
Save your anti-Biden arguments for the Choir. You don't get to win this by saying someone else is worse.

You can leave your blinders in place or you can see the world you currently live in. Do you still think that Biden has all his marbles after seeing him try to answer questions on Thursday? Chances are excellent that his prep team had the questions in advance or he couldn't have even done as well as he did. Do you still believe the COVID naturally occured in a wet market? Do you still believe that Russian collusion occured in the Trump campaign? Do you still believe that Hunter's laptop is a Russian fake? Do you still believe that the videos of Biden unable to complete a sentence and drooling as he wanders off from the group are fakes? Do you realize that Biden has been losing it for several years now? Have you see the videos or read the reports? Probably not, the media is running cover for him but the inner circle has known and you know what? They still allowed him to run. Now that the public is onto the scam, the Democrat machine is in a panic. How are they going to get rid of Joe? The certainly can't replace him with Kamala. She is even less popular than Joe. She checked a few boxes but apparently the one for competency wasn't a requirement for VP because she doesn't have alzheimer's but still can't put together two coherent sentences. But the upshot of this is the Democrat voters will NOT get to choose their presidential candidate. The power players of the Democrat machine will choose who represents the party in November. They have completely disenfranchised the Democrat voter by their deception regarding Joe's health.

Just open your eyes. You don't have to like Trump. You don't have to vote for him. But you should actually know what you are voting for.

I don't think Biden is worse than Trump. I KNOW it. We have the proof of two administrations to compare and ample evidence. Did Trump try to jail his political opponents? No. Did Biden? Yes. Did Trump facilitate the human and drug trafficking by opening the southern border? No. Did Biden? Yes. Did Trump ignore Supreme Court decisions and continue doing what they told him he had no authority to do? No. Did Biden? Yes. So, we have the current President committing one lawless act after another, all of which are given cover by the DOJ and the press and the former President who is frequently accused of similar actions but who didn't commit any of them.
The MAGA manifesto is 100% about giving more to the rich.

Or maybe it is about letting people keep more of what they earn? You might say "no" but I don't see it your way and I don't have a bad case of TDS to color my world.
Exactly, and he didn't try to jail his political opponents, right?
In fact, as soon as he won, he specifically said that he would not attempt to prosecute Hillary for her part in the Steel Dossier. Turns out he should have but I was OK with his decision. Prosecuting her was not going to be a win even if she was convicted. Better to try to make peace and bring people together.

Biden says he is the one to bring people together but in every speech he makes he alienates half of the country deliberately and has made no effort at reconciliation. He is STILL blaming Trump for all the problems with HIS administration.
I feel bad for liberals today, it's been such a beat-down that they are losing their minds.
What I find rather odd is the binary perspective from liberals, especially since they are always talking about nuance. Before the debate, Biden was cognitively sharp, fit as a fiddle. It is only Republicans who are making up lies about Biden's physical and cognitive decline, using carefully edited clips and deep fakes. One day later, they are saying Biden is shot, looks 100 years old and is finished.

Can someone please explain to me how the Democrats do not see the gradual but persistent decline in Biden's mental and physical abilities, and instead jump from sharp as a fiddle to completely shot?
I've found out that MAGA means 'Make America Great Again', is that a political party? Why is there so much discussion about it? It must be more than just a phrase judging by the way those here get heated about it.
I've found out that MAGA means 'Make America Great Again', is that a political party? Why is there so much discussion about it? It must be more than just a phrase judging by the way those here get heated about it.

It was one of Trump's campaign slogans, Col, and is intimately associated with him. The reaction is therefore by association.
Keep on believing MAGA is not about serving the Crown.

So you say "look how Bad Pollution is under Biden", which is another MAGA distortion.

This is what is being visited upon the people of the USA, and North America:

MAGA Supreme Court
So you say "look how Bad Pollution is under Biden", which is another MAGA distortion.
So the Democrats have got their carbon missions to their ultimate goal already?
So the Democrats have got their carbon missions to their ultimate goal already?
I think that everyone who wants to stop using fossil fuel should do so immediately. You can do it. Don't be a hypocrite. Set an example for the rest of us. Get rid of your car. Replace it with a bicycle and walk or ride everywhere. Fill your living quarters with illegal aliens. Plant a garden in your yard. Stop eating meat and meat products. No leather shoes, purses, or belts! That would be cheating. Get rid of every piece of clothing you own that isn't made of cotton or silk or other natural fiber. I guess using wool is OK because you don't have to kill the animal to harvest the wool. Bring your standard of living down to around the 17th century before the industrial revolution. You'll have to burn wood for heat and cooking or move to a warmer climate since we really don't want to burn all the trees and release all that carbon into the air. Look what happened to Haiti and Easter Island. You can't even use peat since that is technically a fossil fuel.
I live in MAGA country. I see the nationalist Trump flags waving in the back of their MAGA pickups.
Do you ever talk to anyone in your neighborhood and have a civil conversation that allows you to see someone else's point of view? Can you have an open mind?

