Trump Administration Predictions

I'm not sure about the more pragmatic part.

My pragmatism pops up now and then. E.g. strong preference but not absolute insistence on full normalization. Denormalization as a way to make certain types of reports work better. Silly little things like that.
Like the ones in DC:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: I guess that's why members of Congress and anyone else with money send their children to private schools or live outside the District where the schools are better. One person can't get rid of woke. Luckily the Democrats pushed so far with their Marxist agenda that the general public "woke" up and is seeing the problem. Having once been teenage boys themselves, no father I've ever spoken to wants ANY boys in their daughter's changing rooms or beating up their little girl in a wrestling match or stealing scholarships from them. But we have serious social cracks to heal that were caused by the Democrat's outright hatred of America and white people in general. Black people have been convinced by the Democrats that the police are actively out gunning for them. I grew up being told that the police were our friends and inner city kids (of all colors) grow up being told to run from the police and that actually starts many of the problems that arise. But, the statistics show the lie that the Democrats push.
No, Like the ones in Fairfax County, Laudon County, Prince William, in Virginia.
And then Clear Creek Schools in Texas, right next to the Johnson Space Center, you know, the place that you claim builds nothing.
Do you really have that narrow of an uneducated view, or is this an act? That last part is an actual question.

Do you see the world in such absolutes?
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My pragmatism pops up now and then. E.g. strong preference but not absolute insistence on full normalization. Denormalization as a way to make certain types of reports work better. Silly little things like that.
That's interesting.
I have a question about that.
Now that you brought it up, I'll think about how to write it. Thanks.
Since I am a single person rather than a member of a gestalt hive, I MUST at base have a single perspective, even though sometimes I am beside myself with frustration over someone with a really bad attitude. You might find others on this forum who will attest to my ability to see many sides of an issue, perhaps even to THEIR frustration. I find you arrogant and insulting, with an overbearing - and, to me, unwarranted - "better than thou" attitude. That, too, is the result of my single perspective. But I will remain polite and respectful. I will, however, ask if you are aware of the "definition of frustration" T-shirt slogan.
You're not always polite Doc, you just try to vail your disrespect. So, no high horses allowed there.

The bunch of you have one thing in common, complete and total commitment to every word of the Conservative Propaganda onslaught. Y'all think it is some kind of original thought, it is not. I hear the same exact words, from many of the local Conservative here in Texas. Always the same smug confidence that the Q Anan style predictions are going to come true, and when they don't, they are simply forgotten.

When some non Conservative does something unacceptable, the offence is repeated over and over again on Conservative News until it becomes the Gospel. Many of you repeat that gospel without a single indication of ever challenging that thought.

When the people which are among the statistically highest IQs (Database Developers), lack any signs of critical Critical Thinking, it does not inspire me to completely oblige myself to their personal feelings. If I were on your side of the fence, you would applaud my conviction.

You keep asking me questions at the end of post, but you have yet to address any of mine.

Let's pick a specific topic and have a debate. This melee has become boring.
No, Like the ones in Fairfax County, Laudon County, Prince William, in Virginia.
Because that is where the money goes. It goes there because DC is a cesspool best left to BLM and illegal immigrants. The schools in Fairfield CT are fine but next door in Bridgeport where the poor people live, they are dismal. The schools are even better in Greenwich where the really rich people live.
When the people which are among the statistically highest IQs (Database Developers), lack any signs of critical Critical Thinking, it does not inspire me to completely oblige myself to their personal feelings.
That statement, if examined "critically", should tell you all you need to know. Look inward my friend. You can't "hear" any argument you disagree with and attribute it to others NOT being able to think critically. You think that you are the only one here capable of critical thinking. Talk about hubris;)
That statement, if examined "critically", should tell you all you need to know. Look inward my friend. You can't "hear" any argument you disagree with and attribute it to others NOT being able to think critically. You think that you are the only one here capable of critical thinking. Talk about hubris;)
No I'm not, but at least every answer I give is not out of a playbook.
:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: It's the same recording, over and over and over, again. No originality at all.:sleep::sleep::sleep::sleep::sleep:
I only apply it to answers that are from the playbook, so maybe the root causes are the answers. :cool:
Either way, this has ran it's course.

In the future I will wait until the dynamic billionaires club creates catastrophic shock waves in the economy. It will be interesting to see what kind of current propaganda you guys use to justify it.
I only apply it to answers that are from the playbook, so maybe the root causes are the answers. :cool:
Either way, this has ran it's course.

In the future I will wait until the dynamic billionaires club creates catastrophic shock waves in the economy. It will be interesting to see what kind of current propaganda you guys use to justify it.
A conservative playbook beats the socialist manifesto you read any day of the week ;)
I only apply it to answers that are from the playbook, so maybe the root causes are the answers.

How typical to blame the lack of perspicacity on the fact that he didn't understand what was actually said.
My prejudice is that i believe all propaganda share the same roots. The root is to make every aspect of our global society geared to concentrate every asset, all wealth, and all systems, to enriching, and empowering, the ruling class.

