Debatus interruptus


Well-known member
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Today, 14:02
Mar 30, 2012
Trying to establish the over and under on the number of times Trump will be yelling at Biden when its Biden's turn to speak, and Trump's mike is off. The second over and number is the number times Trump will wander away from his podium so he is in camera range while Biden speaks.
Trying to establish the over and under on the number of times Trump will be yelling at Biden when its Biden's turn to speak, and Trump's mike is off. The second over and number is the number times Trump will wander away from his podium so he is in camera range while Biden speaks.
Unwittingly your side has turned off Trump's mic giving the whole world a chance to hear Biden speak.:unsure: This could be a risky plan, letting Trump interrupt Biden gives Biden the sympathy vote, but without a teleprompter or interruptions, Biden has to wing it.

Either way, Trump will be debating 3 individuals, Jake Tapper, Dana Bash, and Joe Biden. Fun Fact: Dana Bash's husband was one of those 51 intel agents who signed off on the NOW legendary Hunter laptop as being Russian disinformation.
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Either way, Trump will be debating 3 individuals, Jake Tapper, Dana Bash, and Joe Biden. Fun Fact: Dana Bash's husband was one of those 51 intel agents who signed off on the NOW legendary Hunter laptop as being Russian disinformation.
Sure hope Trump mentions that if the laptop comes up:ROFLMAO: So, @jpl458 was the laptop Russian disinformation? Or was that all election interference by the FBI and White House to keep the public from knowing what was on the laptop, and I'm not talking about all the outrageous pictures of the sex, the nudity, the guns, the underage girls, the drugs, I'm talking about the influence peddling operation and who is getting what money from the Chinese. How about all those lies Biden told about not knowing what was going on. Do the photos from the laptop lie?
The dems had a winning formula, let Trump carry on and interrupt the debate and win. So what did they do? They turned off his microphone???
I am thinking that having no mike on will not stop him. Still looking for the over and under on how many times he will do that.
Unwittingly your side has turned off Trump's mic giving the whole world a chance to hear Biden speak.:unsure: This could be a risky plan, letting Trump interrupt Biden gives Biden the sympathy vote, but without a teleprompter or interruptions, Biden has to wing it.

Either way, Trump will be debating 3 individuals, Jake Tapper, Dana Bash, and Joe Biden. Fun Fact: Dana Bash's husband was one of those 51 intel agents who signed off on the NOW legendary Hunter laptop as being Russian disinformation.
If I asked what color the sky is, would you tell me something about Hunters laptop? What if some one askes Trump if he lost the election in 2020? Will he respond that the proof is on the laptop.? Hunter's laptop is the holy grail of the far right. If they could only find it, then absolution.
If I asked what color the sky is, would you tell me something about Hunters laptop? What if some one askes Trump if he lost the election in 2020? Will he respond that the proof is on the laptop.? Hunter's laptop is the holy grail of the far right. If they could only find it, then absolution.
Sorry not following.
I am thinking that having no mike on will not stop him. Still looking for the over and under on how many times he will do that.
He's aware of your strategy and commented about it during a recent rally.
Sure hope Trump mentions that if the laptop comes up:ROFLMAO: So, @jpl458 was the laptop Russian disinformation? Or was that all election interference by the FBI and White House to keep the public from knowing what was on the laptop, and I'm not talking about all the outrageous pictures of the sex, the nudity, the guns, the underage girls, the drugs, I'm talking about the influence peddling operation and who is getting what money from the Chinese. How about all those lies Biden told about not knowing what was going on. Do the photos from the laptop lie?
It seems the laptop is an enigma, wrapped in a mystery, and kept in a large breadbox. I just asked a question about how many times Trump will be trying to talk over Biden when it's Biden's turn to talk. Trying to establish an over / under value.
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Trying to establish the over and under on the number of times Trump will be yelling at Biden when its Biden's turn to speak, and Trump's mike is off. The second over and number is the number times Trump will wander away from his podium so he is in camera range while Biden speaks.

Hopefully Trump interrupts him as often as possible, but not so much that it looks bad to undecided voters.

After all, what's the odds that the Democrats have silenced Trump for the past 2 years now? 100%. Go Trump!
Hunter's laptop is the holy grail of the far right. If they could only find it, then absolution.
So, you are not giving up your belief that the laptop was Russian disinformation. Now that the FBI has fessed up to their part in rigging the 2020 That is sadder than you can imagine.

What if some one askes Trump if he lost the election in 2020? Will he respond that the proof is on the laptop.?
No, The truth is the way Biden, the FBI, the DOJ, and 51 bought and paid for former CIA employees swore it was all a Russian hoax. THAT was election interference. And yet, they got away with it. NOT this time though.
The reason the laptop triggers the left is because they know had they not lied about it Trump would have won. It calls into question everything the left does, they cheat.
Just finished watching the whole thing. At the start, Joe was talking like a fast talking New Yorker with a frog in his throat. I've never heard him talk like that before (wonder why). But the true Joe eventually showed up to the democrats horror, all made possible by the constant split screen views of the candidates. I'm shocked that they allowed that.

The first thing that impressed me was how well the moderators did at remaining neutral, so I give them high marks for running a good debate. There was a nice balance of questions for both of them to play off of, but clearly the camp david training did not work too well for Joe. Trump missed a lot of opportunities to avoid obvious exaggerations and speak more directly to the people, but he couldn't help himself and got into the bickering match. I did like his line about "I wasn't going to run again, but you messed up the country so bad, I decided to make America great again." That was after making a point on how much damage all the illegals are doing to social security by potentially increasing the number of benefactors. That's a really good point.

I still think the whole thing was to through Joe under the bus so they can convince him to go with an alternative. If he refuses, they have a problem.
The first thing that impressed me was how well the moderators did at remaining neutral, so I give them high marks for running a good debate.
Overall, your assessment is appropriate. However, the moderators did present a couple of adverbial questions pointed at Trump, such as his response to Jan. 6th. The moderators did not present Biden with any adversarial questions. I can't remember who, either Burgum or Ramaswamy, but the respondent wondered why the moderators never asked Biden why he lied at the prior presidential debate in 2020 about the laptop.

PS: Another one. The moderators asked Trump if he would accept the election results (a very tired over asked question), but they did not ask Biden the same question.
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Whilst I’ve no intention of watching any of it, because it is basically irrelevant to us in England.
On the news there was an opinion that Biden scored points by attacking Trump for being a felon.

It does appear that Trump missed a trick there.
He should have gone straight back and said “Hey Joe remind me. Did your son go to jail on the drug and gun charges, or is he still waiting to hear about his sentence?”
Cotswald, most of my friends didn't watch it either because it likely would not change anyones mind on how they vote. I was mainly interested in how the chosen format would work as agreed upon. I thought cnn did a good job, but now i wonder if there will be a push for joe not to run and let someone else step in.

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