
There are more rules nowadays compared to when I was in my 20's.
I grew up as a free range child so constraints bother me. But even by the age of 4 I understood that I couldn't wander off without upsetting my mother. I understand that society imposes constraints that keep us from impinging on the rights of others and I'm good with that. If I never mow my lawn or blast music when most others are sleeping, I'm going to get in trouble. So, I behave. That is part of the socialization we all go through as children. We learn how to live with others. But that is a far cry from the government being able to freeze my bank account because they don't like my opinion. Or put me in jail for a minor, non jail offence because they want time to investigate me and my associates in the hope they can charge me with a serious crime.

I think Jon should be able to drive as fast as he wants when he is alone in the car on an empty road. In the US, he'd probably get away with it because there are not cameras and speed traps on all roads. He probably wouldn't get away with it on a limited access toll road because, the time between point a and point b is known and if you get to b too early, it was because you were breaking the law. Many cities are installing cameras at all intersections so they can raise money by sending traffic tickets when you run a light or commit some other infraction. I sure wish they'd ticket the people going into and out of Sikorsky who insist on blocking the box and tying up traffic. But I still think that this isn't fair. I really dislike the surveillance state. It may help to solve crimes - at least on TV but I'd rather not be surveilled as I'm going about my daily business. Cities are not putting up the cameras at intersections to stop crime, they're doing it as a revenue generator.
Just to lighten the mood a little:


  • image001.png
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Yes, you have to respect that man.

Edited to add: response is directed to Jon's posted image.

Oops. Bob posted.
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We didn't resort to cannibalism
The extent of activities during a War might differ based on the peculiarities of each War, in my country's scenario it was one ethnic group at war with over 240 other ethnic groups, so as the War progressed the Solo ethnic group was starved of food supply for months, while ensuring the farmlands were not accessible to the solo ethnic group, in general War is not good because, after the War, the parties end up going to the round table to discuss their differences, so why not discuss differences before going to War. "There is an adage among my ethnic group(The Yorubas), If you throw a stone into the market square, it might end up hitting one of your family members". So don't take an action that can destroy others on the assumption that none of your loved ones won't be hurt by your actions.
Well written, some countries indirectly are funding the War, Some buy Oil from Russia, some buy Gas etc.

Biden did mention in the state of the union address last night, ending Russian oil imports are still on the table. So there's that!

We could use our own oil but we are handcuffed by the progressives. Calling them progressive is actually a oxymoron.
Garry Kasparov, the a former World Chess Champion, made some observations which has moved me more towards supporting US involvement in the Ukraine. Briefly, Kasparov has recognized that Putin keeps escalating the human rights abuses in the Ukraine, while the West declines to match those escalations thereby leaving the bully (Putin) unchallenged and emboldened.
  • Sanctions: Biden publicly asserts that crippling "sanctions" are being imposed on Russia. Biden is a known liar and self-serving political opportunist. Biden's State of the Union Address was a travesty an endless tirade of lies. Biden refuses to stop importing oil from Russia, which means that US $$$$ are funding Russia's military efforts. There are increasing reports now that the US is grovelling to reach a deal with Iran to import Iranian oil, should that agreement be implemented the US will indirectly be funding Iran's nuclear ambitions. Biden refuses to consider increasing domestic US hydrocarbon production. Biden's commitment to sanctions appears to be superficial smoke and mirrors that actually emboldens "enemies" of the US. As for the US, Biden uses sanctions for self-serving political opportunism as an excuse to avoid implementing policies that would make the US stronger, which has the undesirable effect of making the US weaker. Biden refuses to match Putin's escalation. Biden's smoke and mirrors "policies" demonstrate that his policies are anti-US.
  • China/Taiwan: China is watching. Should the West, specifically the US, fail to support the Ukraine, China will invade Taiwan. This means that the issue of supporting the Ukraine is not limited to simply protecting the Ukraine, but that the Ukraine is one domino in global chess. The next domino, Taiwan. Consequently, there is increased need to support Ukraine with stronger involvement.
Sanctions take time to be effective. How much longer can the Ukraine hold-out? Since the Ukrainians have stood-up and demonstrated that ithe are vigorously opposed to the Russian invasion, it deserves US support before the Ukraine fully collapses.
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I find it interesting that even his own citizens who are out of Russia are now finding him to be a liability.

This is a reputable source and is not the only one to have reported this event. This, plus U.N. convening a War Crimes investigation, is a sign that the world might not be big enough for him to hide when this is over - and it HAS to be finite because his own troops do not uniformly support him.


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