Which is not the folks at the EPA that regulate emissions, or the SEC that regulate public investments.

The language is different, but the message is the same, "those other people, are the true enemies. We are the victims, and we are entitled to have the life we believe in".

I'm not a Democrat, and especially not a liberal, but I can hear the language, from both side, for what it is.

The Robber Barons must fall again, it's time for a new rebuild.

I wonder Isaac, if things don't improve over the next 4 years, what will be your new paradigm?

That's a whole heckuva a lot of five-dollar words, friend. I agree that the "us versus them" and "they are evil" is indeed an ingredient in both sides' doctrine, and is a typical component of tribal mentalities ever since man first broke bread. I'm not prepared to say that everyone who thinks that is wrong, however - some probably are, most at least a little bit, but I doubt everyone is wrong. Now here I go 'wrong' - pretty subjective, so probably not worth arguing about, feel free to disregard.

I'm just pointing out that I don't consider myself Maga at all, but you do. Similar to how you don't consider yourself purely liberal, nonetheless some may peg you as such. I'm slowly realizing we're all doing the same thing to each other.
I can easily come up with a handful of issues where I differ from typical Maga. But I do share similarities. Whatever that means.

My new paradigm? The answer to that one is easy. I won't have to have anything "new" because I never blindly supported Trump in the first place. I voted for Vivek. Trump wasn't my choice, he was just who I had to vote for so that Republicans won. Trump can be an idiot at times, and I've never denied it. Who knows what he will or won't do, and what effect it will have.

What I wonder more than that is how you and I will assess "improve". Let's be brutally honest about ourselves - chances are our assessment will be a mixture of pettily claiming things are better or worse than they are to prove our point, as well as some honesty.

I support Republicans to a very large extent, and have said this repeatedly, for the things they EMPHASIZE culturally and societally. I don't only support them because I think they will bring the U/E rate to X-percentage, or increase the GDP by X-amount, etc. I mostly support them because they are more on the side of personal responsibility.
Here's a guy that should have stuck with being a futurist, inventor, visionary. I was a fan long before Conservatives elevated him to God Status right up there with Trump.

Elon Musk lashes out as he gets first taste of political failure when spending deal voted down​

Completely agree with you. Musk needs to stand down in recognition of the fact that he can contribute with some good ideas, but he is not running things nor was elected. He is embarassing not just himself but those of us who root for him
My prejudice is that i believe all propaganda share the same roots. The root is to make every aspect of our global society geared to concentrate every asset, all wealth, and all systems, to enriching, and empowering, the ruling class.


Got you on this one. You have confused goals with success. Evolution says that, based on survival instincts, EVERYONE - no exceptions, not even you - is going to endeavor to accumulate / concentrate assets, wealth, etc. to themselves. Some of us will be more ethical than others. Some of us will crush our enemies. Others will gang up with those who have similar non-conflicting goals as we have. But survival of the fittest says not everyone will succeed. Your complaint about the "ruling class" is actually that they are successful at ruling, whereas you are not. THAT is what is underneath all your sniping and grousing.

Got you on this one. You have confused goals with success. Evolution says that, based on survival instincts, EVERYONE - no exceptions, not even you - is going to endeavor to accumulate / concentrate assets, wealth, etc. to themselves. Some of us will be more ethical than others. Some of us will crush our enemies. Others will gang up with those who have similar non-conflicting goals as we have. But survival of the fittest says not everyone will succeed. Your complaint about the "ruling class" is actually that they are successful at ruling, whereas you are not. THAT is what is underneath all your sniping and grousing.
And it's kind of funny if you think about it.

Up until recently, the 'working class' tended to support Democrats. They were quite fine being the elite class until the working class started to support Trump. Now all of a sudden Democrats have invented this concept of Trump being "fascist", even though zero Gen Z even know what the word means .... in order to make it seem like conservatives are the 'ruling class'.

last time I checked, anyone could join the so-called 'ruling class'. You just need to have the balls and determination to get up in the morning and make the right decisions - the game is open to anyone, and if you go it sequentially and step by step, the buy in isn't that high.

what I'm about to say might upset some people, but here goes: In my experience, people who claim there is a 'ruling class', and viciously villify it, usually have made some bad decisions that resulted in their having limited success. Deep inside they know what I'm saying is true - anyone can be successful - but psychologically and spiritually it's much easier to blame the idea of an exclusive ruling class for one's own lack of achievement.
I don't, I know any "ruling ability" I lack is a lack of my own determination - because my brother grew up in the same minimum wage home I did, and is now a CEO.

