Pay your bills (1 Viewer)


Formerly Jsanders
Local time
Today, 18:24
Dec 20, 2007
Which is exactly why they are likely to vote for Trump.

People who vote against Trump, vote that way because they don't like his personality. Pretty dumb reason in my opinion. It's like threatening to stick a pencil into your own eye because you don't like Trump's personality without even considering how his policies might benefit you. They never understand that the Democrat policies will always hurt you - unless you are one of the 47% who don't actually pay ANYTHING let alone your fair share.
Spoken like a true believer.


Lifelong Learner
Local time
Today, 15:24
Mar 14, 2017

Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 18:24
Feb 19, 2002
Trumpian! Any reasonable person knows that Trump is a cheat, pathological liar, and egomaniac con man. It is frightening to think how much harm he as a president will cause to the world.
You can only see what you are willing to see. I don't care that you don't like Trump's personality. I don't either. You are letting that blind you to the larger picture. Apparently, you think the country is better off with a senile old man who is actively committing treason as its leader. One who evacuates the military before evacuating the citizens and billions of dollars of military equipment. One who allows China to invade our airspace. You probably think that it is OK to persecute Trump for a non-crime with no victims just because you don't like him. Do you not see how dangerous that ugly position is? You probably think the Steele Dossier is real and that Hillary and her campaign did not get fined over $100,000 for that sham. You probably think the Hunter laptop is Russian disinformation. Please comment on those two so we can assess your grasp on reality.

Luckily, this is still almost a free country (not all of us are free. Some of us are being persecuted by a weaponized justice department) and you will be able to vote for "bernie" unless the stick falls out of his back before November. In the Democrat's "democracy" YOU are not allowed to have a primary because THEY have decided that Bernie, I mean Joe is the candidate and since you're too stupid and might have voted for RFK Jr. they have removed that choice from you. THAT is what you are happy with????? OK. All this because you don't read beyond the clickbait headlines.

You do realize don't you that the UK Parliament sanctioned Biden for the debacle in Afghanistan because of how he gave all that military equipment to the Taliban which made the world a much more dangerous place. No country ever sanctioned Trump. They sanctioned Biden. But, you probably don't even know that.

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Lifelong Learner
Local time
Today, 15:24
Mar 14, 2017
It is really sad to find that some of you veteran commentators, like Pat, Doc Man, and Jon, who give reasonable advices on Access, are on the side of morally collapsed Republicans, and even Trumpian! Any reasonable person knows that Trump is a cheat, pathological liar, and egomaniac con man. It is frightening to think how much harm he as a president will cause to the world.
All of the Democrat policies lead to robbing tax money from people who are diligently working, encouraging laziness and entitlement, new forms of racism against anyone who has achieved any success, overspending as we reach the edge of a dangerous cliff of government debt that we are handing down to our children, and teaching sexually explicit subjects to young children and schools.

That's just a few that I could think of off the top of my head there are probably a dozen more.

If the Republicans are morally collapsed, it's only because they are not going hard and strong enough in the Republican direction. Democrats locked kids out of school for a couple years many have committed suicide or are in permanent states of mental health disarray.

Hopefully Republicans take power and keep it forever so we can get people back to a healthy happy successful American dream type of life where they realize from a young age that they will and can work and be successful by working hard.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 15:24
May 22, 2010
Dazed and confused, isn't he on vacation? Someone needs to arrest Jill for elder abuse.


Formerly Jsanders
Local time
Today, 18:24
Dec 20, 2007
This started out with Former President Trump being quoted as saying that killing women and children in Europe is ok. As long as their deadbeat governments are in arrears in their payments to NATO. I'm paraphrasing, but that is how everyone but his worshipers read it.

And it got turned by Trump Worshipers to be about Biden.

"I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters, OK?"
Donald Trump

Many of us, as strange as that might appear to the True Believers, are as far away from being Liberal as we are from being a Trump Worshiper. We don't particularly support Biden not because of his policies but that he allowed Trump to continue to be an influence.

Here is a question for the Trump Lovers in this crowd.

Do you think the resistance to pass the Border Security Bill is in anyway motivated to strengthen Trump's presidential possibilities?
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Lifelong Learner
Local time
Today, 15:24
Mar 14, 2017
This started out with Former President Trump being quoted as saying that killing women and children in Europe is ok. As long as their deadbeat governments are in arrears in their payments to NATA. I'm paraphrasing, but that is how everyone but his worshipers read it.

And it got turned by Trump Worshipers to be about Biden.

Donald Trump

Many of us, as strange as that might appear to the True Believers, are as far away from being Liberal as we are from being a Trump Worshiper. We don't particularly support Biden not because of his policies but that he allowed Trump to continue to be an influence.

Here is a question for the Trump Lovers in this crowd.

