the past ...

Yes, they were called Prophets and some of these were also at a higher rank and called Messengers e.g., Ibrahim, Ismail, Musa, Dawood, Isa and Muhammad (peace be upon them).

And We sent not before you any messenger except that We revealed to him (MUHAMMAD) that, "There is no deity except Me, so worship Me."
Qur'an 21:25

84. We gave him (ABRAHAM) ISAAC and JACOB: all (three) guided: and before him, We guided NOAH, and among his progeny, DAVID, SOLOMON, JOB, JOSEPH, MOSES, and AARON: thus do We reward those who do good:
85. And ZAKARIYA and JOHN, and JESUS and ELIAS: all in the ranks of the righteous:
86. And ISMA'IL and ELISHA, and JONAS, and LOT: and to all We gave favour above the nations:
87. (To them) and to their fathers, and progeny and brethren: We chose them, and we guided them to a straight way.
88. This is the guidance of Allaah: He giveth that guidance to whom He pleaseth, of His worshippers. If they were to join other gods with Him, all that they did would be vain for them.

Qur'an 6:84-88

And no mere prophet has the ability to forgive sins.

We all have the power to forgive, not just all the Prophets and God Himself.

Allaah accepts the repentance of those who do evil in ignorance and repent soon afterwards; to them will Allaah turn in mercy: For Allaah is full of knowledge and wisdom. Of no effect is the repentance of those who continue to do evil, until death faces one of them, and he says, "Now have I repented indeed;" nor of those who die rejecting Faith: for them have We prepared a punishment most grievous.
Qur'an 4:17

If ye reject (Allaah), truly Allaah hath no need of you; but He liketh not ingratitude from His servants: if ye are grateful, He is pleased with you. No bearer of burdens can bear the burden of another. In the end, to your Lord is your Return, when He will tell you the truth of all that ye did (in this life). For He knoweth well all that is in (men's) hearts.
Qur'an 39:7

“But if you pardon and overlook and forgive - then indeed, Allaah is Forgiving and Merciful”
Qur'an 64:14

No prophet other than Jesus was called the Son of God ...

See Matthew 5:9, Luke 3:38, Exodus 4:22, 2 Samuel 7:13-14, Jeremiah 31:9, Psalms 2:7, John 1:12 Romans 8:14, etc. etc.
Also he didn't declare himself to be a "begotten" son of God. In fact the word "begotten" doesn't even appear in the 4 out of the original 79 Gospels that were added to the Bible.

The heavenly sacrifice isn't good enough for you ...

157. And because of their saying: We slew the Messiah, Jesus son of Mary, Allaah's messenger - they slew him not nor crucified him, but it appeared so unto them; and lo! those who disagree concerning it are in doubt thereof; they have no
knowledge thereof save pursuit of a conjecture; they slew him not for certain.
158. But Allaah took him up unto Himself. Allaah was ever Mighty, Wise.

Qur'an 4:157-158

Mark 16:19 are NOT the words of Jesus but the words that were not given by God.

Walking in the light

[This is] a Book which We have revealed to you [O Prophet] so that you may lead people out of darkness and into light, by the Will of their Lord, to the Path of the Almighty, the Praiseworthy—
Qur’an – Surah Ibrahim 14:1

Given the way that Muslims treat Christians...

Given the way that Christians treat Muslims.

So you actually believe a man built a ship and kept two of every animal on it for forty days while the whole planet was covered with water that came from nowhere then somehow mysteriously drained away.

That's not what actually happened. Only local animals were placed on the ship and only the local area was flooded. The whole point was to destroy the local disbelievers, not the whole world.

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