
If by outsmarted, you mean McConnell made up a rule that Obama could not choose a new Justice 10 months out from the next election because...let the people decide, and then only days before the 2020 election, President Trump appointed a Justice. I don't know, does that make sense to you?
It was 100% wrong. Kinda' like the Senate's current decision to not conduct the trial for the impeachment sent to them by the House. Since when does the Senate majority leader decide the outcome of an impeachment? The Constitution specifies a trial. But the Dems think the Constitution is simply guidelines written by old white slave owners so it can be ignored if inconvenient. That is going to burn you when Trump gets elected and if the Republicans lose the House, the Impeachment will be in the Senate's hands the day after Trump takes office.
The first rule in politics is that there are no rules.

The truth is the Dems got smoked, and have been on a revenge tour ever since. The sooner the dopey Republicans figure this out the better.
Many, if not most, Americans view MAGA as a cult.

How is that mathematically possible if a majority of them are going to vote for Trump?
If by outsmarted, you mean McConnell made up a rule that Obama could not choose a new Justice 10 months out from the next election because...let the people decide, and then only days before the 2020 election, President Trump appointed a Justice. I don't know, does that make sense to you?

Nope, wrong. That has been debunked many times. The rule had more details to it, including who controlled the Presidency and/or the Senate.
Taking that into account, McConnell actually DID stick to the rule.
McConnell actually DID stick to the rule.
No, he made up something. I guess he didn't trust the Republicans to slow walk the hearings and reject every candidate which is the normal way.

McConnell is a piece of dog doo and the reason I would never donate a dime to the RNC. He is as anti-Trump as it gets and will likely retract his retirement promise if Trump wins.
I guess he didn't trust the Republicans to slow walk the hearings and reject every candidate which is the normal way.
The normal way gets you Ketanji Brown Jackson, Sonia Sotomayor and others who can't define a woman.
If you wait long enough, AOC will start articles of impeachment of justices she doesn't like.

If you wait long enough even longer, AOC will be relegated to her true passion - being an Instagram makeup tutorial artist
That's what happens when the Dems have control of the Senate.

Liberals will always point to the one-in-a-million cases to justify their weirdness.

"But you can't say a woman is someone born with a v@#$$%, because every year there is one person in the world born with neither. They are called SexLess" - or some such gibberish.

Or pointing to recent research that suggests a pink headed toad in Malaysia was born gay. They've always got something for the talking points
"But you can't say a woman is someone born with a v@#$$%, because every year there is one person in the world born with neither. They are called SexLess" - or some such gibberish.

  1. Deviation or departure from the normal or common order, form, or rule.
  2. One that is peculiar, irregular, abnormal, or difficult to classify.
Mystery solved!
Liberals will always point to the one-in-a-million cases to justify their weirdness.
That is a MAGA/Conservative AM radio conspiracy theory practice, have you ever wondered why you don't notice that?
The certainly have effective brainwashing technics.
Do you mean like "biological men can get pregnant" or "the laptop is Russian disinformation" that kind of brainwashing? Go to any college campus or university if you want examples of brainwashing. You guys are elbows-deep in it.
Do you mean like "biological men can get pregnant" or "the laptop is Russian disinformation" that kind of brainwashing? Go to any college campus or university if you want examples of brainwashing. You guys are elbows-deep in it.
First off, I am as far from a Liberal as I am from a Conservative, both sides are completely brainwashed.
What I was referring to was the propensity for both side to extrapolate from non empirical data.

Honestly though, Conservative Lie-Speak is way worse about that.
Do you mean like "biological men can get pregnant" or "the laptop is Russian disinformation" that kind of brainwashing? Go to any college campus or university if you want examples of brainwashing. You guys are elbows-deep in it.
More like the Russian Spy that fooled the Entire MAGA world, including their Congressional Lackies. And Trump repeating word for word, straight out of the Chinese, and Russian propaganda systems.
And MAGA Congress Members following Russian Propaganda when they cut off funds to the Ukraine, taking us one giant step closer to a third global conflict.
The certainly have effective brainwashing technics.
You keep saying that. That's the Gobbel's method. Repeat the lie incessantly until someone believes it. Do they make you write that on the board 100 times each day in your indoctrination program?

You might want to look at the MAGA Republican platform that Trump just got the RINOs to agree to. Compare it to the Democrat's destroy America first platform.

What you seem to be missing is that people don't vote for Trump because they like him. They vote for Trump because of the policies he promises to do his best to implement. I really like my Aunt Peggy. She's just about the nicest person I know. Doesn't mean I would vote for her for president.

Trump has two traits not found in actual politicians. He means what he says and he says what he means. The words that come out of his mouth are the truth as he knows it rather than what he thinks the audience wants to hear which is what you get from professional politicians. This is why all the professional politicians hate him and it doesn't matter what party they are with. Trump makes them look like the pikers they are. I don't actually like Trump. He is maddening enough to p*** off the Pope. However, I do trust him to do what is right for America and I can not say that about any other politician I have ever voted for.

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