Do you think the resistance to pass the Border Security Bill is in anyway motivated to strengthen Trump's presidential possibilities?
No, I think most of it is so that he can do a better job of solving the issue more thorough and more complete and it was less loopholes when the time comes. Too little too late from Democrats


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 15:24
May 22, 2010
Do you think the resistance to pass the Border Security Bill is in anyway motivated to strengthen Trump's presidential possibilities?
Of course. It's politics, obviously.

We had 'Remain in Mexico' until Bumble f*ck gutted it on day one. Now we are playing games because Democrats don't like the optics of the border, NYC, and the possibility of terrorists streaming across the southern border during an election cycle.

Let's face it, if this wasn't an election cycle, Democrats would still be saying the border is closed.
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Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 18:24
Feb 19, 2002
This started out with Former President Trump being quoted as saying that killing women and children in Europe is ok. As long as their deadbeat governments are in arrears in their payments to NATA. I'm paraphrasing, but that is how everyone but his worshipers read it.
Must you put your own obscene thoughts into Trump's mouth? It never ceases to amaze me the ugliness that comes out of the mouths of the "good" and "moral" liberals which they then attribute to DJT because that is what they think, he is thinking. How do they determine that? Oh! That's actually what they think. Somehow, they have to say what they're thinking but they can't so they make Trump say it.
"I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters, OK?"
Isn't that a stupid enough remark? You need to make him say more stupid stuff than that?


Formerly Jsanders
Local time
Today, 18:24
Dec 20, 2007
Must you put your own obscene thoughts into Trump's mouth? It never ceases to amaze me the ugliness that comes out of the mouths of the "good" and "moral" liberals which they then attribute to DJT because that is what they think, he is thinking. How do they determine that? Oh! That's actually what they think. Somehow, they have to say what they're thinking but they can't so they make Trump say it.

Isn't that a stupid enough remark? You need to make him say more stupid stuff than that?

I understand that your sensibilities prevent any deviation from the word of the divine leader. However, most of us are not liberal simply because we disagree with his propaganda. For example, I am as far from being a liberal as I am from being a Trump supporter.

As usual, Pat, you demonstrate a strong inability to consider any position that does not align with your worldview completely. To me, this, along with your emotional reactions, indicates that you are a victim of propaganda.

Regarding my interpretation of his meaning as obscene, how else would you interpret this statement?

Former U.S. President Donald Trump indeed made a statement regarding NATO countries and their financial obligations to the defense alliance. During a rally in South Carolina, he recounted an exchange from his time in office with the leader of a "big country." When asked whether that country would be protected if Russia attacked, Trump responded by saying that the U.S. government would not protect the bloc if it didn't pay its fair share in defense spending. He stated, "No, I would
not protect you. In fact, I would encourage them to do whatever the hell they want. You got to pay. You got to pay your bills"
I'm guessing those countries have both women and children living there. Maybe Trump meant the invaders shouldn't bomb, or otherwise kill, the noncombatants. Russia has done such a good job of that so far.

Pat, we are never going to move ahead as a nation until True Believers wake up and stop supporting every aspect of their own narrow world view. These same people need to learn to stop believing that any deviation from that view makes them the enemy.

How do you think we got to a place, in this country, where people hold other's in contempt when they don't even try to understand the other person's views?

I have some ideas about this, but I have found that Liberals as well as Trump Worshiper have a super hard time with it. I can, for example name a few things that the Trump administration got right.

The Obama administration got quite a bit right, as has the Biden's. Can you think of anything that they got right?


Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 18:24
Feb 19, 2002
These were not prepared remarks. Trump was asked a "gotcha" question and he gave a glib answer. I saw the video. It was cringeworthy. He should know better by now. The press has no sense of humor. When he gives them an opening, they jump on it with their teeth bared and don't stop chomping until there is blood everywhere. You can attribute whatever evil you want to the remark but the evil you see is a reflection. It was idiotic to take the bait and even respond but I am not the man's keeper. I'm positive that you would never have made such a callous remark in a similar situation so please feel free to be judgemental because YOU are above reproach. And feel free to judge me since I refuse to judge Trump. I'll see if I can find the video of Clinton saying something similar back in the 90's but it's OK, Bubba was a good ol' boy and could carry it off and people would chuckle. With Trump, the Red Queen comes flying into the room screaming "off with his head".

In all seriousness, why should any NATO country pay their assessment when so many get away without paying? Why don't we just suck it up and pay for NATO ourselves? Why does Trump even bother when you don't care how much we have to pay to carry the NATO deadbeats? All you care about is judging his stupid attempts at gallous humor.


Formerly Jsanders
Local time
Today, 18:24
Dec 20, 2007
As we have seen by the reaction of most of our people, and of that of our long term allies in Europe. This remark from Former President Trump, as he tries out again for the most powerful job on the planet, proves he is too stupid for the job.

Words matter. In fact, words from the President are his only acts that matters. I find it incredulous that anyone would have any defense for his continued wanton childish behavior.

