
People who want to kill people will still kill people. They just find other ways to do it. Bombs are very effective. So are knives. You don't get to kill as many people with a knife in a short time frame as you could with a gun but you can do some serious damage. How about cars? Cars are great weapons. Just drive through a parade. The people fall like bowling pins and you can get a lot at one time. When are we going to ban cars? Look how many people the 9/11 murders killed with a couple of planes. We didn't ban planes.
I agree with Pat. As a Brit I view the USA from an outside perspective.
A gun is a means to an end, it can be a defensive deterrent or can be an aggressive weapon, as can 1000 other things like a hammer, a stick, a knife etc etc.
The prospective perpetrators choose from a vast array of implements to carry out their dirty deed. For example, a gun is not so effective if you wish to kill and injure dozens of people in one go, a car or truck is more effective, but not indoors, so a gun may be favoured for that job. Its true a gun is most versatile for most jobs of that ilk like robbery, or just maiming someone easily, you can do it from a distance unlike a knife where you need to get closer.
I liken it to guitars, if you play various genres of music, then a Fender Stratocaster style is very versatile for anything from blues to heavy metal. Plus if you want you can hit someone with it and maybe kill them.
But I suppose using a gun is easier, in the UK we say 'horses for courses' - it's your preference.
The role of the judges is to interpret the law and apply the facts to it, not opine on the goodness or badness of the thing. For all you know, every single US supreme Court Justice May despise the idea of bump stocks
Not so much any more, ever since the Court was taken over by MAGA, it has been on a witch hunt to destroy the Institution that keep citizens safe from the Crown. The quest for power has infected the Court.
People who want to kill people will still kill people. They just find other ways to do it. Bombs are very effective. So are knives.

The whole world is in an arms race.
How long has China been patiently growing their economy over the many years of the trade imbalance being in their favor? Did their economy benefit from that trade imbalance?

As far as the Nobel Prize is concerned, economics is not very scientific. It's highly political in nature so the appeal to authority trick isn't going to work. Let me guess, that pin head Paul Krugman is one of them. Listen to that moron at your own peril. Inflation is largely due to printing money we don't have to pay off ever increasing debt, trillion dollar do nothing bills, and increasing the size of government endlessly. Do your self a favor and start listening to someone that can actually explain how important fiscal policy is, instead of deferring to authority. Remember, all those so called experts are largely wealthy individuals and they are not affected by inflation, the little guy is. They don't have your best interests in mind, only their political friends interests.

Thomas Sowell got it right (note bullet #3):
  • Inflation as a hidden tax: Sowell believes that inflation is a way for governments to transfer wealth from individuals to themselves without openly raising taxes. He argues that inflation reduces the purchasing power of people’s savings, effectively taking away their wealth.
  • Government’s role in inflation: Sowell attributes inflation to government policies, particularly monetary policy and fiscal policy. He believes that governments often create inflation by printing more money, which increases the money supply and reduces the value of each individual unit of currency.
  • Impact on different segments of society: Sowell notes that inflation has different effects on different segments of society. Those who own assets, such as real estate or stocks, may benefit from inflation as the value of their assets increases. However, those who do not own assets, such as low-income individuals or those living on fixed incomes, may be disproportionately affected by inflation as the purchasing power of their money decreases.
  • Consequences of inflation: Sowell warns that inflation can have far-reaching consequences, including reduced economic growth, increased uncertainty, and decreased savings rates. He also believes that inflation can lead to a decline in the standard of living, as people become less confident in the value of their money.
  • Inflation and government spending: Sowell argues that government spending and deficit financing can contribute to inflation. He believes that when governments spend more than they take in through taxes, they must finance the shortfall by printing more money, which can lead to inflation.
Some notable quotes from Thomas Sowell on inflation include:

  • “Inflation is in effect a hidden tax.”
  • “The money that people have saved is robbed of part of its purchasing power, which is quietly transferred to the government that issues new money.”
  • “Inflation is a quiet but effective way for the government to transfer resources from the people to itself, without raising taxes.”
Overall, Thomas Sowell views inflation as a significant economic issue that can have far-reaching consequences for individuals and society as a whole. He believes that governments must be careful to manage the money supply and fiscal policy to avoid inflation and promote economic growth and stability.

In light of the above, how awful it is to not only be taxed based on inflation, but then to have more taxes imposed on you to pay for spending bills that we don't want and clearly don't benefit any of us. The wealth tax that is being tossed around would absolutely kill our economy and essentially out-right steal from all of us who have been saving for a lifetime. This is our reward for putting money into social security our whole lives only to find out that by the time I retire, it will be on the verge of insolvency. Pay in to get virtually nothing out. The problem with illegals coming in is making the problem that much worse.

From the Heritage Foundation article Nov 22, 2021 (peak inflation time period):
Many of the great disasters of our time have been committed by experts,” the economist Thomas Sowell once said. Looking at the way prices are rapidly rising across the U.S. economy, it’s hard not to think of his words.

