Trump Administration Predictions

I find it interesting you chose not to answer those questions.

Significant, because I looked it up once. Those operating under a clinically-defined delusion exhibit the same symptoms. One of them is the inability to consider they might be wrong.

I know that I don't keep up with all parts of politics because there is too much going on for any one person to track these days. So there are times when I might have to do a little catch-up reading. But our friend cannot admit that a large part of the turmoil of Trump term 1 was that from the first day of his term, the Democrats were trying to impeach him. DAY ONE! He was under continuous pressure from a bunch of blood-thirsty sharks in Congress suits seeking his blood. He got some good things done anyway, but Congress thwarted entirely too many of his initiatives. This time things might be quantitatively different, even though I anticipate a lot of side-lines friction in Trump term 2.
Government apparently celebrating something called "pansexual and pan romantic pride day", is this about frying pans or something?? Or more likely has something to do with if you fall in love with an animal?

So glad sanity is returning in a few weeks. And the liberals were afraid RFK might make HHS weird lol

In that context (of "panromantic") it means someone who swings both ways. Or, like the old joke goes, has twice the odds of scoring during a Saturday night date.
are the liberals making up new words again then? i thought we used to just call this Bi sexual? why does it frequently change - what is that a symptom of ... insecurity? uncertainty? bullsh**t ?
"Whistle while you work
Stevenson's Biden is a jerk
Eisenhower's Donald Trump has got the power
so Whistle while you work
It's going to be so good that they wont be able to hide any longer.

Not that his people will notice.
WHAT LIE? Look at the damn video of Joe bragging to his donors about how he forced Ukraine to fire the prosecutor who was investigating Burisma. That's what prompted Trump to ask Ukraine to investigate. Get your facts from actual news once in a while.
The ones that you defend with the Q Anan brainwashing media.
It was proven, and the Senator Suck-ups ignored it. Even the Wall Street Journal and AP reported it.
Maybe you could actually READ what I posted before responding.

- Obama denied aid to Ukraine during his term and he sat by and allowed Putin to invade.
- Biden denied aid to Ukraine in the beginning but relented after the actual invasion. But he continued to deny meaningful aid and he also wouldn't let the Poles provide that aid when they offered.
- Biden denied aid to Israel when they were under constant attack from Hamas and Hezbollah.
- Trump denied aid to Ukraine.

OK, I seem to see a pattern here. Presidents may decide to withhold funds. Why is it OK for Obama and Biden but NOT OK for Trump?

Then you need to address the point I made about Biden as VP who ON VIDEO TAPE made jokes about denying guaranteed loans to Ukraine UNLESS the prosecutor who was investigating Hunter and Burisma was fired. That is very different from Presidents withholding funds to alter behavior. In Biden's case, he was withholding the funds FOR PERSONAL GAIN. Really? We allowed him to coerce Ukraine to fire a prosecutor to solve a PERSONAL problem.
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You seem to have reverted back into cryptic messaging, is that because you feel under attack?
It's because I have things to build. And, I am not playing anymore of Pat's games. She get her brainwashing from the furthest right irresponcible sources and then dismisses legitimate news.

Jim Jones is where drinking the cool aid came from.
And, I am not playing anymore of Pat's games. She get her brainwashing from the furthest right irresponcible sources and then dismisses legitimate news.
Seems that you did not take the suggested red pill to cure you of TDS,
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They released a photo of the McDonalds worker who caught the shooter of the UnitedHealthCare CEO.

are the liberals making up new words again then?

Actually, no... PAN as a prefix has been around for a long time. You know it, because ... PANdemic (a wide-ranging disease) and Panacea (a wide-ranging cure) and Pan-American (across many of the North or South or Central American nations) and Panoramic (many angles)... In chemistry we have pan-spectral analyses that mean you make measurements with MANY wavelengths of light to get a wide range of responses to see what vibrates when spectrally excited. (And yes, it IS a legit type of chemical analysis. Remember my degree.)
Peter Pan was a fairy with a wide variety of interest.

Actually, no. Peter Pan was just a wayward boy who had a bad case of "failure to launch" even though he could fly if he kept up his happy thoughts. His sidekick Tinkerbell was the fairy, a pixie with a good supply of fairy dust to enable the flying.

Oddly enough, we had a colorful character who frequented the bar where I played music to get through college. HIS stage name was "Tinkerbell" and he billed himself as the "Bourbon Street Fairy." He worked for one of the "novelty" clubs a few blocks from where I worked. If I recall correctly, his shtick was "Marlene Dietrich" lip-synch drag dance routines. He would visit our club before going on to his shift up the street so he was never in costume when we saw him.

We were pretty mild as Bourbon Street dives went at the time. A couple of go-go dancers not associated with our band, which was a small combo (5 pieces) but a great corner location in the second block off Canal Street. Back in the late 1960s, the farther away you got from Canal Street, the more... exotic things got. Our end of the street was usually sedate for at least four or five blocks.
Actually, no... PAN as a prefix has been around for a long time. You know it, because ... PANdemic (a wide-ranging disease) and Panacea (a wide-ranging cure) and Pan-American (across many of the North or South or Central American nations) and Panoramic (many angles)... In chemistry we have pan-spectral analyses that mean you make measurements with MANY wavelengths of light to get a wide range of responses to see what vibrates when spectrally excited. (And yes, it IS a legit type of chemical analysis. Remember my degree.)
You're right of course, and as you may remember from my previous diatribes, when I say 'making up' new words it's a glittering generality that includes re-vitalizing or re-popularizing words, but yes you're right, it's not technically brand new. But the emphasis on actually utilizing the word in everyday or white house press release conversation - is new, at least for a half century

PS - with one exception, it is rumored that Thomas Edison once said: I am not sexless, I have just found 1000 gender identities that don't work
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