Are you an atheist?

Are you an atheist?

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It may not be polite Barry, but you were talking shite, and Alisa has clarified herself to be an idiot? Sorry I should have said nothing and let you both get on with it?

I forgot, so remiss of me. However I think you forgot to add "in my opinion" whatever that's worth.....

However judging by the various comments here your ignorance, lack of manners and any humility together with your pigheaded inability to see anyone else's point of view are accepted as a given. Sadly you appear to be the only person unaware of this.
I forgot, so remiss of me. However I think you forgot to add "in my opinion" whatever that's worth.....

However judging by the various comments here your ignorance, lack of manners and any humility together with your pigheaded inability to see anyone else's point of view are accepted as a given. Sadly you appear to be the only person unaware of this.

One should take these things on the chin. You may be right Barry.

Doesn't negate the possibility of you talking shite though? I don't know why you took this suggestion so badly?
Just because you later deleted it doesn't mean you didn't say it.
I certainly can remember a post suggesting someone was suffering from Aspergers. I am pretty sure it was Pauldohert referring to Alisa.
Just because you later deleted it doesn't mean you didn't say it.

Yes its the fact that that I didn't say it that means I didn't say it.

Alisa, If you really can't grasp what is meant by mike by sales - I would visit a doctor and say you have the linguistic traits of an aspergers sufferer. I mean that in a nice way. You may get help.

So if Alisa has got a diagnosis of Aspergers, it wasn't from me. The fact that she thinks I did give her that diagnosis would support my suggestion!
It may not be polite Barry, but you were talking shite, and Alisa has clarified herself to be an idiot? Sorry I should have said nothing and let you both get on with it?

There's your usual good catholic christian response:rolleyes:
There's your usual good catholic christian response:rolleyes:
Rich, you really ought to realise that Paul's interpretation of Christianity is so typical of the attitude that have made many of us seriously look at our beliefs and come to the conclusions we have.
Rich, you really ought to realise that Paul's interpretation of Christianity is so typical of the attitude that have made many of us seriously look at our beliefs and come to the conclusions we have.

You won't find me in a church except for a wedding or funeral, so perhaps you should take another look at your beliefs? :-)

What interpretation do I have anyhow?
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Why claim to be a Christian then?

I was baptised? Doesn't mean I have been near a church for a couple of decades.

Its quite simple really?

Maybe its my lack of Christianity since a child that leads to my attitude - thats one for rabbie to ponder and examine his beliefs, thats if he wasn't just being facetious.
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I was baptised? Doesn't mean I have been near a church for a couple of decades.

Its quite simple really?

Maybe its my lack of Christianity since a child that leads to my attitude - thats one for rabbie to ponder and examine his beliefs, thats if he wasn't just being facetious.

Ah so by your definition simply being baptised makes you a Christian, not in my book it doesn't
Ah so by your definition simply being baptised makes you a Christian, not in my book it doesn't

Hmm , I'm not convinced either.

But it was Rabbie and yourself who were.

Glad to have clarified the issue for you!
It is you who claims to be a Christian, not me or Rabbie for that matter:rolleyes:

As I said I am glad I cleared it up for you.

Where was it that I claimed to be Christian anyhow that led to the confusion, perhaps you misunderstood. Perhaps I was unclear.

It is now clarified though?
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As I said I am glad I cleared it up for you.

Where was it that I claimed to be Christian anyhow that led to the confusion, perhaps you misunderstood. Perhaps I was unclear.

It is now clarified though?
It must have been your knee-jerk reaction to defend the Catholic church coupled with your reaction to Alisa's remark about the Spaghetti Monster which gave the impression you were a Christian. :)
It must have been your knee-jerk reaction to defend the Catholic church coupled with your reaction to Alisa's remark about the Spaghetti Monster which gave the impression you were a Christian.

If it was based solely on that - then you could be easily misled.

Theres no Christianity needed for either of the above.
Just noticed this story. Not sure how Christians will interpret this. Is it just coincidence as I think or is it proof that Islam is the true religion?

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