President Joe Biden assured Americans in July that “no serious economist” expected unchecked inflation. Today, the public is more concerned with inflation than any other issue.

In February, the government’s inflation forecasts for the year were at or below 2 percent. As of October, year-over-year consumer price increases have reached a 31-year high of 6.2 percent—triple the official prediction. Producer prices are up 8.6 percent.

A series of deficit-financed spending packages adding up to $6 trillion (so far) have contributed to rising prices. Only recently, with prices across the economy climbing, has Biden acknowledged that the trend of higher inflation is hitting people’s pocketbooks.
How long has China been patiently growing their economy over the many years of the trade imbalance being in their favor? Did their economy benefit from that trade imbalance?
Quite a while, and yes - to answer two questions. However, there are some sobering predictions that suggest that China has now painted themselves into a demographic corner that will be hard verging on impossible to eliminate. Their "one family, one child" policy finally matured because China's population shrank last year. As their aging work force retires (or dies), they won't have enough people to sustain a work force. The people who ARE working will not be able to pay enough taxes to sustain their geriatric citizens. They have infrastructure problems due to corruption in contracting. They have a housing problem in that people need a place to live, but the massive high-rise apartments being built aren't livable yet, the contractor is out of money, and the government doesn't have enough money to finish construction.

Doubt me? Look up on You Tube: "Peter Zeihan China" and check a few articles.
Wait what? :D
Are you not up on the latest ruling by the court? They intend to fulfil the MAGA doctrine of destroying the Federal Government.

Court Gives the Remaining Power and Influence to the Wealthiest Globalist Investors.

Here is an earlier example of the MAGA Manifesto, of the total destruction of Federal protections and of the working middle class.
Power to the People. Oops, power to the Crown.

This Witch Hunt is not limited to certain people, it's after the entire Federal Government.
The Power Hungry MAGA fascist want it all.
Are you not up on the latest ruling by the court? They intend to fulfil the MAGA doctrine of destroying the Federal Government.

Court Gives the Remaining Power and Influence to the Wealthiest Globalist Investors.

Here is an earlier example of the MAGA Manifesto, of the total destruction of Federal protections and of the working middle class.
Power to the People. Oops, power to the Crown.

This Witch Hunt is not limited to certain people, it's after the entire Federal Government.
The Power Hungry MAGA fascists want it all.
Not so much any more, ever since the Court was taken over by MAGA, it has been on a witch hunt to destroy the Institution that keep citizens safe from the Crown. The quest for power has infected the Court.
Wow! That is seriously uninformed thinking. So, what did you think of Dred Scott? That was your Democrat activists rather than jurists who were trying to be true to the Constitution. THAT is the epitome of an activist Court. The members of the Court wanted slavery to continue since it was how the Southern Democrat's society was maintained. So the Court ruled that Scott and his wife were chattel and as chattel were not citizens and so had no standing to sue for freedom. Makes a perverse kind of sense if you can twist yourself into a pretzel while thinking about it.

You seem to think that if you agree with a decision, it was right. Well, I take a different view. I want the justices to uphold the Constitution, even when that means that sometimes I will not agree with their decision. I don't like the idea of bumpstocks. They enhance a rifle so that it acts much like a machine gun and machine guns are good for only one purpose - killing people. That's why we issue them to soldiers. But I understand why the Court took the position they took and I can't argue with it.
Wow! That is seriously uninformed thinking. So, what did you think of Dred Scott? That was your Democrat activists rather than jurists who were trying to be true to the Constitution. THAT is the epitome of an activist Court. The members of the Court wanted slavery to continue since it was how the Southern Democrat's society was maintained. So the Court ruled that Scott and his wife were chattel and as chattel were not citizens and so had no standing to sue for freedom. Makes a perverse kind of sense if you can twist yourself into a pretzel while thinking about it.

You seem to think that if you agree with a decision, it was right. Well, I take a different view. I want the justices to uphold the Constitution, even when that means that sometimes I will not agree with their decision. I don't like the idea of bumpstocks. They enhance a rifle so that it acts much like a machine gun and machine guns are good for only one purpose - killing people. That's why we issue them to soldiers. But I understand why the Court took the position they took and I can't argue with it.
Your answers are so predictable.
Anyone that doesn't agree with MAGA Fascism is ignorant or deluded. Your words, every time.

I don't agree or disagree with the MAGA court. what I know is that MAGA has one platform.
Move all of the wealth and influence away from the People and into the hands of the Financial Sector Gods. I'm sorry for America that MAGA worshipers can't see that.
Are you not up on the latest ruling by the court? They intend to fulfil the MAGA doctrine of destroying the Federal Government.
I know where you can get a free copy of the Constitution should you be interested. You know, that silly old document that says that Congress makes law and the Executive Branch (all those big government departments like the EPA that the Constitution doesn't define) enforces law. The Executive Branch does NOT make law. The arbiter of whether a law violates the Constitution or not is the Supreme Court. It is all about checks and balances. What Chevron did is an end run around the Constitution to put ALL power into the hands of unelected bureaucrats, including making them judge and jury.

