The Qur'an (2 Viewers)

All religions DIDN'T begin at that time.

All Prophets\Messengers were Muslims as they ALL SUBMITTED to God alone. Muhammad (peace be upon him) did not need to claim anything as the fact was already there.

The TRUE teachings of Judaism and Christianity was and is Islam.

I will turn away from My signs those who are arrogant upon the earth without right; and if they should see every sign, they will not believe in it. And if they see the way of consciousness, they will not adopt it as a way; but if they see the way of error, they will adopt it as a way. That is because they have denied Our signs and they were heedless of them.
Qur'an 7:146

"The Messenger (Muhammad) believes in what has been sent down to him from his Lord, and (so do) the believers. Each one believes in God, His Angels, His Books, and His Messengers. (They say,) ‘We make no distinction between one another of His Messengers’ — and they say, ‘We hear, and we obey. (We seek) Your forgiveness, our Lord, and to You is the return (of all)’."
Qur’an 2:285
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Sorry, Aziz, but ALL religions began at that time. They didn't differentiate until schizms and different sects started to happen. So your claim, while technically true, is meaningless in practical terms. Christianity couldn't come into separate focus until there was a Christ. But the Essenes were a Jewist (not Muslim) sect that was believed to include John the Baptist, and that was also believed to have strongly influenced Jesus. In many of his ways, doctrines, and sayings, Jesus was very much like the Essenes. He wasn't Muslim. Muhammad later tried to claim him so he could steal a few Christians from their congregations.
And if I'm not mistaken, Muhammad actually wasn't actually seen as faithful within either religion
Aziz, do you understand what the holy spirit is? It's mentioned 351 times in both the old and new testament of the bible.


Do you understand that unless you are born again of the spirit, you cannot enter the kingdom of God. There is no amount of works or deeds that you can do to earn the holy spirit's entrance into your being and be sealed with God. You must have faith in his free gift first, or no bueno. There is nothing you can do to show God how greater your deeds are than his holy sacrifice. So while there is a path, it's a narrow one.
The TRUE teachings of Judaism and Christianity was and is Islam.

Yeah, yeah, we've heard it all before. EVERY religious denomination and sect claims to be the "true" religion. We all know that every religion is wrong. You - but not I - would say "all but one." Every sect, every denomination offers "proof" but it doesn't bear up under strict scrutiny.
So while there is a path, it's a narrow one

It's narrow at first, when one is setting aside one's desire to control one's own life, it feels that way.

Then when on the right path, at once you burst forth into great joy and having experienced such great and expansive mercy, it no longer feels narrow.

This is a big difference between Christianity and just about every other religion, wherein most of them you always kind of feel guilty, not good enough, hoping to earn your way. Jesus say, I am the way; believe in me. And you will know it is true once you have chosen the way, as the holy spirit bears witness inside of you. The best "proof" is the supernatural joy, peace, devotion, one-ness with God that can only be known having fully accepted and surrendered to Him. Wow, so much better than being without God though!
And if I'm not mistaken,

And if I'm not mistaken, you don't know what you are talking about. It's almost as idiotic and ignorant as Galaxiom's replies.
Aziz, do you understand what the holy spirit is?

According to God's final Scripture, yes I do.

7. Who made good everything that He has created, and He began the creation of man from clay (tiyn).
8. And made his progeny (nasl) from a quintessence of the nature of a fluid despised (due to the fact that the liquid passes through the urinary tract).
9. But He fashioned him in due proportion, and breathed into him something of His Spirit (Gabriel). And He gave you (the faculties of) hearing and sight and feeling (and understanding): little thanks do ye give!

Qur’an - Surah as-Sajda (The Prostration) 32:7-9 See also 15:28-9, 16:4, 18:37 and 22:5.

Say, the Holy Spirit has brought the revelation from thy Lord in Truth, in order to strengthen those who believe, and as a Guide and Glad Tidings to Muslims.
Qur’an – Surah an-Nahl (The Bee) 16:102

97. Say, "Whoever is an enemy to Gabriel - it is [none but] he who has brought the Qur'an down upon your heart, [O Muhammad], by permission of Allah , confirming that which was before it and as guidance and good tidings for the believers."
98. Whoever is an enemy to Allah and His angels and His messengers and Gabriel and Michael - then indeed, Allah is an enemy to the disbelievers.

Qur’an - Surah al-Baqara (The Heifer) 2:97-98

From your FALSE understanding of the Holy Spirit, not only is not narrow, it's non existent.

The path to success in the Hereafter is through following God without any partners and His Prophets.

