I'm not interested in religion, and I don't know why I had bookmarked this.
Before deleting the link, I thought someone may find it funny too.
Objectively, if I detach from my own opinions and everyone else's for a moment, it's really not that funny - because "but of course" an organization spreading the word needs money (money is the way we support anything, no matter how powerful or knowing it is, but the cause of organizing people to learn or benefit from it) ....... and it makes sense that there is a Hell but God loves us, because truth is stranger than fiction, and why in the world does the way things are have to make 'sense' to us?? It doesn't make sense to me that there is a fiery ball in the sky that warms us, or that we are born by plopping out of someone legs, either, and yet there it is today, the sun, and here I am, previously plopped, just as it/I was yesterday!
Also objectively, yeah - that video is so funny I laughed out loud, more than once! Thanks for posting.
PS, I'm not sure why anyone would choose to go to Hell, but I'm glad God respects our choice, makes life more beautiful than if we were robots.
If I were a Creator, I can definitely see creating Dogs and Humans. Dogs are my pet, they have no will, they will auto-love me. Humans are much more precious to me, as they can choose to go either way. To me that actually does make sense - but that doesn't matter, whatever IS is more important for its is-ness than for whether or not it makes sense to my flawed, biased, limited mind. In fact I have some days where virtually nothing makes sense to me.
But I know I came from someone, because things cannot come into being from nothing.
PS I was reflecting today about how devoutly my parents have believed all their lives that you can pray for healing from God - dont' always get it but always trust God for it - and how he is so much healthier than all his brothers and sisters - Praise God! He shows Himself everywhere.
The only successful organization without being financially supported (to any measurable amount) that I've ever seen is Alcoholics Anonymous.
Then again, all their principles come from Christianity!