He lead them to attack the Congress Building, he inspired them to " Stop The Steal". which was a complete lie. (you are welcome to produce any legitimate news reporting of this evidence).@Thales750, I hate to say this, but I would prefer to palaver with ColinEssex than with you. His hatred is more anti-American but laughably predictable. I would even prefer our proselytizer Aziz Razul. His delusions are religious, but at least he is open about it being religious fervor and thus also highly predictable. Your posts have reached the level of "execrable" but then again, this IS a non-technical forum where even execrable ideas are permitted. Your pervasive, persistent, but not particularly perspicacious blindness to the ills of the Left, as shown by your continued attempts to denigrate the actions of the Right, just show you to be a negative person whose cocktail-party dialog will end up isolating you to hanging around the punch bowl.
If this was a RICO case he would have been imprisoned for life,