I think we can both agree on this simple statement:
Garbage in, garbage out.

Any garbage information we get from any of our news sources is going to create garbage out conclusions. You obviously are labeling people as nationalists which is a term that the left has brought to the forefront for political division reasons. Everything the left does tries to divide us. I would rather we all discuss things civilly and preferably face to face as there is more natural respect given in person. Doing this online is is too easy to go into your corner and honker down or throw around insults. I'm guilty of it myself, but I really think people need to at least see one another on the common ground we share instead of immediately jumping into the differences. It's not easy, but I sure wish we would try.

I see there are comments made online for various YouTube videos dealing with politics and you would think there is not a human being on the other side of the keyboard. It's that bad. I think the only way to get around this is more face to face discussion. Not shouting protester mobs either, as that is just talking over one another and solves nothing.
I do, all the time.
I live in a Marina, that also has an RV resort attached to it. We congregate all the time. The Trump worshipers are by far the worst. Maybe it's because our LGPT folks are intimidated by the MAGA rednecks.
Do you ever talk to anyone in your neighborhood and have a civil conversation that allows you to see someone else's point of view? Can you have an open mind?

I think we can both agree on this simple statement:
Garbage in, garbage out.

Any garbage information we get from any of our news sources is going to create garbage out conclusions. You obviously are labeling people as nationalists which is a term that the left has brought to the forefront for political division reasons. Everything the left does tries to divide us. I would rather we all discuss things civilly and preferably face to face as there is more natural respect given in person. Doing this online is is too easy to go into your corner and honker down or throw around insults. I'm guilty of it myself, but I really think people need to at least see one another on the common ground we share instead of immediately jumping into the differences. It's not easy, but I sure wish we would try.

I see there are comments made online for various YouTube videos dealing with politics and you would think there is not a human being on the other side of the keyboard. It's that bad. I think the only way to get around this is more face to face discussion. Not shouting protester mobs either, as that is just talking over one another and solves nothing.

Doc said MAGA is a phrase. But your post indicates it is an area of a state. Its very confusing to foreigners.
Down here in Southeast Texas, MAGA worship runs rampant, like a water moccasin on the 4th of July. Riding around with their Pride Banners on the Back of their pickups. And, like everything else MAGA, only they have the right to force their beliefs on everyone.

It's definitely a fascist intimidation tactic. But OMG we can't have no WOKE pride flags. Not that I actually want to see either of them.
If you are interested in hearing my analysis of the workings of the macro economy, I would be happy to write it for you.
Can you tell us about tariffs again? Us MAGAs just don't understand them.
I think that everyone who wants to stop using fossil fuel should do so immediately. You can do it. Don't be a hypocrite. Set an example for the rest of us. Get rid of your car. Replace it with a bicycle and walk or ride everywhere. Fill your living quarters with illegal aliens. Plant a garden in your yard. Stop eating meat and meat products. No leather shoes, purses, or belts! That would be cheating. Get rid of every piece of clothing you own that isn't made of cotton or silk or other natural fiber. I guess using wool is OK because you don't have to kill the animal to harvest the wool. Bring your standard of living down to around the 17th century before the industrial revolution. You'll have to burn wood for heat and cooking or move to a warmer climate since we really don't want to burn all the trees and release all that carbon into the air. Look what happened to Haiti and Easter Island. You can't even use peat since that is technically a fossil fuel.
Good job, you have taken the time to offer a rebuttal that mirrors the ridiculous nature of the point you are rebutting.
It's these kinds of statements that make it truly impossible to talk to you. Every answer you have is an extreme reaction.

There must be a common ground.

I understand that using logic with people that have none is difficult, but maybe you could try.

Here is a couple of questions for you.

Is there ever any doubt in people's mind as to how far right you are?
Does anyone left of Atilla the Hun ever accuse you of being centrist?

I know you won't believe this but I do all the time, in fact there are many on the left that would think i am firmly with the Right.

Do you have an immediate emotional response to ridiculous liberal garbage?

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