Are you an atheist?

Are you an atheist?

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Oh golly, I think you made a little error in your spelling there. I wonder if anyone might notice? :D
I didn't see a spelling error. perhaps you as a witch are better at detecting them:D
I didn't see a spelling error. perhaps you as a witch are better at detecting them:D

Don't know Rabbie, as I get older I'm more prone to spells of occassional clarity than frequent clarity, although I doubt I could prove it in a court of law lol.
I didn't see a spelling error. perhaps you as a witch are better at detecting them:D

Maybe they spell PROVE differently over there :p
I am sad to see that the number "believer" votes on the poll now outweights the number of "nonbeliever" votes. I must be slacking off!

I think this discussion has been far too apolitical so far, and I intend to fix that. Last week, there was a perfect example of why I am against religion specifically, and belief in an all powerful god in general. Obama and McCain sat down with Rick Warren to answer the questions about faith, as if that has anything to do with electing a president.

When asked about evil, and what we should do about it, Obama gave the right answer: that we must confront evil, but we should be humble because a lot of evil is perpetrated in the name of combatting evil. McCain gave the wrong answer: defeat it.

Why is it that people constantly insinuate that Obama isn't "really" a christian, but they never say that about McCain? Didn't Jesus say turn the other cheek? Isn't it more "Christian" to be humble about our ability to defeat evil? Isn't it divine to forgive? If Christians really believe in an all powerful god, then why hasn't he defeated evil already? Why has he left it up to a doddering old man who can't even remember how many houses he owns?
I am sad to see that the number "believer" votes on the poll now outweights the number of "nonbeliever" votes. I must be slacking off!
Unless of course the poll was rigged by someone having a nervous breakdown:eek:
Are you saying that that guy Rich made many spelling errors and thus it must be him:confused:

No, you gave us all the other indicators, your insight, your poor attempts (like this one) to veil your identity, your style, your sense of humor, your smiles, your woes, your highs, your lows...

Oh wait a minute, I almost broke out in song.
As a tolerant Atheist I respect the right of people to believe what they like. What I object to is the tendency to group together and enforce their beliefs on other people. It's not believers that are the problem, it's organised religion thinking they can force their beliefs on to society.
Oh wait a minute, I almost broke out in song.

What something like singing high,high,high, singing low,lowlow, wondering why,why,why, did she go,go,go
of course there is another option that other people from around the world also have a sense of humour.......................
As a tolerant Atheist I respect the right of people to believe what they like. What I object to is the tendency to group together and enforce their beliefs on other people. It's not believers that are the problem, it's organised religion thinking they can force their beliefs on to society.

As a cynical atheist, I have come to believe that you can't have people who "believe" without ALSO having the group enforcment affect. I don't think you can have believers without organized religion, or at least, it has never happened before.

Exhibit A: the republican party of the U.S. has been fatally infected with christian fundamentalists who now dicate everything from which candidates are nominated to which countries we go to war with. The strain of infection is so virulent that the career of any republican who attempts to plow his or her own road is immediately ended, and it is so contagious that it is even begining to infect the democratic party.
Unless of course the poll was rigged by someone having a nervous breakdown:eek:

Actually come to think of it, I believe Rich and Mike did vote on this poll before, and I don't see their names up there. Maybe the loss of those votes accounts for the change.
What something like singing high,high,high, singing low,lowlow, wondering why,why,why, did she go,go,go
of course there is another option that other people from around the world also have a sense of humour.......................

I know you have a sense of humour, Rich (notice the spelling), that's what I like about you (another song). The actual song was "I've Grown Accustomed to Her Face" from "My Fair Lady". It was my very poor attempt at humor.
I know you have a sense of humour, Rich (notice the spelling), .

It's rather odd because I've never corrected anybody on the main boards on their spelling, I've jumped to the defence of many on the main boards when their native language is not based on any version of English and someone else has picked them up for it
If I can throw my tuppence in, I simple believe young people are often brought up to believe in Santa, the tooth fairy, and perhaps even God. Older people sometimes then go on to believe that God still exists, simply because we can't prove otherwise. And if we dare to think otherwise, the consequences are terrifying!

IMO, it all comes from fiction, fantasy and various forms of manipulation throughout history.
If I can throw my tuppence in, I simple believe young people are often brought up to believe in Santa, the tooth fairy, and perhaps even God. Older people sometimes then go on to believe that God still exists, simply because we can't prove otherwise. And if we dare to think otherwise, the consequences are terrifying!

IMO, it all comes from fiction, fantasy and various forms of manipulation throughout history.
We can't proove that Santa doesn't exist either, it's just a rumour started by bloody kids!
If I can throw my tuppence in, I simple believe young people are often brought up to believe in Santa, the tooth fairy, and perhaps even God. Older people sometimes then go on to believe that God still exists, simply because we can't prove otherwise. And if we dare to think otherwise, the consequences are terrifying!

IMO, it all comes from fiction, fantasy and various forms of manipulation throughout history.

I can't prove that Santa doesn't exist. Can you? And the consequences of not believing in him, i.e., not getting any presents, are pretty terrifying.

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