It's past time to put him out to pasture.
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Registered User.
Local time
Today, 15:24
Apr 12, 2011
As we have seen by the reaction of most of our people, and of that of our long term allies in Europe. This remark from Former President Trump, as he tries out again for the most powerful job on the planet, proves he is too stupid for the job.

Words matter. In fact, words from the President are his only acts that matters. I find it incredulous that anyone would have any defense for his continued wanton childish behavior.

It's past time to put him out to pasture.
I find it incredulous that so many people rage against one of the best presidents we've had for a long time. All you see is the stage show, and you say that is offensive, as if your being offended meant something.

He is not stupid - far from it. The stupid ones are the ones who swallow the media's stories about him. You probably think he recommended people drink bleach, don't you? I still run into people that fell for that one.

Biden is the one who we need to put out - not to pasture, but to a nursing home. Trump back in office is not an ideal situation - FAR better would have been if he had served his second term consecutively, and Biden had already been dumped from politics, but it's the best hope we have now.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 15:24
May 22, 2010
"Don't underestimate Joe's ability to f**k things up." -Barack Obama


Formerly Jsanders
Local time
Today, 18:24
Dec 20, 2007
I find it incredulous that so many people rage against one of the best presidents we've had for a long time. All you see is the stage show, and you say that is offensive, as if your being offended meant something.

He is not stupid - far from it. The stupid ones are the ones who swallow the media's stories about him. You probably think he recommended people drink bleach, don't you? I still run into people that fell for that one.

Biden is the one who we need to put out - not to pasture, but to a nursing home. Trump back in office is not an ideal situation - FAR better would have been if he had served his second term consecutively, and Biden had already been dumped from politics, but it's the best hope we have now.
LOL he says stupid things, and his worshipers rally.

The group that has been ranking Presidents from the hundred years or so has put him as the very worst president in American history,
If you're only job is to say things, and the things you say are either stupid of provable lies, then you are too stupid for the job. What other qualification is there?
his worshipers don't even see that they are brainwashed, it's sad.

Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 18:24
Feb 19, 2002
What other qualification is there?
You are the one obsessed with the "personality" of Trump and given the noise of the media echoing your distaste for his personality, you don't actually understand his policies and how they made us more safe and free.

"provable" lies? Are you talking about his ability to estimate crowd sizes or his insistence that Mar a lago is worth more than $18 million dollars given the price of vacant lots in the neighborhood? Surely you can't be talking about his ability to control the border. Contrast that to the chaos today. Hmmmm How many unaccompanied children did Biden lose? I think it is over 80,000. We are getting 6,000 illegal crossings each day plus who knows how many "got aways" because we can't count them. Hmmmmm How many sides of a war can we fund? Well all of them, silly. More money for the military/industrial complex that Eisenhower warned us about. How do we defeat our political opponents? I know, I know, I know - get secretaries of state to prevent them from being on the ballot. That's the "Democrat" democracy. Prevent your opponents from voting for the candidate of their choice. They're too stupid to make their own decision. But, we're smart. We're moral. WE will chose for them. It is "our" democracy after all, not theirs.

I'm sorry but I find it very hard to believe that good and moral people are OK with stealing the vote of their political opponents. Hell, the Democrats are even stealing the votes of their own supporters by cancelling their own primaries. Wouldn't you think that you could win on the merits of your case? Do you really want to win by cheating? The Democrat party that I used to be part of would never do that.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 15:24
Apr 12, 2011
LOL he says stupid things, and his worshipers rally.

The group that has been ranking Presidents from the hundred years or so has put him as the very worst president in American history,
If you're only job is to say things, and the things you say are either stupid of provable lies, then you are too stupid for the job. What other qualification is there?
his worshipers don't even see that they are brainwashed, it's sad.
Bravo - a perfect demonstration of TDS. What other anti-Trump hoaxes have you fallen for?

Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 18:24
Feb 19, 2002
a perfect demonstration of TDS. What other anti-Trump hoaxes have you fallen for?
It is always safer if you adopt someone else's opinion. That way you aren't responsible and you also don't have to bother thinking or trying to understand why the Democrat positions are always so hypocritical like it's OK to kill the unborn in the delivery room but it is never OK to carry out capital punishment because all lives are sacred. Or another favorite - "my body my choice" - except when we are talking about unnecessary emergency use drugs. Then it may be your body but it is MY choice. If I tell you that YOU MUST take a drug you don't want or don't need, too bad. Not your choice:(


Access World Site Owner
Staff member
Local time
Today, 23:24
Sep 28, 1999
If you're only job is to say things, and the things you say are either stupid of provable lies, then you are too stupid for the job.
If that is the case, how did his "stupid" things he say result in a great economy and low illegal immigration? Unless of course you believe low illegal immigration is a bad thing, which you might.

I still get puzzled why Democrats think Trump is bad and evil. But then again, they might think all Republicans are evil. It is such a stupid stance to take. I am bewildered by it all. It is like they are so full of hate and bile that they can't control themselves and have to lash out at everybody, and especially Trump. Odd!

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