Got you on this one. You have confused goals with success. Evolution says that, based on survival instincts, EVERYONE - no exceptions, not even you - is going to endeavor to accumulate / concentrate assets, wealth, etc. to themselves. Some of us will be more ethical than others. Some of us will crush our enemies. Others will gang up with those who have similar non-conflicting goals as we have. But survival of the fittest says not everyone will succeed. Your complaint about the "ruling class" is actually that they are successful at ruling, whereas you are not. THAT is what is underneath all your sniping and grousing.
You appear to have a very peculiar view of evolution - perhaps it is founded in the false premise that evolution extends to the cultural/political perspectives of the individual. Here and elsewhere your attempt at invoking evolution or explaining by analogy is flawed. Evolution is fundamentally based on reproductive success - a strictly biological assessment - as that is the only way your genes can be passed on. The drive to accumulate wealth/assets may be a survival trait that enhances reproductive success, however in addition to competitive behaviour, cooperative behaviours can also lead to reproductive success - and given that we have functioning societies perhaps the later has been the dominant factor to the success of our species. Survival of the fittest is only relevant if the fitness refers to the ability to get to reproductive age and have offspring which carry your genes forward to the next generation.

Goals v Success: Evolution does not have a defined goal - we are not the end goal of evolution .. there is no ultimate lifeform (goal), however each living thing attempts to survive and successfully reproduce, and nature applies the filters (death, failure to reproduce) to select those best suited to the current, but changing, environment.

BTW most of us, and the "successful" ruling class are now irrelevant to evolution (too old). Some significant events in human history that show up in genetics as traits that are actively selected include genes for processing lactose (producing lactase). Lactose intolerance was, and remains, a significant trait when domestication of cattle occurred, and people changed lifestyle from nomadic hunter-gatherers to permanent agriculture and settlements that used milk from animals as a food into adulthood (a recent event in human evolutionary history). Another is the case of some neanderthal genes which heighten the immune response to viral infections (Fox2 I think?) - originating in European populations from interbreeding of ancient peoples - and appear quite strongly selected in recent history - the recent COVID pandemic.

As far as @Thales750 and @Isaac go - I find both have dogmatic simplistic explanations which seldom hold up to examination. But then I find that on so many watercooler topics.
perhaps it is founded in the false premise that evolution extends to the cultural/political perspectives of the individual.

Because we have used social programs to replace the kill-or-be-killed prehistoric social structure, we have changed the jungle from arboreal to concrete. We have changed the weapons from spears to bullets to dollars. But as population increases, we see more increases in tribal conflicts, now becoming factional. Perhaps it is a bit unusual to see it that way, but I DO see the parallels.

Evolution does not have a defined goal - we are not the end goal of evolution

Actually, it does... to evolve. I agree we are not the end-all and be-all of evolutionary forces.

nature applies the filters (death, failure to reproduce) to select those best suited to the current, but changing, environment.

We don't disagree. I just see that the environment has changed from primitive to more modern. Now, survival of the fittest might include "who can afford the best health care?" as one of the filters. The main filters are still there... just their specifics may have changed.
The socio-political programs invoked are not significant - they are limited by their geo-politics, The significant changes impacting modern human evolution are the changing availability of birth control, the quality and availability of food and water, infant mortality, the availability of medicines and health services. In modern society trade and free movement are significant equalisers to some of the inequalities that exist that can have effects - either inhibiting or enhancing variation and survival and reproductive success (and perhaps sometimes simultaneously in different places).

The rise of tribal conflicts - wars - with increasing population is a possible factor influencing survival - but compared to other factors it is at this time very limited (just compare how many died from spanish flu vs the global conflicts at the time). That may not last, but what are the characteristics that would be selected? Bigger stronger faster or characteristics that lead to avoiding conflict, increased acquiescence to authority, - there are many possibilities.

Saying "to evolve" is the goal of evolution is just nonsensical - evolution is a process arising from natural selection of variation in a population exhibiting different heritable traits. There is no ultimate goal to aspire to - no ultimate biological process or state to get to.

Of course the environment has changed, the factors affecting survival and the ability to successfully reproduce have change and that will show up in genetic change - as I have described in 2 specific cases: but they are not always obvious or expected from the application of social programs.
I respect your disagreement, but I've seen several articles over the past 50+ years that talk about other ways to view evolution in a modern world. I didn't come to this viewpoint entirely by myself.

Saying "to evolve" is the goal of evolution is just nonsensical

Didn't say it was a conscious goal. The goal of momentum is to keep moving until acted upon by an external influence. No consciousness there, either. But if it is in the nature of something to DO something, one can call it a goal without demanding awareness. And sometimes when dealing with the inner nature of something, a tautology is correct. What is the "goal" of life (generic use of "life" as opposed to identifying specific genus or species)? To continue to exist in some form or another; the goal of life is to LIVE. Need that goal be a conscious choice? No.

I do not ascribe any consciously imposed goals on evolution. That would imply the existence of God and I don't go that way. But things fall into gravity wells as though their "goal" was to be at the bottom of such a well. They do so even when I don't push them over an edge. If by "goal" you allow "to reach a state of equilibrium with all forces around it" then falling towards that equilibrium is the goal of any falling object.

If you dislike the word "goal" then I understand. I can be a bit loose with language sometimes. On the other hand, it is common to anthropomorphize objects when discussing their behavior. Perhaps it is a bad habit of mine. I don't know that it is bad when speaking colloquially (as opposed to adhering to a stricter technical standard.)

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