16. And make mention of Mary in the Scripture, when she had withdrawn from her people to a chamber looking East,
17. And had chosen seclusion from them. Then We sent unto her Our Spirit (Ruh) and it assumed for her the likeness of a perfect man.
18. She said: Lo! I seek refuge in the Beneficent One from thee, if thou art God-fearing.
19. He sai : “Nay, I am only a messenger (Rasul) from thy Lord, (to announce) to thee the gift of a holy son.
20. She said: “How shall I have a son, seeing that no man has touched me, and I am not unchaste?”
21. He said: “So (it will be): Thy Lord saith, 'that is easy for Me: and (We wish) to appoint him as a Sign unto men and a Mercy from Us': It is a matter (so) decreed.”

Qur’an - Surah Maryam (Mary) 19:16-21 See also 21:91 and 66:12
I'm gonna have to say no to that one!

1. Say : O ye that reject Faith!
2. I worship not that which ye worship,
3. Nor will ye worship that which I worship.
4. And I will not worship that which ye have been wont to worship,
5. Nor will ye worship that which I worship.
6. Unto you your religion, and unto me my religion.

Qur'an al Kafirun 109:1-6
This is a big difference between Christianity and just about every other religion ...

Wrong, there is no difference in the original pristine message of Jesus, or Moses for that matter (peace and Allaah's blessings be upon them). There is a huge difference between the teachings of the church and Islam as the church fathers, after a few centuries, concocted what Christians follow today.

Muslims, have an assurance that if they die in a state of Islam, they will ultimately enter Paradise and remain there forever. Christians who do not follow Jesus, which is the vast majority, who follow a triune God will enter Hell and remain there forever. Wow, so much better to be a Muslim!

O ye who believe! Fear Allaah as He should be feared, and die not except in a state of Islam.
Qur'an 3:102

And [beware the Day] when Allaah will say, "O Jesus, Son of Mary, did you say to the people, 'Take me and my mother as deities besides Allaah?'" He will say, "Exalted are You! It was not for me to say that to which I have no right. If I had said it, You would have known it. You know what is within myself, and I do not know what is within Yourself. Indeed, it is You who is Knower of the unseen.
Qur'an 5:116
And if I'm not mistaken, you don't know what you are talking about. It's almost as idiotic and ignorant as Galaxiom's replies.
Another person seems to be losing their temper :(
Just stating a fact, there is no anger there. Don't know why you presume that. "You can't handle the truth! Because deep down inside you know the truth about God, Islam and the universal message given by all the Prophets. You just can't acknowledge it, so I suggest you go on your way ..." as someone once said in a manner of speaking. :)

In the Name of Allaah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
Praise be to Allaah, Lord of all Creation,
The Beneficent, the Merciful.
Master of the Day of Judgment,
Thee alone we worship; Thee alone we beseech for help.
Show us the straight path,
The path of those whom You have favoured (the Muslims); not the (path) of those who have incurred [Your] displeasure (referring to the Jews), nor those who have gone astray (referring to the Christians).

Qur’an - Surah al-Fatiha (The Opening) 1:1-7 Compare Psalm 5 verse 8.

It is those who believe not in the Signs of Allaah, that forge falsehood: it is they who lie!
Qur’an – Surah an-Nahl (The Bee) 16:105

"Truth has (now) arrived, and Falsehood perished: for Falsehood is (by its nature) bound to perish."
Qur'an 17:81
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Isaac, I don't see why you guys have played aziz's game ...

Going to HELLFIRE is NOT a game.

They desire to extinguish Allaah’s Light with their mouths but Allaah will perfect His Light, though the DISBELIEVERS hate it.
Surah Saff Verse 8

But if you do not - and you will never be able to - then fear the FIRE, whose fuel is MEN and stones, prepared for the DISBELIEVERS.
Qur'an 2:24

Those are the ones who have bought the life of this world [in exchange] for the Hereafter, so the PUNISHMENT will NOT be lightened for them, nor will they be aided.
Qur'an 2:86

Those who followed will say, "If only we had another turn [at worldly life] so we could disassociate ourselves from them as they have disassociated themselves from us." Thus will Allaah show them their deeds as regrets upon them. And they are NEVER to emerge from the FIRE.
Qur'an 2:167

Good luck with that conception_native_0123 :)
Just stating a fact, there is no anger there. Don't know why you presume that
Nah, it's pretty easy to tell, when you last many pages politely discoursing, then the convo degrades into "You idiot!" and stuff like that.
Same as I said to Galaxiom :)

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