And I think the Warren Court was packed with activists. The end result of their policies is rampant shoplifting and prosecutors choosing to not prosecute crime. Just because you liked their rulings didn't make them right. I'm not saying that conservative justices are not biased. Of course they are. We all are. But, they are more likely to uphold the constitution than to simply make new law. I am not familiar with the insider trading case and I don't have time to research it at the moment. On principle, I am against insider trading - can anyone spell Nancy Pelosi? Or other members of Congress who trade on their insider knowledge. Ask yourself, why people who enter Congress as poor (AOC) or middle class somehow after a couple of terms (or less) become multi-millionaires. Their salary is generous but it costs a lot of money to maintain two households. They get rich because they trade on their inside knowledge and their power to control legislation.

Public schools are funded by property taxes. Property taxes are local. If your town wants to raise their property taxes, then they can spend more money on their schools. But, they should probably fire 50% of the administrators first and stick to teachers and equipment rather than worrying about DEI, or DIE as it should really be called.
I don't agree or disagree with the MAGA court. what I know is that MAGA has one platform.
Move all of the wealth and influence away from the People and into the hands of the Financial Sector Gods. I'm sorry for America that MAGA worshipers can't see that.
You "know" what you are told to "know". You know like Joe has all his marbles until the public actually sees him in action where the moderators had to rescue him more than once as he was circling the drain.

You think I'm predictable, but maybe you should look inside yourself. I don't approve of bump stocks so I agree with you. Where we disagree is in that I think the Court made the Constitutionally correct decision, even though I don't like the outcome and you only think the Court made the right decision if you personally agree with it. Now, that is predictable;)
Are you not up on the latest ruling by the court? They intend to fulfil the MAGA doctrine of destroying the Federal Government.

Court Gives the Remaining Power and Influence to the Wealthiest Globalist Investors.

Here is an earlier example of the MAGA Manifesto, of the total destruction of Federal protections and of the working middle class.
Power to the People. Oops, power to the Crown.

This Witch Hunt is not limited to certain people, it's after the entire Federal Government.
The Power Hungry MAGA fascist want it all.
"My retribution will be success." - President Donald J. Trump
You "know" what you are told to "know". You know like Joe has all his marbles until the public actually sees him in action where the moderators had to rescue him more than once as he was circling the drain.

You think I'm predictable, but maybe you should look inside yourself. I don't approve of bump stocks so I agree with you. Where we disagree is in that I think the Court made the Constitutionally correct decision, even though I don't like the outcome and you only think the Court made the right decision if you personally agree with it. Now, that is predictable;)
Your arguments are so transparent.

Move attention to Biden, as if I must support him and therefore brain washed. Biden is old and weak, therefore the MAGA court rulings are justified.
You accuse others of having limited information because you cannot conceive of a person with apposing views as being educated. It really is scarry watching American Fascism grew. In the end when your leaders are imprisoned or committing suicide, only then will some of you see them for what they are.

Fascism is coming for America, and it's name is MAGA.
Fascism is coming for America, and it's name is MAGA.
Fascism is coming for America, and it's name is MAGA.
Please explain to me what you would call the government telling businesses that they should suppress the first amendment rights of citizens because the government couldn't do this directly due to the constraints imposed by the Constitution?
Are you not up on the latest ruling by the court? They intend to fulfil the MAGA doctrine of destroying the Federal Government.

Court Gives the Remaining Power and Influence to the Wealthiest Globalist Investors.

Here is an earlier example of the MAGA Manifesto, of the total destruction of Federal protections and of the working middle class.
Power to the People. Oops, power to the Crown.

This Witch Hunt is not limited to certain people, it's after the entire Federal Government.
The Power Hungry MAGA fascist want it all.

Democrats are the greatest threat to capitalism and freedom that ever was. God save the Court and help them continue fighting for capitalism and freedom.

The administrative power of the state usurping all of our Constitutional rights was LOOOOOOng overdue to be killed.
Please explain to me what you would call the government telling businesses that they should suppress the first amendment rights of citizens because the government couldn't do this directly due to the constraints imposed by the Constitution?
Diverting again. All you are capable of doing is defending MAGA by making others appear worse.
Nothing is worse than unrestricted capitalism. MAGA is doing exactly that, it is eliminating all restriction on capitalist power.
Asking Facebook to limiting lies is similar to the series of 20th century laws that governed broadcasters.

MAGA folks are such victims.
Democrats are the greatest threat to capitalism and freedom that ever was. God save the Court and help them continue fighting for capitalism and freedom.
That's a good one.
Nothing is worse than unrestricted capitalism
Poor you, you might be forced to live in a free country where people reap the consequences of their decisions!

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